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¿Enfermedades raras? La realidad detrás de los datos...

22 Feb 2024 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Café y tertulia científica con el Dr. Luis Figuera, quien es experto en enfermedades raras (ER). Platicaremos en un ambiente...

Pledge Your Support for Rare Diseases! Rare Disease Day is held annually on the last day of February, it is...

Los invitamos al III Foro Internacional de Enfermedades Raras Día:           28 febrero 2023 Hora: de  9:00 am...

In the run-up of Rare Disease Day, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative presents: No Ordinary Campaign at the Presidio Theatre in San...

To mark Rare Disease Day today, we are pleased to release the now 10th episode of our podcast series, “Rare Diseases and...

On February 28, at 4:00 p.m., we will hold a webinar “Rare diseases in the practice of family doctors: what...

"Rare Music 4 Rare Diseases" Concert

24 Feb 2023 Hesperange, Luxembourg

ALAN and the council of Hesperange invite to the concert “Rare Music 4 Rare Diseases”, on the 24th of February...


28 Feb 2023 Madrid, Spain


"Sorrisi rari"

18 Feb 2023 Roma, Italy

In occasione del mese delle malattie rare, i volontari e le famiglie a contatto con la Sclerosi tuberosa hanno pensato...


18 Feb 2024 Kigali, Rwanda

18 February, 2024, it will be a car free day in Kigali-Rwanda, so we will take that opportunity to make...

“Che ruggito piccolo leone!”

28 Feb 2023 Rosà (Vi), Italy

Ogni anno scolastico, nella Scuola dell’infanzia “Gli Aquiloni” Istituto Comprensivo “A. G. Roncalli” Rosà (Vi) vengono proposte all’interno delle sezioni...

Delve into the complexities of apraxia of speech with a distinguished panel featuring Dr. Angela Morgan, Dr. Ruth Stoeckel, and...

«La Conversación»

16 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

«La Conversación» es una serie de entrevistas a destacados científicos médicos dedicados con pasión a mejorar la calidad de vida...

«Tenemos todo el tiempo para escucharlos»

25 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

«Tenemos todo el tiempo para escucharlos» será un evento en el que, por primera vez en todo el mundo y...

L’Institut Imagine annonce son prochain #GénéTalks : le rendez-vous incontournable des passionnés de génétique   L’Institut Imagine, leader mondial dans...

Un changement de lettre dans le code génétique peut faire basculer une vie. Une mutation suffit à altérer un processus...


28 Feb 2023 to 7 Mar 2023

The Lupin Neurosciences team worked with people living with NDM to develop the #LetsMove4NDM challenge to raise public awareness of...

#LightUpforRare Cavan Court House

28 Feb 2023 Cavan, Ireland

#LightUpforRare at 7:30pm


1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023

Nous lançons le challenge #partagetescouleurs, cela consiste pour la journée internationale des maladies rares de partager jusqu’au 28 février, –...

#RAREis One Webinar

29 Feb 2024

Join us on Rare Disease Day, Thursday, February 29 at 11:30 a.m. ET for the #RAREis One webinar to hear...

OVERVIEW On Rare Disease Day 2023, Rare Diseases International (RDI) invites you to “#SeeRare”, a virtual event showcasing the breadth...

#ShareYourColours Denim Walk

4 Mar 2023 Johannesburg, South Africa

We’re so excited to be celebrating Rare Disease Day 2023! Please join us for an early evening Denim Walk in...


12 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024

This February, Lupin Neurosciences, a division of Lupin Atlantis Holdings SA, embarks on a mission to raise awareness for Non-Dystrophic...

Evento finale della campagna di sensibilizzazione in cui ripercorreremo le iniziative del mese dedicato alle malattie rare e ci proietteremo...

Giovedì 1 febbraio dall’Auditorium del Ministero della Salute UNIAMO – Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare lancerà la campagna #UNIAMOleforze: più di...


3 Mar 2024 APARECIDA, Brazil

A 1ª Corrida Nacional Inclusiva dos Raros é uma iniciativa da Casa de Saúde Nossa Senhora dos Raros, da Associação...

Patients with rare diseases followed in our Medical Genetics Clinic and families will be invited to the event. There will...


19 Feb 2024 to 28 Feb 2024 Kigali, Rwanda

Rare diseases awareness in schools: “10days for rare (10DAYS4RARE)” Sharing lessons on rare diseases in schools: “Living with a rare...

Dans le cadre des journées de sensibilisation, et à l’occasion de la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares 2023, l’Association Espoir...

11. KMSK Wissens-Forum Seltene Krankheiten

2 Mar 2024 6005 Luzern, Switzerland

ZUSAMMENSPIEL ZWISCHEN ELTERN, ÄRZTEN UND WEITEREN AKTEUREN Der Förderverein für Kinder mit seltenen Krankheiten feiert sein zehnjähriges Jubiläum und lädt...

11. KMSK Wissens-Forum Seltene Krankheiten

2 Mar 2024 6005 Luzern, Switzerland

Wissenstransfer Seltene Krankheiten: ❤️🐸 Der Förderverein für Kinder mit seltenen Krankheit feiert sein zehnjähriges Jubiläum und lädt am 2. 3.2024...

11th Annual Rare Disease Symposium

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Birmingham, AL, United States

Register to attend the 11th Annual Rare Disease Symposium on Feb. 29 – March 1! This is a hybrid event,...

Konferenz und Stände von Patientenorganisationen.

Conférences avec présence de stands d’association de patients

Anualmente el mundo dedica el último día del mes de febrero para pensar en estas patologías. Colombia se une a...

17^ Giornata delle Malattie Rare 2024

27 Feb 2024 Milan, Italy

PREMESSA L’evento ha la finalità di celebrare la giornata delle malattie rare. Il convegno intende delinearsi come occasione per affrontare,...

17th RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Sopron, Hungary

The National Association of People with Rare and Congenital Disorders (RIROSZ) has now organized World Rare Diseases Day for the...

O Evento irá reunir, pacientes, associações de paciente, gestores públicos, profissionais, familiares, amigos e parceiros que se somam em uma...

➡️ 1/15 000 enfant est touché par l’aplasie majeur de(s) l’oreille(s). ➡️ Environ 4 500 personnes en France, car on...

1st International UAE Rare Disease Society Congress

25 Feb 2023 to 26 Feb 2023 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

On behalf of Prof. Fatma Al Jasmi, Congress President, and the Organizing Committee of the 1st International UAE Rare Disease Society Congress, under the...

1st Student Conference on Rare Diseases

29 Feb 2024 Gdańsk, Poland

Falling once every four years, February 29 is the rarest day of the year. On that very day, in the...

Information and sensibilization to rare diseases in terms of public health and ethics.

2023 Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 Boston, United States

Join MassBio as we mark the annual Rare Disease Day at the Statehouse by bringing attention to the groundbreaking, patient-focused...

From February 27 to March 5, 2023, the MATIO Foundation for the 22nd time organizes a social campaign under the...

28 days...a rare journey

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023, Cyprus

A post will be uploaded on a daily basis with statistical information about rare diseases and testimonies from our members,...

CEBRAS MÉXICO Y MUJER MÉXICO en conjunto con el Congreso Legislativo de Quintana Roo, la Comisión de Salud y Asistencia...

Se lleva a cabo el 2do Foro de Enfermedades Raras en México “Mayor Visibilidad, Mayor Oportunidad de Vida” Organizado por...

l’Alliance Algérienne contre les Maladies Rares organise en partenariat avec les laboratoires Pfizer une rencontre des groupes de patients des...

2nd European Congress of Neurology and Neuropsychiatry

19 Feb 2024 to 20 Feb 2024 London , United Kingdom

We are delighted to welcome you to the 2nd European Congress of Neurology and Neuropsychiatry which will take place on...

2nd International UAE Rare Disease Society Congress

29 Feb 2024 to 2 Mar 2024 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Our inaugural congress witnessed groundbreaking discussions, profound insights, and remarkable advancements in the understanding and management of rare diseases. Building...

2nd Saudi Rare Disease Summit

16 Feb 2024 to 17 Feb 2024 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Rare Disease Summit is a unique platform that explore the area of rare diseases and fosters collaboration among...

Jornada nacional e internacional de enfermedades huérfanas/raras, para esta ocasión con el protagonismo de quienes tienen una relación directa con...


1 Mar 2024 Valencia Edo Carabobo Venezuela, Venezuela

Dirigido a profesionales de la salud, estudiantes, pacientes, cuidadores y publico en general.

La Red Mexicana de Enfermedades Raras (ReMexER) y el Laboratorio Internacional de Investigación sobre el Genoma Humano se unen a...


28 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 Athens, Greece

3rd International Conference on Rare Diseases: Greek Chapter ‘’Leveraging the momentum for a comprehensive rare disease strategy’’ In the context...

The Red Mexicana de Enfermedades Raras (ReMexER), the International Laboratory for Human Genome Research (LIIGH, UNAM) and the Colaborativa para...

5th Annual Rare Disease Day Event

24 Feb 2024 Grand Rapids, MI 49546, United States

Calvin University, Corewell Health/Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, MSU College of Human Medicine and Van Andel Institute will host its 5th...

8th Annual Rare Disease Day virtual race

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023

Join us for our 8th annual Rare Disease Day virtual race to benefit the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)...

Patients with Rare Diseses could send happy photos about themseves and were judged by representatives of media for prizes. The...

Join us for an insightful discussion with Dr. Cora Taylor as she shares valuable insights into behavioral interventions tailored for...

Get ready for a deep dive into understanding the roles of genetic counselors, genetic testing, and the array of resources...


29 Feb 2024 FORT MACLEOD, Canada


Il Comune di Arenzano illuminerà la torre dell’orologio di Palazzo Sant’Antonio

Accendiamo le luci sulle malattie rare

29 Feb 2024 Il Comune di Arenzano, Italy

Arenzano, anche quest’anno, ha aderito al RareDiseaseDay, la giornata mondiale dedicata alle malattie rare che sarà celebrata in tutto il...

Anche quest’anno il Comune di Arenzano aderirà alla giornata denominata “Accendiamo le luci sulle malattie rare” in data 29/02/2024 illluminando...

Palazzo Sant’Antonio

Illuminazione delle mura del Castello dei Conti di Acerra con i colori della Giornata delle malattie rare 2024

Illuminazione delle mura del Castello Dei Conti con i colori della Giornata delle malattie rare 2024, a cura del Comune...

We are excited to invite you to Rare Disease Day 2023 in Calgary on February 26, 2023! If you are...

Desde la Alianza de Familias afectadas por el Síndrome de Wolfram (AFASW) nos sumamos a la conmemoración del Día Mundial...

Scientific Congress with Dissemination and Dissemination of Scientific Research Results for EEC Syndrome. Study of an eye drops for the...

Facilitar el acceso a los recursos especializados; aplicar la cobertura de los tratamientos (más allá de los medicamentos); es una...

le associazioni A.I.D. – Kartagener Onlus ed A.Ma.R.A.M. Aps, celebreranno la Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Rare 2023 organizzando l’incontro dal...

Ågrenska lyser upp för det sällsynta

28 Feb 2023 Hovås, Sweden

På måndag lyser himlen upp lite extra över Lilla Amundön när Ågrenska uppmärksammar Sällsynta dagen. Ågrenska gör då gemensam sak...

Ågrenska lyser upp för det sällsynta!

29 Feb 2024 Göteborg, Sweden

Ågrenska arrangerar ett festligt Sällsynta dagen-disco för de familjer som deltar i vår familjevistelse den veckan. Dessutom kommer vårt karakteristiska...

Alamo Quarry Market Lights Up for Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 San Antonio, United States

The Alamo Quarry Market is participating in the #LightUpForRareCampaign and will illuminate the smoke stacks for Rare Disease Day

ALD Makes Me Blue

1 Feb 2023

ALD Makes Me Blue is a collaborative fundraising coalition among international ALD organizations. It is the “Brain Child” of a...

All You Need is Love

11 Feb 2024 Montreal, Canada

We are thrilled to invite you and your family to our special Valentine’s event, « All You Need is Love », hosted...

Amleto è mio fratello

29 Feb 2024 Viterbo, Italy

Proiezione del film “Amleto è mio fratello” di Framcesco Giuffrè, fra gli attori un socio di Associazione Italiana Sindorme X...

