O boala rara la varsta a 2a

The story of Gabriela

Sa ai o boala rara este o incercare si pentru pacient si pentru doctori.
Eu, la 63 de ani, m-am trezit intr-o dimineata cu pleoapa cazuta la ochiul stang. Pentru ca nu-mi deranja vedera si pentru ca la varsta mea nu prea te uiti atent in oglinda, nu am sesizat-o. Cei de la serviciu mi-au atras atentia.
Se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului, dar ei sunt si fereastra prin care ne uitam in cap.
Pleoapa cazuta putea insemna multe lucruri nefavorabile care se petrec in creier. Deci examinari peste examinari pentru aflarea diagnosticului. Am avut norocul ca n-a durat foarte mult, mai ales ca au aparut tulburarile de deglutitie si de articulare a cuvintelor.
Diagnosticul stabilit: Miastenia Gravis.
In ciuda faptului ca sunt medic stomatolog, nu stiam prea multe despre aceasta boala. Este o boala rara!
Sigur, adjectivul din definitia bolii inspaimanta. Nu ti se explica ca boala a fost descrisa prima data acum peste doua secole, cand nu exista tratament si, intr-adevar, in ultima instanta, era o boala letala.
Apoi organismul si psihicul incepe sa se obisnuiasca cu boala. Este recomandat chiar sa te imprietenesti cu ea si sa vezi ca exista totusi avantaje. Nu exista, de cele mai multe ori, durere. Exista tratament tintit, accesibil si in doze acceptabile, fara urmari dramatice.
Calitatea vietii nu se schimba dramatic in cazul unor simptome usoare spre medii. Un stil de viata igienico-dietetic correct este usor de respectat.
Da, boala este rara si pacientul este chemat sa-si cunoasca bine boala pentru ca sunt putini cei ce o cunosc.
Mi s-a spus ca persoanele cu miastenia gravis sunt ca fulgii de zapada, nu seaman intre ei. Deci mai mult ca niciodata se aplica dictonul din medicina care zice ca nu se trateaza boli ci bolnavi.
Va doresc tuturor multa sanatate si o convietuire armonioasa cu boala, doar suntem cu totii niste exceptionali!


Having a rare disease is an attempt for both the patient and the doctors.
At the age of 63, I woke up one morning with my eyelid drooping in my left eye. Because I didn’t mind the sight and because at my age you don’t look closely in the mirror, I didn’t notice it. Those at work caught my eye.
It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but they are also the window through which we look in the head.
Fallen eyelids could mean many unfavorable things happening in the brain. So exams after exams to find out the diagnosis. I was lucky that it didn’t last very long, especially since the swallowing and articulation disorders appeared.
Established diagnosis: Myasthenia Gravis.
Despite being a dentist, I didn’t know much about this disease. It is a rare disease!
Of course, the adjective in the definition of the disease is frightening. It is not explained to you that the disease was first described two centuries ago, when there was no treatment and, indeed, in the last resort, it was a lethal disease.
Then the body and psyche begin to get used to the disease. It is even recommended to make friends with her and see that there are still advantages. There is often no pain. There is targeted treatment, accessible and in acceptable doses, without dramatic consequences.
The quality of life does not change dramatically in the case of mild to mild symptoms. A proper hygienic-dietary lifestyle is easy to follow.
Yes, the disease is rare and the patient is called to know his disease well because there are few who know it.
I’ve been told that people with myasthenia gravis are like snowflakes, they don’t look alike. So more than ever the medical saying applies that it is not a disease but a disease.
I wish you all good health and a harmonious coexistence with the disease, we are all exceptional!