Rare Diseases Awareness Day activities were held at Ankara University Rare Diseases Application and Research Center with the participation of...

Anniversary Event in support of Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Naperville, United States

Join us for an evening celebrating Ellce Home’s 3rd year in our downtown Naperville showroom in which we will feature...

Annual RD Community Potluck

25 Feb 2024 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

A gathering of individuals and families from the rare disease community in the northern region of Malaysia ie Perak, Pulau...


23 Feb 2024 Milano, Italy

23 febbraio 2024, 17:00 CET Conosciamoci! Raccontiamoci! Un incontro per pazienti CIDP e GBS in collegamento Zoom con il Prof....

Arrío de la Bandera Nacional - 2024 - Argentina

29 Feb 2024 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Arrío de la Bandera Nacional en el Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes.

Art contest 2023

28 Feb 2023 to 30 May 2023 Paris, France

Our international art contest is organized by the Rare disease network of the René Touraine foundation. It is an opportunity...

ART4RARE 2023 - Annual Art Contest

1 Dec 2022 to 28 Feb 2023 Herndon, Worldwide

IndoUSrare invites submissions from artists all over the globe for our Annual Rare Art Contest, ART4RARE 2023. This year’s theme...

The event puts together patients, specialists and journalists to raise awareness on rare diseases, diagnostic, access and prevention for next...

ASBBI - Guide dogs & Lifeguard dogs.

25 Feb 2024 CARNATE (Mb) - ITALY., Italy

The ACSN is dedicated to the training of lifeguard dogs and their handlers. Also there will be a demonstration of...

Ask the Doctor About Lymphoma is a two-hour program that combines a presentation by a medical doctor with an extensive...

Presentazione dei progetti delle associazioni di pazienti che si occupano di malattie rare

Ausstellung "Selten Allein"

13 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Erfurt, Germany

Die Kunstaktion »Selten allein« … zeigt Selbstporträts, die Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (SE) in den letzten Monaten und Jahren gemalt,...

Ausstellung "Selten Allein"

21 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Dresden, Germany

Die Kunstaktion »Selten allein« … zeigt Selbstporträts, die Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (SE) in den letzten Monaten und Jahren gemalt,...

Ausstellung "Selten Allein"

21 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Mainz, Germany

Die Kunstaktion »Selten allein« … zeigt Selbstporträts, die Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (SE) in den letzten Monaten und Jahren gemalt,...

Ausstellung "Selten Allein"

22 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Berlin, Germany

Die Kunstaktion »Selten allein« … zeigt Selbstporträts, die Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (SE) in den letzten Monaten und Jahren gemalt,...

Ausstellung "Selten Allein"

24 Feb 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Mannheim, Germany

Die Kunstaktion »Selten allein« … zeigt Selbstporträts, die Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (SE) in den letzten Monaten und Jahren gemalt,...

Awareness day of pediatric rare diseases

28 Feb 2023 Triploi, Libya

Let us be together, empowering rare patients and their families to be rare, strong, and proud.


28 Feb 2023 Buena park, United States

We are gathering at Southwest Mountain States Carpenters Union Local 714 support of Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases.

Be part of the Rare Day Film

29 Feb 2024 to 17 Mar 2024 Manchester, United Kingdom

On International Rare Disease Day 2024 we are asking people around the world to capture a simple clip of something...

Rare diseases are gaining traction as a pressing health priority worldwide. We have now seen the first-ever UN Resolution on...

Bike 4 Rare Disease Day 2024

17 Feb 2024 Ferrara , Italy

🇮🇹 #BIKE4RAREDISEASEDAY 2024: Ferrara-San Luca 😎 Torna la social ride dedicata alla Giornata delle Malattie Rare, che si celebra ogni...


26 Feb 2023 Ferrara , Italy

In occasione della Giornata delle Malattie Rare (che si celebra l’ultimo giorno di febbraio) domenica 26 febbraio si terrà il...

Bloco do Xulé Xêroso

24 Feb 2024 Uberlândia, Brazil

Bloco do Xulé Xêroso é um evento de conscientização sobre as doenças raras que se aproveita de outra data bem...

BOKS vzw laat EDELWEISS klinken

28 Feb 2023 BEVEREN-WAAS, Belgium

Klankjorum zingt het liedje EDELWEISS. Hiervan is een filmpje gemaakt om de boodschap van zeldzame ziektendag te verspreiden via social...


Brno celebrates Rare Disease Day 2024

22 Feb 2024 Brno, Czech Republic

Seminar for health professionals, university and high school students, patients with rare diseases, caregivers and the public. Free admission. Limited...

Broadcast of the RDD radio spot – Antena 3 radio for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD radio spot – Radio RFM for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD TV spot – Canal Q for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD TV spot – Porto Canal for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD TV spot – RTP2, RTP Memória and RTP3 – Portuguese national TV channels for Rare Disease Day in...

Broadcast of the RDD TV spot – Sporting TV for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video – Brandstore advertising screens for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video – Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video – Hospital da Luz, Lisbon for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video – Serviços Sociais da Câmara Municipal Lisboa, Lisbon for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Broadcast of the RDD video / Posters – Carris buses, Lisbon for Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Building Illumination

29 Feb 2024 All cities, Cyprus

Cyprus Alliance for Rare Disorders and the National Commitee for Rare Diseases co-organise the illumination of various buildins. Kick-off event...

An educational program to learn more about a treatment in Cold Agglutinin Disease (CAD). Hear from a patient speaker living...

Cake Decorating Championship 2023.

28 Feb 2023 Budapest, Hungary

This is a cake decorating championship in cooperation with Roche Hungária Kft. The main topic is: Show your Colours. The...

Caminata por las enfermedades raras

24 Feb 2024 San Luis Potosí , Mexico

Realizar una caminata para llevar el mensaje a más personas


26 Feb 2024 San Martino Valle Caudina(AV), Italy

I bambini del catechismo cantano a sostegno delle malattie rare. Illuminazione monumento


Papa Francesco riceve in udienza privata una delegazione di UNIAMO – Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare Presenti oggi in Vaticano 100...

“Una luz por las raras” es el nombre con el cual la organización del Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023...

El municipio de #Calarcá se une a la campaña mundial #UnaLuzPorLasRaras iluminando el Edificio de las Empresas Públicas de Calarcá...

El Puerto de Buenaventura se suma a la conmemoración del Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras. Uno de sus íconos arquitectónicos,...

Campaña por el Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras

25 Feb 2023 Carmen de La Legua Reynoso, Lima, Peru

Campaña de Difusión, actividades recreativas y encuentro personas con enfermedades raras y sus familias. Promovido por Asociación Peruana de Pacientes...

CamRARE's Rare-i-Tea Party

3 Mar 2024 Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CamRARE) invite you to join our community to celebrate Rare Disease Day 2024 at the wonderful...

CareForRare support group webinar

22 Feb 2023 manama, Bahrain

Dear All We would like to invite you to join us and attend the “CareForRare Support Group” webinar on 22nd...

Our first event in our five-part series launches in honor of Rare Disease Day on February 19. This event will...


2 Mar 2024 BERGAMO, Italy

Sabato 2 marzo, in occasione della Celebrazione della Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Rare (29 febbraio 2024), la Fondazione A.R.M.R ha...

Carry Hope 2023 7.7KM Walk-A-Jog Challenge

26 Feb 2023 Sports Hub, 100PLUS Promenade , Singapore

We will be flagging off the campaign with the clocking of the 7.7KM run, or a choice of a 4KM...

Carry Hope 2024

7 Jan 2024 to 25 Feb 2024 Singapore, Singapore

Carry Hope is the annual rare disease awareness and fundraising campaign of the Rare Disorders Society (Singapore), or RDSS, in...

Casa dos Raros - Portas Abertas

29 Feb 2024 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The House of Rares (Casa Dos Raros) will be opening its doors to welcome the rare disease community, families, professionals,...

Celebrating Rare Disease Day 2024

29 Feb 2024 GEORGETOWN, Malaysia

A colouring competition will be held from 1 Jan to 20 Feb 2024 for all ages. This is follow by...

Celebration of Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Prague, Czech Republic

Celebration for people with RDs on this special day. We will celebrate by attending to a theatre play on the...

Charla científica "Terapia Génica "

28 Feb 2023 Montevideo , Uruguay

Charla científica que se trasmite por el canal Para informar de manera responsable sobre los últimos avances de la...

Charla con experiencias de familias atravesadas por una EPOF

29 Feb 2024 Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Se acerca el gran día ! El 29 de Febrero es el Dia Mundial de las Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes (...

Es un evento dirigido a pacientes y familiares de personas con enfermedades raras; que busca motivar a la población a...

Charla enfermedades raras

27 Feb 2024 Quito, Ecuador

Charla de la Dra. Mattos sobre las enfermedades raras. Escúchanos a través de nuestra radio online

Charla introductoria sobre las enfermedades raras

Charla Virtual ” PREPARANDO LA PIEL PARA EL MAÑANA ” en pacientes con Malformación Anorrectal y Hirschsprung. Desde @amar.asociacion_padres, queremos...

Rarus Health SPA y FECHER organizará un seminario web especial para pacientes, cuidadores y especialistas de salud. En palabras sencillas,...

Join Congenital Hyperinsulinism International as we gather to share stories and experiences of patients and families with congenital hyperinsulinism worldwide....

Children's Hospital & Medical Center - Omaha, NE

28 Feb 2023 Omaha, United States

The hospital is lighting up for Rare Disease Day 2023!

Choroby rzadkie wcale nie są rzadkie! Zmagają się z nimi miliony ludzi w Polsce i na całym świecie. Dlatego 28...

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Supports and Celebrates Rare!

27 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Cincinnati, United States

Share Your Colors and Show Your Stripes on Rare Disease Day! A collaborative group of divisions within Cincinnati Children’s Hospital...


28 Feb 2023 7700 Mouscron, Belgium

Le 28 Février prochain, journée mondiale des maladies rares, notre association organisera dès 19:30 au Cinéma For&ver un ciné-débat ayant...

Closing conference RDD2023

1 Mar 2023 Bucharest, Romania

The final conference will bring together all the partners that organized events and awareness campaigns during February and will present...

Coffee Morning hosted by Rare Ireland Family Support Network – an opportunity for families to meet up on Rare Disease...

Coffee Morning hosted by Rare Ireland Family Support Network – an opportunity for families to meet up on Rare Disease...

Coffee Morning hosted by Rare Ireland Family Support Network – an opportunity for families to meet up on Rare Disease...

Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Star of the Day

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023

Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Association, Romania is organizing a social media campaign to raise awareness on this rare disease. Each day of...

Cold Dip in aid of Rare Ireland

24 Feb 2024 Clare, Ireland

Cold Water Dip in aid of Rare Ireland. Rare Ireland (RI) is a parent run charity, supporting families living with...

Colloque Scientifique Maladies Rares - Strasbourg

28 Feb 2023 Strasbourg, France

Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares, la Fondation Maladies Rares, la plateforme d’expertise Maladies Rares « Est Rare », et leurs partenaires, dont SENSGENE,...

Colorado Rare Disease Day Celebration

29 Feb 2024 Denver, United States

Colorado, join us on the east steps of the Capitol at 1:30PM on February 29th for a picture at 2:00PM...


26 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024

This campaign is aimed at the public and is a joint action by the pharmaceutical and health companies Alexion, Chiesi,...

colourUp4RARE Live-Event

28 Feb 2023 80331 München, Germany

For Rare Disease Day 2023, Alexion Germany in partnership with CBT, MSD_Deutschland, Novartis-Deutschland, Takeda, UCB and supported by Ravensburger will...

colourUp4RARE public event

29 Feb 2024 Munich, Germany

Public live event in Munich’s city centre in the shopping hotspot Hofstatt on 29 February 2024, starting at 01:00 pm,...

💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️ 28 FEBBRAIO – GIORNATA DELLE MALATTIE RARE 💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️ Abbiamo pensato ad una puntata speciale per tutti voi: 👩‍⚕️COME SI...

Community campaign

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Zalau and all the country, Romania

PLWRD and their organizations will organize awareness events in schools, art exhibitions, will illuminate buildings, houses etc.

Concorso "Parla di CMT"

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023

Per celebrare la Giornata delle malattie rare 2023, ACMT-Rete, associazione di pazienti affetti da Charcot-Marie-Tooth, promuove il concorso «Parla di...

Los alumnos de la materia de Genética y Medicina Genómica participarán en nuestro concurso de redes sociales en señal de...

Panel discussions and clinical presentations for patients and healthcare professionals. The aim is to lead information sessions and fruitful discussions...

La conferencia correrá a cargo de la doctora Berta de la Cerda Haynes y el doctor Álvaro Plaza Reyes, investigadores...

Conferinta nationala Ziua bolilor rare 2023, Timisoara

24 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Timisoara, Romania

Iluminarea cladirilor, expozitii de fotografie, de pictura, Conferinta nationala Ziua bolilor rare 2023, Timisoara

Join us on Zoom for a Rare Disease Day Gathering with members and friends of the hyperinsulinism community on Thursday,...

Aliados Proyecto Colaborativo Ruta de Enfermedades Huérfanas

Conmemoración Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023 Aliados proyecto Colaborativo Ruta de Enfermedades Huérfanas Parque espíritu del Manglar. Playón Del...

Conmemoración Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023 ACPEIM y Universitario San Ignacio

Conmemoración Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023

Mesa técnica de enfermedades huérfanas de Cali, CIAFER, FECOER, organizaciones sociales del Valle del Cauca y Aliados Proyecto Colaborativo Ruta...

Conmemoración Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023

Conmemoración Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023

Iniciativa Pensemos en Cebras México, Fundación Mujer México, Angelman México. 👉Sumando esfuerzos con el Gobierno del Estado de México, la...

Connecting Hands, Connecting Rare

29 Feb 2024 Calgary, Canada

We are excited to invite you to our Rare Disease Day event in Calgary on February 29, 2024! Our theme...

El 28 de febrero se celebra el Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras y para conmemorar este día y darle...

Conociendo más de las raras

2 Mar 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Mesa de Enfermedades raras para Antioquia y Red de Técnica por las Enfermedades Huérfanas de Antioquia

convegno descriviAMO la rarità

23 Feb 2024 montesarchio , Italy

Momento d’incontro con le famiglie rare e il mndo delle istituzioni

Conversatorio por la conmemoración del Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras

Cores Raras

18 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 São Paulo, Brazil

Potencialidades Raras Somos um grupo de 10 mulheres raras com potencialidades diversas entre nós. Nos unimos para mostrar ao mundo...

16 years ago we were starting a journey with an unforeseen destination, entering with small steps into a world full...

Danzando per arrivare….come un palloncino al cielo. Scuola di danza Giselle diretta da Gioia Concetta ore 18:30 ILLUMINAZIONE FONTANA DI...

Dare. Love. Share: Raising Rare Disease Awareness Towards Equity in Healthcare

28 Feb 2023 to 25 Mar 2023 Dasmariñas City, Cavite, Philippines

Students of De La Salle University-Dasmarinas’ Master of Sustainable Leadership and Governance (MSLG) program launched a month-long exhibit at the...

Dare. Love. Share: Raising Rare Disease Awareness Towards Equity in Healthcare

28 Feb 2023 to 25 Mar 2023 Dasmariñas City, Cavite, Philippines

Students of De La Salle University-Dasmarinas’ Master of Sustainable Leadership and Governance (MSLG) program launched a month-long exhibit at the...

Declaración institucional de AFASW

29 Feb 2024 Gandía (Valencia), Spain

A las 12:00h. a los pies del Ayuntamiento de Gandía (Valencia), se procederá a la lectura del manifiesto del Día...

declaratoria de los derechos de las personas con enfermedades raras

22 Feb 2024 Zapopan Jalisco, Mexico, Mexico

evento a lapoblacion abierta con feria de la salud y evento musical participacion de autoridades de salud municipales y declaratoria...

Derby Theatre lit up for Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Derby, United Kingdom

Derby Theatre will be illuminated from 7pm to recognise Rare Disease Day. Students of the BSc Sound, Light, and Live...

Si affronteranno argomenti molto cari ai malati rari ovvero il diritto alla genitorialità, come diventare genitori e il sostegno psicologico...

DIA DAS DOENÇAS RARAS - Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria

28 Feb 2023 to 4 Mar 2023 Curitiba, Brazil


14h00| SESSÃO DE ABERTURA Sérgio Faria residente da Direção da AAADMJ Dr. Clélio Meneses Secretario Regional da Saúde e Desporte...

Día de las Enfermedades Pocos Frecuentes

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 María Teresa , Argentina

En una nueva jornada de concientización, la Comuna de María Teresa conmemoró el Día de las Enfermedades Pocos Frecuentes iluminando...


Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras

29 Feb 2024 Cuiabá, Brazil

Evento para discutir e expor a realidade das Doenças Raras no Brasil e, especialmente, no estado de Mato Grosso

Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Rosario, Argentina

“Mostrar tus colores” es la iniciativa de Rare Disease Day, en la cual nos sumamos una vez más. Este movimiento...

Foro Legislativo en conmemoración del Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras 2024 “No dejar a Nadie Atrás” y Evento de...

Plática para medicos y pacientes en conmemoración de las enfermedades raras.

Día Mundial de las EPOF - Argentina

28 Feb 2023 Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Junto a las organizaciones que son parte de ALAPA organizamos un evento para difundir y concientizar sobre las Enfermedades Poco...

Die Seltenen Im Blick Haben

2 Mar 2024 Bielefeld, Germany

In Bielefeld laden seit 2009 alljährlich Selbsthilfegruppen unterstützt von Der Paritätische NRW – Selbsthilfe-Kontaktstelle Bielefeld und der Heimat Krankenkasse zu...

Digital Exposition A Rare look

29 Feb 2024 to 31 Jul 2024 Porto, Portugal

The exhibition aims to provide an in-depth view of the vulnerability and strengths of patients affected by various neurodegenerative and...

Digital Stories Screening

5 Mar 2023 Vancouver, Canada

You’re invited to our Rare Disease Day celebration on March 5, 2023 from 2-3pm PST. This year, we are highlighting...

Do something rare with your hair

7 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Sign up, get sponsored and rock bad hair for a good cause on Feb 28 and you’ll make an incredible...

Donate to Win Luxury Prizes! US & UK

28 Feb 2023 to 31 Mar 2023 Online, United States

In honor of Rare Disease Awareness month, The Children’s Rare Disorders Fund has launched its first annual Donate to Win...

Donate,Recycle,Make happy

1 Feb 2023 to 14 Feb 2023 Prilep, North Macedonia

We’re counting down 90 days to RDD! 💜💚💙 #Donations #Humanitarianevents In anticipation of February 28 2023-International Day of Rare Diseases...

Dream playground - dream life for every child"

23 Feb 2024 to 2 Mar 2024 Prilep, North Macedonia

💜💙💚🩷🩵 “Playground of dreams – life of dreams for every child” is an event organized by ZLRBP “My Rare World”...

A panel discussion on drug development and clinical trials in rare diseases

Duke Student-led Rare Cancer Coalition

28 Feb 2023 Durham, United States

Undergraduate students from Duke University and North Carolina Central University will share information about rare cancers and encourage participation in...

E-Séminaire national des maladies rares

28 Feb 2023 Alger, Algeria

L’Alliance Algérienne contre les Maladies Rares et l’Association Shifa des Maladies NeuroMusculaires organise conjointement un E-Séminaire national des maladies rares...

E-Séminaire national des maladies rares

28 Feb 2023 Alger, Algeria

L’Alliance Algérienne contre les Maladies Rares et l’Association Shifa des Maladies NeuroMusculaires organisent conjointement un E-Séminaire national des maladies rares...

Conferencia: El genetista como parte del equipo multidisciplinario : impacto en el abordaje de las enfermedades raras en pediatría

El martes 28 de Febrero a las 16 hs se realizara un evento con el objetivo de compartir los avances...


29 Feb 2024 Montevideo online, Uruguay

Charla a cargo de Iliara Borges , Co fundadora de FUPIER y Claudia Rodríguez Verde, Co fundadora de Raras Cro....

Emotional Support for Coping with Uncertainty on your MMN Journey. Coping with Uncertainty Hosted by Foundation Health Navigator, Amy Stein...

Encendido conmemorativo del día de las enfermedades raras

28 Feb 2023 Atizapán de Zaragoza, Mexico

Diego de 13 años de edad portador de 17 mutaciones genéticas, tendrá el honor de realizar el encendido conmemorativo en...

Encendido de la Facultad de Medicina UANL

29 Feb 2024 Monterrey, Mexico

Encendido de la Facultad de medicina UANL 6:30 pm Frontispicio de la Facultad

Encontro do GAHP Blumenau

17 Feb 2024 Blumenau - Santa Catarina, Brazil

Encontro do GAHP – Grupo de Apoio as Famílias com Hipertensão Pulmonar realizado pela ABRAF – Associação Brasileira de HP...

O ICVS e a Escola de Medicina – Universidade do Minho uniram-se à Ponto Braguez para realizar uma caminhada solidária/visita...

Encontros raros: cientistas por um dia

24 Feb 2023 Braga, Portugal

Convidamos os pacientes com doenças raras, as suas famílias e cuidadores a visitarem-nos no dia 24 de fevereiro (sexta-feira), no...

My name is Leah Haynes and I am the co-founder of a Canadian-based registered charity called Endometriosis Events. Endometriosis Events...

Instagram Live de difusión de información sobre enfermedades raras.

Entrevista a FEMEXER por Canal Once TV

28 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Entrevista televisiva para hablar del Día de las Enfermedades Raras.

Entrevista a FEMEXER por El Universal

28 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Entrevista con un medio de comunicación para hablar de las enfermedades raras.

Entrevista a FEMEXER por Noticieros Televisa

28 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Entrevista de un reportero de la cadena de televisión Televisa para hablar de las enfermedades raras.

Entrevista con Joaquín Farga

27 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Entrevista al Dr. Joaquín Carrillo Farga, director del Instituto Nacional de Hematopatología en México. Es el médico que más sabe...

Entrevista con Santiago March

27 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Entrevista al Dr. Santiago March Mifsut, coordinador del consejo de Nuevas Tecnologías, en la Fundación Mexicana para la Salud (Funsalud).

In Graz arbeiten die Kinderklinik und das Genetikinstitut eng zusammen, um Patient*innen mit seltenen Erkrankungen eine Diagnostik am neuesten Stand...

En el marco de la “I Campaña Informativa sobre Enfermedades Raras en Honduras”, la Fundación Hondureña para la Salud Hepática (FUNHEPA), Fundacion...

L’ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “RADICE-ALIGHIERI” CATONA RC _SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI PRIMO GRADO partecipa alla sensibilizzazione della Giornata delle Malattie Rare 2024, con:...

We are thrilled to announce the eagerly awaited second edition of the Europe Rare Disease Summit, set to take place...

EURORDIS Black Pearl Awards 2023

21 Feb 2023 Brussels & Online, Belgium

The EURORDIS Black Pearl Awards ( are one of the biggest events in Europe marking the occasion of Rare Disease...

Evento Bari Campagna RDD 2023

20 Feb 2023 Bari, Italy

Anche Bari viaggia con il colori del #RareDiseaseDay Questa mattina il taglio del nastro nel capoluogo pugliese Grazie al Sottosegretario...

Cebras México-Mujer México-XLH México, participarán en el evento protocolario organizado en conjunto con la Comisión de Salud de la Cámara...

Evento conmemorativo de Iluminación en el Senado de la República 2023

27 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Ciudad de México, Mexico

Se lleva a cabo el evento conmemorativo de Iluminación en el Senado de la República 2023. En conjunto con la...

In diretta streaming il 1 febbraio dalle ore 10.30 l’evento Uniamo Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare onlus di presentazione della campagna...

Evento Firenze Campagna RDD 2023

6 Feb 2023 Firenze, Italy

Conferenza Stampa di lancio del tram Sirio della tranvia #uniamoleforze #rarediseaseday. Grazie ab Eugenio Giani , Simone Bezzini Serena Spinelli...

Evento Genova Campagna RDD 2023

16 Feb 2023 Genova, Italy

#UNIAMOLEFORZE – RARE DISEASE DAY – CITTA’ DI GENOVA Comune di Genova – Salone di Rappresentanza Palazzo Doria-Tursi – Via Garibaldi, 9...

La Conferenza Stampa ha inaugurato la campagna #UNIAMOleforze sul circuito Mupi, che avrà luogo nella città di Napoli dal 15...

La campagna di sensibilizzazione #uniamoleforze dedicata alle malattie rare, lanciata nel mese di febbraio che culmina con la giornata dedicata...

Events of LBioMiT for RDD - Coimbra,Portugal & Online

4 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Coimbra, Portugal

Daily posts on facebook (LBioMiT). All of February and early March. Eyes on You: LHON – avarias na fábrica de...

We will share our colours and have a afternoon coffee break sharing information about rare diseases and some of our...

Exchange of views to mark the Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Strasbourg, France

On the 29th of February, to mark the Rare Disease Day, SANT committee will hold an exchange of views with...


28 Feb 2023 to 30 May 2023

The rené touraine foundation and its rare disease network are organizing their art contest. Each year, all the drawings of...

Expertos: pacientes, profesionales y cuidadores

11 Mar 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Expertos: pacientes, profesionales y cuidadores Mesa de enfermedades raras para Antioquia y red técnica por las enfermedades huérfanas de Antioquia,...


2 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 SÃO PAULO, Brazil

Quem vê cara, não vê dor! Na exposição fotográfica que está no metrô de SP neste mês você vai conhecer...

Exposition Les reflets du handicap invisible

29 Feb 2024 to 15 Apr 2024 Bordeaux, France

C’est une exposition pour mettre en lumière le quotidien de ceux qui vivent avec un handicap invisible. Elle se compose...

Facciamo luce sulle malattie rare

28 Feb 2023 Aquileia , Italy

Evento di sensibilizzazione in occasione della Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Rare presso il Comune di Aquileia, Friuli Venezia Giulia 💙💚🩷💜...

Fællesarrangement - Sjældne-dagen 2024

29 Feb 2024 København, Denmark

Sjældne Diagnoser afholder fællesarrangement d. 29/2-24 kl. 17-18. På programmet er: Velkomst v. Birthe Byskov Holm Premiere på Sjældne-sang Overrækkelse...

Faith Over Fwat

17 Feb 2023 Grand Rapids , United States

Desmoid Tumor awareness event at both the girls and boy’s basketball games.

Mesa Enfermedades Raras Para Antoquia

FDA's Rare Disease Day 2023

27 Feb 2023 Virtual Only, United States

We are excited to announce FDA’s Rare Disease Day will be on Monday, February 27, 2023 and registration is open...


28 Feb 2024 SEVILLA, Spain

En este evento podrás disfrutar de muchas actividades para toda la familia, como talleres, manualidades 🎨, pintacaras 🎭, música 🎶,...

Fighting H.A.R.D. Foundation's Run HARD for Rare Kids

21 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Virtual, United States

Fighting H.A.R.D. Foundation’s Run HARD for Rare Kids was started in 2021 as a way to safely raise funds and...

Indo US Organization for Rare Diseases (IndoUSrare) is honored to announce the force behind the US Orphan Drug Act, Dr....

Foro Enfermedades Raras en México 2024 ¡No Dejar a Nadie Atrás!

1 Feb 2024 Ciudad de México CDMX, Mexico

Iniciativa Pensemos en Cebras México, Mujer México y el Hospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” Invitan al: Foro Enfermedades...

Foro Nacional de Enfermedades Raras: Panorama Actual en México Hacia un Abordaje Integral

27 Feb 2023 Ciudad de México Cámara de Diputados H. Congreso de la Unión, Mexico

Cebras México, XLH México y Otros Raquitismos y Mujer México organizan el : Foro Nacional de Enfermedades Raras: Panorama Actual...

Iniciativa Pensemos en Cebras México, XLH y otros Raquitismos México y Mujer México Organizan e Invitan a seguir la transmisión...

Forum des associations maladies rares

28 Feb 2024 Clermon-Ferrand, France

Le CHU de Clermont-Ferrand accueillera une vingtaine d’associations de patients atteints de maladies rares dans le hall de l’hôpital Estaing.

FORUM: Rare Disease Day "Eatquake Special"

28 Feb 2023 Online, Turkey

As Turkish Association of Public Health Specilists Rare Diseases Working Group, we organize a forum with the “Earthquake Special” agenda...

In honor of Rare Disease Day 2024, Jerry Vockley MD, PhD, will discuss a new era in therapies for rare...

FriENDO Social

4 Mar 2023 Toronto , Canada

To kick off Endometriosis Awareness Month, join us on March 4th from 2pm-6pm for our FriENDO Social! The event will...

Frost Tower Lights Up for Rare

28 Feb 2023 San Antonio , United States

The Frost Tower will participate in the #LightUpForRareCampaign in support of Rare Disease Day.

Ein Networking-Tag von und für Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen, und deren Angehörige unter dem Motto ‚Gemeinsam weniger selten‘. Auf dieser...

GeneRare: we know Genetic and Rare Disease

1 Mar 2024 Caltanissetta, Italy

Il progetto “GeneRare: we know genetic and rare diseases” ha lo scopo di promuovere la conoscenza sulla genetica e sensibilizzare...

Genetics Matters

25 Feb 2024 Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Genetics Matters, one of the FMS flagship public engagement events, is an annual event organised as part of the International...

Genetics Matters

26 Feb 2023 Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

“Genetics Matters” is an annual event organised by Newcastle University to mark the International Rare Disease Day. Currently in its...

Thurs 23 Feb – Genetics Unzipped Podcast: “The diagnostic odyssey: a journey into genetic testing” prior to Rare Disease Day...

The event dedicated to the Rare Disease Day will be held on Feb. 28, 2023 at 5.30 p.m. in the...

Brevi relazioni sulle malattie rare e le disabilità in generale e presentazione del progetto “Un cielo per tutti”

Evento sulle Malattie Rare, rivolto principalmente agli studenti con età compresa tra i 16 e i 19 anni. L’obiettivo è...

We have a number of buildings and landmarks lighting up in a chain of light around the country. The chain...

📣Calling all pediatric #patients, join our Empowerment Day on Saturday, February 17, 2023 at 12pm ET! This 2 hour virtual...

As Rare Disease Day 2023 is approaching, on behalf of the Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders, it is my honor...

Global Workshop on Access to Rare Disease Diagnosis and Treatment | Rare Disease Day 2023 Reimbursement of drugs from pharmaceutical...

Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc USA HCRFF

27 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 LAKE WORTH FL, United States

We are inviting you to join our virtual campaign on the 27th & 28th of February 2023 9:00-9:30am Twitter Chat...

Hamilton Sign lighting up for Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Hamilton, Canada

Hamilton Sign: Displaying blue, pink, and green on February 29.

Harvinaisten sairauksien päivän tapahtuma

28 Feb 2023 Verkossa ja etäkatsomoissa: Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kokkola, Kuopio, Oulu, Pori, Riihimäki, Salo, Tampere, Finland

Tiistaina 28.2.2023 klo 17–19 järjestettävä tilaisuus on suunnattu harvinaista neurologista sairautta sairastaville ja heidän läheisilleen, mutta mukaan voivat tulla kaikki...

Hãy đi cùng nhau

15 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

HÃY ĐI CÙNG NHAU – và cùng chúng tớ. ️💝 Ai đó đã từng nói: “…Sẽ có một lúc nào...

Health professionals mobilize for rare diseases

28 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 Tunis, Tunisia

A white board will be set up at the entrance of the Pasteur Institute in Tunis next to the research...

Helhetlige tjenester for gode liv

28 Feb 2023 to 28 Jan 2023 Oslo, Norway

Når: 28. februar kl. 10:00 – 15:30 Hvor: Thon Hotel Opera Påmelding og mer informasjon om konferansen Lenke til streaming...

RDM’s Conference titled “How can the Educator Become an Advocate on Rare Diseases’, is going to be held under the...

As the action for the World Rare Disease Day 2024, CRYOPDP will broadcast a podcast program to educate and promote...

In this month of rare diseases, our Association is promoting a sequence of thematic lives on the pathologies that are...

To mark Rare Disease Day, a scientific conference for students willing to present medical cases will be held.

I support Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Students of the specialty “General Medicine” of the Higher School of Medicine tested the campaign with the goal of drawing...

I tumori rari: sfide ed opportunità

23 Feb 2023 Bari, Italy

Rare cancers are a mixed group of more than 200 kinds of neoplasia, and globally considered they are about 20%...

Iconic Trent Building to illuminate for Rare Disease Day 2023

24 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Nottingham, United Kingdom

To help raise awareness of the day, the Trent Building on University Park Campus will join a host of other...


28 Feb 2023 Huancayo, Peru

El Área de Genética y Citogenética del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del HOSPITAL NACIONAL RAMIRO PRIALÉ PRIALÉ . 🗓Fecha: 28...


28 Feb 2023 Huancayo, Junin, Peru

El Área de Genética y Citogenética del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del HOSPITAL_NACIONAL_RAMIRO_PRIALÉ_PRIALÉ. Invita al II ENCUENTRO REGIONAL DE ENFERMEDADES...


1 Mar 2024 Cartagena, Colombia

El Día de las Enfermedades Raras es el movimiento coordinado a nivel mundial sobre enfermedades raras. Este evento pretende socializar...

III Charitable Drawing Contest

10 Jan 2023 to 20 Feb 2023

Third edition of the charitable drawing contest organised by CONGEN to raise awareness about rare diseases. The 12 selected drawings...


11 Jan 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Granada, Spain

III ed. del Concurso de dibujo Solidario que organiza CONGEN para visibilizar las enfermedades raras en España. Con los 12...

III Run for Mito

24 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Madrid, Spain

Tercera edición de la carrera más solidaria con las enfermedades mitocondriales en España- del 24 al 28 de febrero y...

Ruta de 5.6 quilòmetres, de 120 minuts, geolocalitzada en temps real amb un tècnic en activitat física per la commemoració...

S’il·lumina el Monument a la Dona treballadora el Dia Mundial de les Malalties Minoritàries.

S’il·lumina per les malalties minoritàries a la posta de sol.


26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 SAINT-NOLFF, France

Illumination de la mairie en violet

Illumination de l'Hôtel de ville d'Amiens

29 Feb 2024 AMIENS, France

L’équipe du Centre de Référence des Maladies Rares du CHU Amiens-Picardie propose l’Illumination de l’Hôtel de ville d’Amiens aux couleurs...

Illumination des batiments Lillois

29 Feb 2024 Lille, France

Rejoignez-nous le 29 février pour une soirée unique à Lille, où la solidarité s’illuminera à travers la “Global Chain of...

Illumination du Centre Administratif de Mouscron

20 Feb 2023 to 3 Mar 2023 Mouscron , Belgium

A l’occasion de la journée mondiale des maladies rares, le centre administratif de Mouscron (CAM) sera illuminé aux couleurs des...

Illumination of Marshal’s Office of Pomorskie Region in Gdańsk in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland. — fot. Grzegorz...

Illumination of Telstra Tower

29 Feb 2024 Canberra, Australia

Telstra Tower will light up in the Rare Disease Day colours for the day/night of 29th February 2024.


29 Feb 2024 TORONTO , Canada

Illumination of the CN TOWER in the Rare Disease Day colors.

Illumination of the building

Illumination of the Palace of Culture and Science

29 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 0024 Warsaw, Poland

Illumination of the Palace of Culture and Science

Illumination of the Town Hall of Dzierżoniów in honour of Rare Diseases Day

Illuminazione torre dell’orologio di Palazzo Sant’Antonio

Illuminiamo le malattie rare

28 Feb 2024 Segrate (MI), Italy

Il Comune di Segrate, in provincia di Milano, si unisce alla Global Chain of Lights, illuminando il Centro Verdi, così...

Illuminiamo le malattie rare

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Aquileia (UD), Italy

Il Comune di Aquileia, in provincia di Udine, si unisce alla Global Chain of Lights, illuminandosi con i colori della...


29 Feb 2024 Montevideo, Uruguay

Iluminamos los edificio más representativos de nuestro País para generar conciencia en el Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras

Iluminação do Cristo Redentor pela ABRANHI Das 7 maravilhas do mundo moderno, o Cristo Redentor é a mais nova e...

Se lleva a cabo la 2da Conmemoración del Día Mundial, Nacional y Estatal de las Enfermedades Raras en el Estado...

Iniciativa Pensemos en Cebras México-XLH México y otros Raquitismos- Mujer México y comunidad de pacientes. Conmemoramos el Día Mundial y...

Iluminación de monumentos CDMX

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 CDMX, Mexico

La Ciudad de México ilumina sus monumentos en apoyo a las personas que viven con una enfermedad rara.

Iluminación de monumentos CDMX

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Ciudad de México, Mexico

La Secretaría de Obras y Servicios Urbanos se une al Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras iluminando de color azul,...

Iluminación del Congreso Legislativo del Estado de Guanajuato

28 Feb 2023 Estado de Guanajuato, México, Mexico

Mujer México-Cebras México Promovió la iluminación del color de las enfermedades raras en el Estado de Guanajuato. Con la finalidad...

Iluminación Senado de México 27-28 febrero 2022

27 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Ciudad de México, Mexico

Cebras México-XLH México y otros Raquitismos-Mujer México Conmemoran en el evento de Iluminación en conjunto con la Comunidad de Pacientes...

En el marco del día mundial de las enfermedades raras,Esperantra del Centro asociación de pacientes organiza este año el iluminado...

Se llevará a cabo la conmemoración en el marco del Día Mundial y Nacional de las Enfermedades Raras 2024 Iluminación...

Iluminacja Iglicy Międzynarodowych Targów Poznańskich z okazji Dnia Chorób Rzadkich

Iluminarea a 5 cladiri importante din Timisoara

24 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Timisoara, Romania

Capilala culturala eutrpeana si capitala europeana a bolilor rare 2023itatea de medicina si Farmacie, Universitatea politehnica si Spitalul de copii...


Inclusión Escolar en Enfermedad de Hirschsprung y Malformación Anorrectal

1 Mar 2024 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Reunión para familias de toda Latinoamérica. El objetivo es brindar herramientas y material para optimizar la inclusión escolar y adaptaciones...

Incontriamoci - un sorriso ed una foto

26 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 CATANIA, Italy

Appuntamento sotto l’albero dei Rari di Chiari e Siringomielia per un sorriso ed una foto

A Catania il 3 Marzo 2024, ci incontreremo dalle ore 10 alle ore 12,00 all’ Albero dei Rari Aismac in...

Information Stand and Quiz

29 Feb 2024 Tours, France

La Plateforme d’Expertise Maladies Rares Centre-Val de Loire, les professionnels du CHRU de Tours, l’AFM-Téléthon et l’Equipe Relais Handicaps Rares...

Do you or your partner have a Rare Disease? Join the Instagram Live where Jennifer and Tamaha 🇲🇽, and Alfons...

International Congress on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Athens, Greece

About the Conference Under the theme “Navigating the Uncharted: Advancements, Collaborations, and Hope in Rare Diseases”, the International Congress on...

One-day hybrid (in person + online) conference in the form of panel discussion “DOUBLE WAR: Ukraine`s European vector in providing...

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Organizers, I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International...

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Organizers, I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International...

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Organizers, I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International...

With of budget of €5.3 billion, the EU4 Health program 2021-2027 represents an unparalleled EU financial support in the health...

On this day we celebrate the lives of all of those affected by the ultra-rare WWOX-related diseases and honor those...

An informal and insightful interview with Jorge Sequeiros. Jorge Sequeiros is recognised as one of the most prominent figures in...

Event Description: An informal and insightful interview with Jorge Sequeiros. Jorge Sequeiros is recognised as one of the most prominent...

Invincible été · Film de Stéphanie Pillonca

29 Feb 2024 Sion, Switzerland

Pour célébrer la Journée internationale des maladies rares, MaRaVal vous invite à la projection du film Invincible été, avec Olivier...

Hybrid Conference in Lisbon and online in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

“Jedna na milion. Czy to znaczy, że nie istnieje?” Chcielibyśmy zaprosić Państwa do udziału w IV Dniu Chorób Rzadkich na...

El objetivo del Foro es identificar en que medida los actores que participan en el acceso a tecnologías sanitarias, pueden...


10 Feb 2024 Milano, Italy

La Marcia dei Malati Rari è uno degli appuntamenti più attesi dalla comunità delle persone con malattia rara, oltre 2...

The last week of February is a rare diseases’ awareness week and the time when we can show our solidarity...

Why jazz? Jazz has a positive effect on the body and soul, including those affected by rare diseases. Moreover, jazz...

Joint TDI/NIRDP event: RDD 2023 at Stormont

28 Feb 2023 nationwide, Ireland

Join us at the annual North-South Rare Disease Day virtual celebration on Tuesday 28th February from 1.30 pm to 3...

Jornada de Concientización de las EPOF

29 Feb 2024 Cafayate, Argentina

Stand para visibilización, folletería, micrófono abierto, información sobre leyes de las EPOF, experiencias con las EPOF.

Jornada de Enfermedades Raras UNAM

28 Feb 2023 Mexico City, Mexico

La Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM a través de La Unidad de Enfermedades Raras de la División de Investigación,...

Con el objetivo de visibilizar la necesidad del fortalecimiento de las competencias profesionales acerca de la sospecha y manejo de...

Únete a nosotros en una jornada extraordinaria donde la investigación y los tratamientos para las Enfermedades Hereditarias de la Retina...

Journée des maladies rares

26 Feb 2024 to 4 Mar 2024 Saint-Nolff, France

La mairie a été colorée en violet durant une semaine

Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares

28 Feb 2023 AMIENS, France

Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares, l’équipe du Centre de Référence des Maladies Rares du CHU...

Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares

29 Feb 2024 Montpellier, France

Chaque année, le dernier jour de février a lieu la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares (JIMR). Cette journée, célébrée dans...

Journée internationale des maladies rares - Toulouse

28 Feb 2023 Toulouse-purpan, France

À l’occasion de la 16ème édition de la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares (JIMR 2023), les associations de personnes concernées...

La plateforme d’expertise maladies rares du Grand Paris Est ESMARA se mobilise pour la Journée Internationale Maladies Rares 2024 à...

Chaque année, la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares (JIMR) se tient le dernier jour de février. À cette occasion, des...

Journée maladies rares

16 Feb 2024 Marseille, France

Le 16 février a eu lieu la Journée des Maladies Rares organisée par l’institut MarMaRa, l’Alliance Maladies Rares ainsi que...

Journée Maladies Rares

29 Feb 2024 Nancy, France

Journée Maladies Rares – 29 février 2024 Grands Salons de l’Hôtel de Ville (entrée place Stanislas) 08h30 – 17h00 Gratuit...


28 Feb 2024 DAKAR - GUEDIAWAYE, Senegal


La Plateforme d’Expertise Maladies Rares vous propose une journée thématique sur l’implication et l’engagement des patients dans le soin, la...

Journée Scientifique Maladies Rares

5 Mar 2024 Clermont-Ferrand, France

Journée dédiée aux centres maladies rares du CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, et cette année, centrée sur les résultats de la labellisation...

Juntos somos mais fortes

28 Feb 2023 Online, Portugal

Horário: 14:00 – 18:00 Organização: Mirror Group Português do Programa Europeu Conjunto para as Doenças Raras (NMG – EJP RD)...

Join us for KGI’s 16th Annual Rare Disease Day Virtual Event, our theme is Mental Health & Rare Disease! This...

Creata per affrontare le sfide che le persone affette da malattie rare devono affrontare quotidianamente intende ricordare a tutti che...

Kiwanis e SteradioDj per i bambini

27 Feb 2023 Palermo, Italy

Le malattie rare sono una piaga che colpisce milioni di bambini in tutto il mondo. Spesso, però, il numero di...

Knowing Keratoconus

20 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Rome, Italy

Video to promote Keratoconus Knowledge

L'expo : rendons visibles les r'artistes

28 Feb 2024 BREST, France

Nous organisons une exposition de créations produites par des patients ayant une maladie rare. Ce rendez-vous aura lieu le 28...


10 Mar 2023 BOLOGNA, Italy

Un evento teatrale dedicato ai bambini con malattia rara, in particolare a quelli seguiti dal Centro Malattie Rare Pediatriche dell’Ospedale...

L'odyssée artistique des enfants

28 Feb 2023 Paris, France

AnDDI-Rares a visité 12 hôpitaux de France avec son projet d’ateliers artistiques dédiés aux enfants Pendant trois mois, des artistes...

La Carovana della Ricerca

2 Mar 2024 Bergamo, Italy

L’evento prevede una carovana formata dalle auto dei volontari delle associazioni delle malattie rare di Bergamo e Provincia per sensibilizzare...

evento dirigido a medicos en formación de la escuela de medicina de la Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara

WEBINAR | Mesa debate La investigación en EPOF: Un camino común para 8.000 patologías Moderadora • Dra. Jorgelina Stegmann |...

Intervención comunitaria que tendrá lugar en Benavides de Órbigo, el día 21 de febrero de 2023, con motivo de la...

La Voz de los Pacientes ¡No Dejar a Nadie Atrás! 2024

29 Feb 2024 Ciudad de México CDMX, Mexico

Iniciativa Pensemos en Cebras México y Fundación Mujer México como cada año participan activamente en la conmemoración del Día Mundial...


LAM - Fato ou Fake?

28 Feb 2024 São Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Bruno Guedes Baldi, pulmonologist from the Brazilian LAM Clinic, talks to Maria Clara Castellões, vice-president of Alambra, the Brazilian...

Landmark light up

28 Feb 2023 Edmonton , Canada

Edmonton’s high level bridge will be lit up for rare disease day

Langka(h) Kecil 2023: The Unplanned Journey

27 Feb 2023 Malang , Indonesia


In order to take part in Rare Disease Day 2024, MORE Community will hold an event entitled Langka(h) Kecil 2024:...

Lanzamiento del libro “Un milagro llamad Emmanuel” Autora: Leonisa Castillo Centeno. Líder de 11Q Latinoamerica

On World Rare Disease Day, the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is launching a Newborn Screening Program for Selected...


28 Feb 2024 SAN DONA' DI PIAVE, Italy

EVENTO RIVOLTO AI DOCENTI ED AL PERSONALE SANITARIO dell’area Veneto Orientale per sensibilizzare sul tema delle Malattie Rare e dell’importanza...

Le scarpe di Alice

1 Mar 2024 Gussago (BS€, Italy

Un concerto inaugurale “Le scarpe di Alice” della mostra “La donna di Sera”: filo conduttore il coraggio e la fragilità...

Leiden Bio Science Park Rare Disease Day Awareness Event

29 Feb 2024 Leiden and Oegstgeest, Netherlands

BioPartner and VICO are joining forces again this year to help raise awareness for Rare Disease Day (RDD), with the...

Leiden Bio Science Park Rare Disease Day Awareness Event

28 Feb 2023 Leiden and Oegstgeest, Netherlands

BioPartner and VICO are joining forces again this year to help raise awareness for Rare Disease Day (RDD), with the...


28 Feb 2024 Poznań, Poland

28 lutego 2024 roku, z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Chorób Rzadkich, Fundacja ICHB PAN we współpracy z Instytutem Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN...

Less Rare: demystifying rare diseases

29 Feb 2024 Coimbra, Portugal

Less Rare: demystifying rare diseases is the event organized by CNC-UC to mark World Rare Disease Day, on February 29,...

Let's be a model of good practice

6 Feb 2023 to 10 Feb 2023 Ohrid, North Macedonia

With the symbolic painting of hands and posters the teachers and the students sent a message for unreserved support and...

Lève le voile

23 Feb 2023 Mouscron, Belgium

Dans le cadre de la journée des maladies rares et/ou graves, l’asbl Chiara, Vie, Don d’organes et Solidarité organise en...

Libation for Lukie

2 Mar 2024 Somerville , United States

A year ago, Baby Lukie was diagnosed with a very rare disease called ZTTK, discovered only in 2016. There are...

Life Illuminated, People First

25 Feb 2023 to 3 Mar 2023 Beijing, China

As China has a large population, the patients with rare diseases in China are not rare. Chinese government and passionate...

Light for rare

28 Feb 2023 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Banja Luka illuminated the cultural building “Banski dvor” in the city center for the third year in a row.

LIGHT National auditorium

28 Feb 2023 Ordino, Andorra

Lighting the building and a conference about Rare diseases

Light Up

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Pisa, Italy

Light up the Pisa Tower

Light up for Incontinentia Pigmenti

4 Mar 2023 Naples, Italy

Meeting with associations, scientists, clinicians and patients belonging to the Incontinentia Pigmenti world

Light up For Rare

28 Feb 2023 Wolfeboro , United States

Rare Disease Day Municipal Proclamation 2023 Light Up Wolfeboro Town Hall for Rare Disease Day

Light Up For Rare

29 Feb 2024 ProDi – Zentrum für Proteindiagnostik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Awareness event with illumination of a research building, information stands, discussion rounds and guided laboratory tours.

Light up for Rare

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

Winnipeg will be lighting up their Winnipeg Sign and the Esplanade Riel Bridge on Rare Disease Day (At the Forks...

Light Up For Rare

28 Feb 2023 44801 Bochum, Germany

Informationsveranstaltung zu Seltenen Erkrankungen und Beleuchtung des Gebäudes

Light Up for Rare

28 Feb 2023 Nationwide, Ireland

Everyone can participate! Show solidarity with the rare disease community and light up for Rare Disease Day at 7pm on...

Light up for Rare

29 Feb 2024 Charlottetown , Canada

The city hall tower will be lit up for Rare Disease day for the first time ever.

Light Up For Rare

29 Feb 2024 Cleveland , United States

The top of the iconic Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland will be lit in the colors of Rare Disease Day.

Light up for Rare - County Administration - United-States

28 Feb 2023 San Diego, United States

The County Administration has agreed to Light up the building on/for Rare Disease Day

Light up for Rare - Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership

29 Feb 2024 Northern Ireland , United Kingdom

Light up for Rare 2024 In a heartfelt call for unity and awareness, Patrick Toland, CEO of the Northern Ireland...

Light up for Rare - Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership

29 Feb 2024 Northern Ireland Armagh, United Kingdom

In a heartfelt call for unity and awareness, Patrick Toland, CEO of the Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership (NIRDP), has...

Light up for Rare 2024 In a heartfelt call for unity and awareness, Patrick Toland, CEO of the Northern Ireland...

Illumination event: Buildings on campus of the University Hospital Essen are illuminated with different colors to symbolize the diversity of...

Light Up For Rare Campaign

29 Feb 2024 San Antonio, United States

The Frost Tower is participating in the Light Up For Rare Campaign and its iconic exterior lighting will illuminate in...

Light Up For Rare Campaign

26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 San Antonio, United States

Danzavida De San Antonio Dance Company is proudly participating in the Light Up For Rare Campaign. The lighting in the...

Light Up For Rare Campaigne

26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 San Antonio, United States

The Alamo Quarry is participating in the Light Up For Rare Campaign and will have the famous smoke stacks illuminated...

Light up for Rare Disease - Millennium bridge - United Kingdom

28 Feb 2023 Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

The Millennium bridge will be lit up to celebrate International Rare Disease Day in collaboration with Gateshead City Council and...

St Mary’s Lighthouse will be lit up to celebrate International Rare Disease Day in collaboration with Gateshead City Council and...

Light up for Rare Disease Day 2024

27 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The NGO ‘Rare Diseases of Ukraine” organises the illumination to highlight the Rare Disease Day 2024 in Ukraine and to...

Light up for Rare Disease Day 2024 - Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership

29 Feb 2024 Fermanagh & Omagh District Council , United Kingdom

Light up for Rare Disease Day 2024 Both Enniskillen Castle and Strule Arts Centre, will be lighting up pink! In...

Light up for Rare Disease Day 2024 - Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership

29 Feb 2024 Northern Ireland - Antrim , United Kingdom

In a heartfelt call for unity and awareness, Patrick Toland, CEO of the Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership (NIRDP), has...

Light up for Rare Disease Day 2024 - Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership

29 Feb 2024 Northern Ireland - Antrim , United Kingdom

In a heartfelt call for unity and awareness, Patrick Toland, CEO of the Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership (NIRDP), has...

Light Up for Rare Disease Day at Campus Martius Park

29 Feb 2024 Detroit, United States

The Downtown Detroit Partnership is proud to show our stripes for those living with rare diseases by lighting up Campus...

Light Up for Rare Philippines

28 Feb 2023 Quezon City, Philippines

Light Up for Rare Philippines is an open invitation to all offices, institutions, corporations and government agencies. The Light Up...

Light Up for Rare Philippines (Manila)

28 Feb 2023 Rizal Park 1000 Manila Philippines ·, Philippines

Light Up for Rare Philippines is an open invitation to all offices, institutions, corporations and government agencies. The Light Up...

The National Alliance for Rare Diseases Support – Malta will be joining the rest of the world in the Global...

Lighting of 1710 Windmill in Xewkija, Gozo, Malta

28 Feb 2023 Xewkija, Gozo, Malta

The National Alliance for Rare Diseases Support – Malta in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo will be lighting up...


28 Feb 2023 Thessaloniki, Greece

“95” Rare Alliance Greece illuminates the “Umbrellas”, Work of Art by famous sculptor Giorgios Zoggolopoulos in honor of Rare Disease...

Lighting up 1 Nicholas Street Ipswich Central - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Ipswich, Australia

Illumination of 1 Nicholas Street Ipswich Central in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up 101 Collins Street - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Melbourne, Australia

Illumination of 101 Collins Street in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.


28 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 Athens, Greece

“95” Rare Alliance Greece illuminates a building at Eleftherios Venizelos Airport, in Athens, Greece.

Lighting up AAMI Park - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the AAMI Park in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up AAMI Park - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Melbourne, Australia

Illumination of the AAMI Park in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of AC Praetorium Tongeren in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Adelaide Oval - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 South Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Adelaide Oval in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Adelaide Oval - 2024 - Australia

28 Feb 2024 Adelaide, Australia

Illumination of the Adelaide Oval in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Albany Town Square - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Albany Town Square in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Alison Harman Garden - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Alison Harman Garden in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Amherst Town Hall - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Nova Scotia, Canada

Illumination of Amherst Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Amiens's town hall - France

28 Feb 2023 Amiens, France

Illumination of Amiens’ town hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in France

Illumination of Angra do Heroísmo Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Antiguo Palacio de Justicia y Antiguo Ayuntamiento de Estella-Lizarra in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Anzac Parade Bridge - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Hamilton, New Zealand

Illumination of Anzac Parade Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Arcadas da Serra do Pilar in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Argenx in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Ashburton Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Ashburton, New Zealand

Illumination of the Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Ayuntamiento Cartes in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Almería in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Avilés in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Barcelona in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Burlada in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Gandía in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Gijón in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Jaén in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Pamplona in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Ayuntamiento de Reocin - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Puente San Miguel, Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Reocin in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Soria in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Valdepeñas / fuente de la Plaza de España de Valdepeñas in honour of Rare Disease Day in...

Illumination of Ayuntamiento de Valencia (+ lectura institucional y pancarta) in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Ayuntamiento Santander in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of the Banja Luka City Administrative Office in honour of Rare Disease Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Lighting up Bascule Bridge - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

Illumination of Bascule Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Bell Tower - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Perth, Australia

Illumination of the Bell Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Big Banana - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Big Banana in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Bijeljina Administrative Offices in honour of Rare Disease Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Illumination of the Birrarung Marr Pedestrian Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Bolte Bridge and Citylink Sound Tube in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Bom Jesus do Monte in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Bowker Fountain - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the Bowker Fountain in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Box Hill Town Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Box Hill, Australia

Illumination of the Box Hill Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Braga Cathedral - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Braga, Portugal

Illumination of Braga Cathedral in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Brampton Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of the Breakfast Creek Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Brisbane City Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Illumination of the Brisbane City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the British Columbia Legislature in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up British Columbia Place - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 British Columbia, Canada

Illumination of British Columbia Place in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of the Broadmeadows Town Hall in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up Broeltorens - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Kortrijk, Belgium

Illumination of the Broeltorens in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of the Busselton Civic Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Cabildo de Tenerife - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Illumination of Cabildo de Tenerife in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Calgary Tower - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Calgary, Canada

Illumination of Calgary Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of the Campbelltown Migrant Monument in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Capt. Scott Plaza - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the Captain Scott Plaza in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Cascais Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Castelo Branco City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Castelo Branco, Portugal

Illumination of Castelo Branco City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Catenary Lights, Geelong Intersection Moorabool in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Cauce del Río in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of CC de Velinx Tongeren in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Central Park Boardwalk - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Central Park Boardwalk in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Central Park Boardwalk - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the Central Park Boardwalk in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Centre Administratif Mouscronnois in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of Christchurch Airport and Airport Control Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of the Botanical Gardens in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up City Beach Function Centre - Australia

28 Feb 2023 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the City Beach Function Centre in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up City Hall Annex - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the City Hall Annex in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up City of Gosnells Civic Centre - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the City of Gosnells Civic Centre in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Coruche City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Santarém, Portugal

Illumination of Coruche City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Council House - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Council House in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Covilhã City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Covilhã, Portugal

Illumination of Covilhã City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Cristo del Otero - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Palencia, Spain

Illumination of Cristo del Otero in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Cromwell Fruit Sculpture in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Crown Casino - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Crown Casino in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Crown Melbourne - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Southbank, Australia

Illumination of the Crown Melbourne in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Crown Resorts - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Southbank, Australia

Illumination of the Crown Resorts in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Derventa Administrative Offices in honour of Rare Disease Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Illumination of Diputación de Ciudad Real in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Diputación Foral de Álava in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Dunedin Railway Station in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of the Eastern Goldfields Community Centre in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Eastern Goldfields Community Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Eden Park - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Auckland, New Zealand

Illumination of  Eden Park in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Edificio Capitania del Puerto de Badalona in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Edifício do Arquivo Distrital de Viseu in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho, Coimbra in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the difício dos Paços do Concelho, Coimbra in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho, Évora in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Edifício dos Paços do Concelho, Guarda in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Edificio Moneo in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Edmonton High Level Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Edmonton Tower - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Edmonton, Canada

Illumination of Edmonton Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of El castell de Benidorm in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up El foso de San Felipe - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Foso de San Felipe, Spain

Illumination of El foso de San Felipe in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of El Tossal de Benidorm in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Emigration Museum in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland fot. Anna Żbikowska

Illumination of Escola Básica Frei Manuel Cardoso in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Estadio San Mamés in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Evan Walker Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Evan Walker Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Fan Fare - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the Fan Fare Sculpture in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Faro City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Federation Square - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Federation Square in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Flinders Street Station in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Flinders Street Station in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Foxton Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Foxton, New Zealand

Illumination of Foxton Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Fred A. Lundy Bridge - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Newmarket, Canada

Illumination of Fred A. Lundy Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Fremantle Prison Gatehouse - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Fremantle Prison Gatehouse in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Fremantle Prison Gatehouse in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Fronteira City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Portalegre, Portugal

Illumination of Fronteira City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Fuente de Cibeles in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Fuente de Murrieta de Logroño in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Fuente de Santo Domingo - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Fuente de Santo Domingo, Spain

Illumination of Fuente de Santo Domingo in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Funchal City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Madeira, Portugal

Illumination of Funchal City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting Up GBS Lochristi - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Lochristi, Belgium

Illumination of GBS Lochristi in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting Up Gemeente Gooik - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Koekoekstraat, Belgium

Illumination of Gemeente Gooik in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting Up Gemeentehuis van Hoeselt - 2024 - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Hoeselt, Belgium

Illumination of Gemeentehuis van Hoeselt in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of Gemeentehuis van Lochristi in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of Gemeentehuis Wellen in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up George Roberts Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the George Roberts Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up George Roberts Bridge 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the George Roberts Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Goulburn Visitor Information Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Guppy Park - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Guppy Park in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up GWU - 2024 - Malta

29 Feb 2024 Valletta, Malta

Illumination of the General Workers’ Union building in honour of Rare Disease Day 2024 in Malta.

Lighting up Hastings Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Hastings, New Zealand

Illumination of Hastings Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting Up Havenhuis Port of Antwerp-Bruges - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Antwerp, Belgium

Illumination of Havenhuis Port of Antwerp-Bruges in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting Up Heikantweg - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Maaseik, Belgium

Illumination of Heikantweg in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of the Hervey Bay Esplanade in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Hikitia Crane - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

Illumination of Hikitia Crane at Wellington Waterfront in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of His Majesty’s Theatre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up Hof van Villers - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Mechelen, Belgium

Illumination of Hof van Villers in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Horta Town Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Açores, Portugal

Illumination of Horta Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Hospital Universitario Cruces in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Hotel Communal d’Etterbeek in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of the Igreja de Santiago, Óbidos in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Igreja Matriz - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Fronteira, Portugal

Illumination of Igreja Matriz in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Infantário Nossa Senhora da Vila Velha in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting Up Ipsen BeLux - 2024 - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Merelbeke, Belgium

Illumination of Ipsen-BeLux Office in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of the Ipswich City Council Building in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Ipswich Civic Centre - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Ipswich, Australia

Illumination of the Ipswich Civic Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Isle of Capri Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Gold Coast, Australia

Illumination of the Isle of Capri Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Jacaranda Tower - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Jacaranda Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Jardim das Portas do Sol in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Joondalup Drive Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Joondalup Drive Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Joondalup Drive Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Kelburn Fountain - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

Illumination of Kelburn Fountain in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Kerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Oorzaak onzer Blijdschap in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting Up Kerk Sint-Genesius-Rode - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium

Illumination of Kerk Sint-Genesius-Rode in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of the King José I Statue in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Kingston Clock Tower - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Broadmeadows Town Hall in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Kingston Clock Tower - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Kingston, Australia

Illumination of the Kingston Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Kingsway Flyover Billboard Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Koombana Bay Footbridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Koombana Bay Footbridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Koombana Bay Foreshore - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Koombana Bay Foreshore in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Kununurra Courthouse - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Kununurra, Australia

Illumination of the Kununurra Courthouse in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Kurilpa Bridge - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Kurilpa Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Lakes District Museum - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Arrowtown, New Zealand

Illumination of the Lakes District Museum in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Lar da Santa Casa da Misericórdia in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Launceston Town Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Launceston, Australia

Illumination of the Launceston Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Batiment du Centre Culturel in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Little Fletcher Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Little Fletcher Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Little Fletcher Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the Little Fletcher Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Lousã Town Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Coimbra, Portugal

Illumination of Lousã Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up M8 St Peters Interchange - Australia

28 Feb 2023 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the M8 St Peters Interchange in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Mandurah Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Mandurah Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Mandurah Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Mandurah, Australia

Illumination of the Mandurah Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Manly Town Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Manly Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Marlston Waterfront - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Marlston Waterfront in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up Martelarenplein - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Leuven, Belgium

Illumination of Martelarenplein in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Maryborough City Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Maryborough, Australia

Illumination of the Maryborough City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Matagarup Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Matagarup Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Matagarup Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Pink, Blau, Grün und Lila sind die Farben des Rare Disease Day. Wir beteiligen uns am 28.02.2023 an der Aktion...

Illumination of the Melbourne Cricket Ground in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Melbourne Town Hall - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Melbourne Town Hall in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Melbourne Town Hall - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Melbourne, Australia

Illumination of the Melbourne Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the School of Medicine at Minho University in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Mississauga City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Monash Park Tree - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Monash Park Tree in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Mooroopna Water Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Mount Gambier Visitor Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Mount Street Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Mounts Street Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Mounts Street Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Multi-Arts Pavilion - Australia

28 Feb 2023 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Multi-Arts Pavilion in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Muralhas do Jardim das Portas do Sol, Santarém in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Palencia (Fundación Díaz Caneja) in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Museu do Traje - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Illumination of Museu do Traje in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of the Museu do Traje – Viana do Castelo in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Nanaimo Bastion - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 British Columbia, Canada

Illumination of Nanaimo Bastion in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Nancy Blumer Memorial - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Nancy Blumer Memorial in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up National Carillon - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Illumination of National Carillon in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Navigators at the Koombana Drive Roundabout in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up NB Pier - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the New Brighton Pier in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Nelson Cathedral - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Nelson, New Zealand

Illumination of Nelson Cathedral in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Nelson Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Nelson, New Zealand

Illumination of Nelson Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Neptune’s Fountain – Poland

29 Feb 2024 Gdańsk, Poland

Illumination of Neptune’s Fountain in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland ___ fot. Grzegorz Mehring,

Lighting up New Plymouth Airport - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 New Plymouth, New Zealand

Illumination of New Plymouth Airport in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up New Plymouth Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 New Plymouth, New Zealand

Illumination of New Plymouth Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of New Zealand Maritime in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Newcastle Clock Tower - Australia

28 Feb 2023 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of Newcastle Clock Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Newcastle Clock Tower Face - 2024 - Australia

28 Feb 2024 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Newcastle Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Niagara Falls - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Ontario, Canada

Illumination of Niagara Falls in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Niagara Sign - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Ontario, Canada

Illumination of the Niagara Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Northbridge Tunnel - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Northbridge Tunnel in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Northbridge Tunnel in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Oakville Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Oamaru Opera House - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Oamaru, New Zealand

Illumination of Oamaru Opera House in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.


29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 BOURG-LA-REINE (92), France

Illumination of Bourg-la-Reine Town Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in France


29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 BOURG-LA-REINE (92), France

Illumination of Bourg-la-Reine town hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in France

Illumination of the Old Magistrates Court House in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Old Magistrates Court House in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Old Melbourne GPO - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Old Melbourne GPO in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Old Melbourne GPO - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Melbourne, Australia

Illumination of the Old Melbourne GPO in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Olivia Hall in Gdańsk - Poland

29 Feb 2024 Gdańsk, Poland

Illumination of Olivia Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland

Illumination of the Olympic Cauldron in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Optus Stadium - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Optus Stadium in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Otago Boys High - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Dunedin, New Zealand

Illumination of Otago Boys’ High School in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Otago Museum - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Dunedin, New Zealand

Illumination of Otago Museum in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Otago Settlers Museum in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of University of Otago Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Palacio Almudí in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Palacio de la Aljaferia in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Palacio de la Diputación Provincial de Palencia in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Palacio del Ayuntamiento y la Plaza Mayor in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Palmerston Library - 2024 - Australia

21 Feb 2024 Palmerston City, Australia

Illumination of the Palmerston Library in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Palmerston Memorial Park - 2024 - Australia

21 Feb 2024 Palmerston City, Australia

Illumination of the Palmerston Memorial Park in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Palmerston North Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Palmerston North, New Zealand

Illumination of Palmerston North Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Palmerston Recreation Centre - 2024 - Australia

21 Feb 2024 Palmerston City, Australia

Illumination of the Palmerston Recreation Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the paranaple convention centre in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Paranaple Convention Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Parlamento de las Islas Baleares in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Parlamento de Navarra in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Parlamento Vasco - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Illumination of Parlamento Vasco in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Parlement Bruxellois in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Parliament House - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Adelaide, Australia

Illumination of the Parliament House in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Parliament of Western Australia in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Paseo de Alfonso X in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Péristyle Conservatoire in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Perth Bell Tower - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Perth Bell Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Perth Children's Hospital - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Perth Children’s Hospital in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Perth Children’s Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Peterborough City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of Plaza de Don Juan de Austria de Sevilla in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Plaza de España de Sevilla in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Plaza de la Puerta del Mar Valencia in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Plaza de los luceros in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Polsat Plus Arena Gdańsk in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland ___ fot. Polsat Plus Arena Gdańsk

Illumination of Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Gdańsk in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland. ___ fot. press materials of...

Lighting Up Porter's Lodge - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Leuven, Belgium

Illumination of Porter’s Lodge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Illumination of Puente de Cullera in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Puente de San Miguel - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Puente de San Miguel, Spain

Illumination of Puente de San Miguel in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Puente sobre el rio Anoia en Martorell in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Illumination of Queen’s Park Gates and Fountain in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Queensland Country Stadium - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Queensland Country Stadium in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up Recordati - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Jette, Belgium

Illumination of the Recordati Office in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Red Earth Arts Precinct - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Red Earth Arts Precinct in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Reddacliff Place Steam Sculptures in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Reddacliff Place Steam sculptures in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Redwoods Tree Walk - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Rotorua, New Zealand

Illumination of Redwoods Tree Walk in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Revellín de Logroño in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Richmond Reserve - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Richmond Reserve in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Riverbank Footbridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 South Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Riverbank Footbridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Riverbank Footbridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Adelaide, Australia

Illumination of the Riverbank Footbridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Riverlinks Eastbank - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Victoria, Australia

Illumination of the Riverlinks Eastbank in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Royal Australia Mint - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Illumination of Royal Australia Mint in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Royal Australian Mint in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Royal Whanganui Opera House in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Sails of Light - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Vancouver, Canada

Illumination of the Vancouver Sails of Light in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Science World - 2024 - Canada

28 Feb 2024 Vancouver, Canada

Illumination of Science World in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of the Seafront Oval in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Signal Hill - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 St. John's, Canada

Illumination of Signal Hill in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Sky Ribbon - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Sky Ribbon in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Sky Ribbon - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Perth, Australia

Illumination of the Sky Ribbon in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of Speights Brewery Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up St Paul's Church - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Dunedin, New Zealand

Illumination of St Paul’s Church in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting Up Stadhuis Beringen - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Beringen, Belgium

Illumination of Stadhuis Beringen in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Story Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Illumination of the Story Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Story Bridge - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Story Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Stratford Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Stratford, New Zealand

Illumination of Stratford Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Suncorp Stadium - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Suncorp Stadium in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Surfers Paradise Sign - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Gold Coast, Australia

Illumination of the Surfers Paradise Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up Takeda Zaventem - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Zaventem, Belgium

Illumination of Takeda Zaventem in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Tasman Bridge - 2024 - Australia

27 Feb 2024 Hobart, Australia

Illumination of the Tasman Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Tavira City Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Tavira, Portugal

Illumination of Tavira City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up Te Aroha Clock Tower - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Matamata-Piako, New Zealand

Illumination of Te Aroha Clock Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Teatro Garcia de Resende in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of Téléphérique de Namur in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Telfer Water Tower - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Telfer Water Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the “Love Taupo” sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up the Art Gallery - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the Art Gallery in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up The Big Banana - Australia

28 Feb 2023 New South Wales, Australia

Illumination of the Big Banana in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up the Bridge of Remembrance - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of the Bridge of Remembrance in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up the Drum Theatre - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Dandenong, Australia

Illumination of the Drum Theatre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the The Drum Theatre, Dandenong in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up the Fantail Sign - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Upper Hutt, New Zealand

Illumination of the Fantail Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.


29 Feb 2024 Athens, Greece

“RARE DISEASES GREECE” in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens, illuminates the Fountain in Omonoia Square in honor of Rare...

“95” Rare Alliance Greece illuminates the Fountain in Omonoia Square in honor of Rare Disease Day in Athens, Greece.

Illumination of the Ponta Delgada Gates in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Lighting up the Hamilton Sign - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Ontario, Canada

Illumination of the Hamilton Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

“95” Rare Alliance Greece illuminates the Innovathens building of Technopolis City of Athens in honor of Rare Disease Day, Greece.

“Rare Diseases Greece” in collaboration with the Technopolis City of Athens illuminates the Innovathens building of Technopolis City of Athens...

To mark Rare Disease Day, at the end of the Conference the central building of Institute of Mother and Child...

Illumination of the Michael Fowler Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.


29 Feb 2024 Kozani, Greece

“Rare Diseases Greece” in collaboration with the Municipality of Kozani illuminates Municipal Library of Kozani in honor of Rare Disease...

Lighting up The Peace Bridge - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Fort Erie, Canada

Illumination of the Peace Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

The building of the event as well as the telecommunication tower in the Capital, Bucharest, will be lit up in...


28 Feb 2023 Syros, Greece

“95” Rare Alliance Greece illuminates the Town Hall of Syros in honor of Rare Disease Day.

Lighting up Tīrau I-Site - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 South Waikato, New Zealand

Illumination of Tīrau I-Site in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting Up Tokyo Tower - 2024 - Japan

29 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

Illumination of Tokyo Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Japan.

Lighting up Toronto CN Tower - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Toronto, Canada

Illumination of CN Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Toronto Sign - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Toronto, Canada

Illumination of the Toronto Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of Torre Glòries de Barcelona in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Torre Mangana - 2023 – Spain

28 Feb 2023 Cuenca, Spain

Illumination of Torre Mangana in honour of Rare Disease Day in Spain

Lighting up Townsville Sign - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the Townsville Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Townsville Sign - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Townsville Sign in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Trafalgar Bridge - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Trafalgar Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Unley Town Hall - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 South Australia, Australia

Illumination of the Unley Town Hall in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting Up UZ Antwerpen - 2024 - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Antwerp, Belgium

Illumination of UZ Antwerpen in honour of Rare Disease Day in Belgium.

Lighting up Vaka A Hina - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Christchurch, New Zealand

Illumination of Vaka A Hina in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Vancouver Convention Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Vaughan City Hall - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Ontario, Canada

Illumination of Vaughan City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Victoria Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Illumination of the Victoria Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Victoria Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the Victoria Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Victoria Bridge - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Toowoomba, Australia

Illumination of the Victoria Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Victoria Bridge - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Victoria Bridge in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Victoria Canopy Bridge - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Whangarei, New Zealand

Illumination of Victoria Canopy Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of the Victoria Park Broadbeach Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Vila Franca de Xira Town Hall - 2024 - Portugal

29 Feb 2024 Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal

Illumination of Vila Franca de Xira City Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Illumination of South Taranaki Water Tower in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Wellington Cable Car - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

Illumination of Wellington Cable Car in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Illumination of Whanganui War Memorial Centre in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Wharf St Lights - 2024 - New Zealand

29 Feb 2024 Tauranga, New Zealand

Illumination of Wharf St Lights in honour of Rare Disease Day in New Zealand.

Lighting up Wharton Reef Lighthouse - 2024 - Australia

29 Feb 2024 Townsville, Australia

Illumination of the Wharton Reef Lighthouse in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Wharton Reef Lighthouse - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Wharton Reef Lighthouse in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the Wickham Terrace Car Park Architectural Wall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up William Grundt Memorial Library - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Western Australia, Australia

Illumination of the William Grundt Memorial Library in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Illumination of the William Grundt Memorial Library in honour of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Wineglass Water Tower - 2023 - Australia

28 Feb 2023 Queensland, Australia

Illumination of the Wineglass Water Tower in honor of Rare Disease Day in Australia.

Lighting up Winnipeg Bridge - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Winnipeg, Canada

Illumination of Winnipeg Bridge in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Lighting up Winnipeg Sign - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Winnipeg, Canada

Illumination of the Winnipeg Sign in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Illumination of Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Instytut Biologii i Biotechnologii in honour of Rare Disease Day in Poland

Lightpainting in Duna Arena

28 Feb 2023 Budapest, Hungary

Duna Arena is a new sport building in Budapest. It was painted with blue lights at the offial Rare Disesase...

LightUp for Rare

29 Feb 2024 Rzeszów, Poland

In an effort of global solidarity, building that Institute of Biotechnology (University of Rzeszow) is located will be lights up...

É uma live moderada pela vice-presidente da Alambra e com a participação de um pneumologista e de um cirurgião do...

🌟 Live Q&A Event for Rare Disease Day 🌟 Support our community and Rare Disease Day for an enlightening Live...

On Saturday 25th February Rare Ireland Family Support Network will have Irish artist Sean Corcoran The Art Hand create a...

Live Song Performance Proud To Be Rare

20 Jan 2023 THE bEAR True Stories, Germany

Live Song Performance of my Song for the Rare Disease Day “Proud To Be Rare” at THE bEAR Live Story...

live taka

28 Feb 2023 en ligne sur facebook, France

A vos agendas : les taka reviennent en live une fois par mois. Nous commençons le 28 février 2023, ici...

Liver Building lit up for Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Royal Liver building will be illuminated for Rare Disease Day on February 29th.

Liverpool lights up for Rare Disease Day!

29 Feb 2024 Liverpool, United Kingdom

Liverpool town hall will be lit up to highlight Rare Disease Day!

Living with Rare Disease

25 Feb 2023 Oranjestad, Aruba

Raising awareness about rare disease and rare disease day. As a small island we also deal with rare disease eventhough...


23 Feb 2023 Ludwigshafen, Germany

At the LOUDRARE ONLINE FESTIVAL, people with rare diseases, patient communities, medicine, the pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders involved in...

Loudrare Online Festival

24 Feb 2024 to 25 Feb 2024 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany

At the LOUDRARE ONLINE FESTIVAL 2024, those affected will come together to talk about their stories – about their individual...

Madina Rare disease day

6 Mar 2024 to 8 Mar 2024 Madina, Saudi Arabia

Rare Disease Day in Madina, KSA (March 6-8, 2024) Rare Disease Day is a significant global initiative aimed at raising...


14 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 GAGNOA - KORHOGO - YAMOUSSOUKRO - ABENGOUROU - AGBOVILLE, Ivory Coast

Maladies Rares Tour est un programme de sensibilisations et d’éducation sur les places publiques de cinq villes en Cote d’ivoire...

Malattie rare: stili di vita e movimento

29 Feb 2024 Milano, Italy

In occasione della Giornata delle Malattie Rare, la Direzione Socio Sanitaria dell’ASST Gaetano Pini-CTO, propone, giovedì 29 febbraio dalle ore...

Interdisciplinary conference on rare diseases, Friday, 9 February 2024, 9.30 – 12.30 in Lucca, San Micheletto Complex: RARE DISEASES –...

Interdisciplinary conference on rare diseases, Friday, 9 February 2024, 9.30 – 12.30 in Lucca, San Micheletto Complex: RARE DISEASES –...

Interdisciplinary conference on rare diseases, Friday, 9 February 2024, 9.30 – 12.30 in Lucca, San Micheletto Complex: RARE DISEASES –...

Málþing Einstakra Barna

28 Feb 2023 Reykjavik , Iceland

Málþing um málefni líðandi stunda í heimi Einstakra barna / ungmenna / foreldra þeirra og systkina

March on Parliament Hill - 2024 - Canada

29 Feb 2024 Ottawa, Canada

March on Parliament Hill organised by CORD in honour of Rare Disease Day in Canada.

Marche pour le syndrome Kabuki

26 Feb 2023 Celles, Belgium

9eme édition de la Marche pour Kabuki. Départs libres toute la journée 3 parcours prévus de 3, 6 et 10km...

# Light Up For Rare #Rare unites us 26 February 2024 Kazakhstan Almaty Alfarabi Kazakh National University Higher School Of...

Meet your expert

28 Feb 2023 Berlin, Germany

Zum Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen 2023 lädt NEMOS ein zum offenen Gespräch: Mit Expertinnen und Experten ins Gespräch kommen, Fragen...

MENA Organization for Rare Diseases Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024

1 Feb 2024 to 4 Feb 2024 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

MENA Organization for Rare Diseases Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024 MENA Organization for Rare Diseases announces the third annual meeting,...

MENA Organization for Rare Diseases Anual Meeting 2023

3 Mar 2023 to 5 Mar 2023 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

MENA Organization for Rare Diseases Annual Meeting 2023, we are delighted to invite you to in our meeting that will...

Mersey Gateway Bridge

29 Feb 2024 Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Mersey Gateway Bridge will be lit up for this year’s Rare Disease Day

El Congreso de la República del Perú en coordinación con la sociedad civil ADCUM, se compromete a seguir haciendo incidencia...

La red Latinoamericana de Genética Humana – RELAGH tiene el agrado de invitar al Tercer Ciclo de Conversatorios 2024, con...

Mesas informativas sobre enfermedades raras

4 Feb 2023 to 25 Feb 2023 Palencia, Spain

Jornadas de sensibilización y concienciación sobre la realidad de las enfermedades poco frecuentes, previstas para los sábados de febrero por...

Instagram Live | Lunes 27 de febrero (20 horas CET) Desde la Fundación Lovexair, y con el objetivo de dar...

Missa dos Raros em Brasília - capital do Brasil

29 Feb 2024 Brasília , Brazil

Missa em Ação de Graças pelo Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras

Missa dos Raros em Brasília - capital do Brasil

29 Feb 2024 Brasília , Brazil

Missa em Ação de Graças pelo Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras

Missa em ação de graças pelo dia Mundial das Doenças Raras

The clock tower is lighting up in blue, pink, and green from 8 p.m. on February 29.

Month of the rare neoplasia

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Liège, Belgium

Each Thursday in February, we offer you a series of medical presentations on rare neoplasias or rare aspects

Morning Tea - Meet the Researchers

28 Feb 2023 Sydney, Australia

Morning tea to meet the UTS Researchers of Rare Disease

Mostra "The Ballad of Human Mutations"

29 Feb 2024 to 17 Mar 2024 San Giorgio in Brenta (PD), Italy

THE BALLAD OF HUMAN MUTATIONS, esibizione di Alice Babolin, in arte #Aliteia, curata da Alisia Viola , torna live a...

movERse por la espERanza

25 Feb 2023 Palencia, Spain

Jornada deportiva a favor de la investigación de las enfermedades raras, organizada por En Ruta por las Enfermedades Raras y...

The seminar is dedicated to medical students, genetics, doctors, physiotherapists, and social workers. The seminar will provide an overview of...

Music Playlist for Rare

28 Feb 2023 to 7 Mar 2023 Seoul, South Korea

Celebrating Rare Disease Day 2023, 3billion made a Youtube music playlist. Many people, including family members of patients, sent us...


29 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 Gombak, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

1200 km ride to raise fund for Lysosomal storage Dieases patients

Nadir Hastalıkla Büyümek

29 Feb 2024 Istanbul, Turkey

İSTisNA Projesi Nadir Hastalıklar Günü’nde proje ortağı İstanbul Üniversitesi Aziz Sancar Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü’nde! Öğleden sonra başlayacak Nadir Hastalıklar...


28 Feb 2024 Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain

The Nano Rare Diseases Day is an event organized within the framework of World Rare Diseases Day where the latest...


28 Feb 2023 Esplugues de Llobregat/ Barcelona, Spain

Nano Rare Diseases Day is an event organised in the framework of World Rare Diseases Day where the latest innovations...

Nationaal Event Zeldzameziektendag

28 Feb 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dit jaar staan we stil bij het medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek in Nederland. Zijn de keuzes die daar worden gemaakt logisch en...

National Conference for RDD 2024

29 Feb 2024 Bucharest, Romania

An event co-organized in partnership with the Commission for Health in the Romanian Senate.

National Conference on Rare Diseases

28 Feb 2023 Chisinau, Moldova. Republic of

It is a tradition to mark the Rare Disease Day by a National Conference including health care professionals working with...

National Science Day & Rare Disease Day

10 Mar 2024 Chennai, India

Talk and discussion on select rare diseases to elicit awareness among the public.

National Webinar on Rare Diseases

28 Feb 2023 Trivandrum, India

The Department of Media Studies, Christ Nagar College, Trivandrum Kerala along with Focus Games (UK) is organising a National Webinar...

National workshop on RD patients' journey

1 Mar 2024 Bucharest, Romania

A workshop with multi disciplinary and multi sectorial participation to define the patient’s pathways for RD patients.

A webinar to explore and discuss the diagnostic challenges and opportunities for rare diseases in low-middle-income countries, fostering global collaboration....


29 Feb 2024 to 28 Mar 2024 Berlin, Germany

NEMOS INITIATIVE FÜR BETROFFENE 1. NMOSD Patientenbroschüre – Ihre Meinung ist gefragt! Kommentieren Sie die NEMOS Patientenbroschüre. Sie wird derzeit...


29 Feb 2024 to 29 Mar 2024 Berlin, Germany

1. NMOSD Patientenbroschüre – Ihre Meinung ist gefragt! Kommentieren Sie die NEMOS Patientenbroschüre. Sie wird derzeit von NEMOS für Patienten,...

Si tienes Síndrome de Guillain-Barré , CIDP, NMM, o cualquier otra polineuropatía desmielinizante, esta es tu jornada.

Newborn Screening Workshop

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This two-day workshop will expose participants to the most recent developments, knowledge and expertise in managing patients with Inborn Error...

Aims for the day: – To examine Newcastle’s strengths and potential to address the challenges posed by Rare Disease –...

Will be lit up in blue from sunset until 11 p.m. on February 29.

Join us for an upcoming webinar on the genetics of NF2-SWN. We are honored to have Kara Anstett, a Clinical...

Ngày bệnh hiếm 2023 - Sắc hoa

28 Feb 2023 Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam

Mỗi bệnh hiếm và người bệnh hiếm là một bông hoa, và ngày bệnh hiếm là ngày của những sắc...

The Zebra 5K Run/Walk is an in person or virtual 5K run OR walk! It will take place to mark...

Niagara Falls

29 Feb 2024 Niagara Falls , Canada

Niagara Falls will be lit up in the Rare Disease colors pink, green, blue, purple from 10:00pm to 10:15pm. live...


29 Feb 2024 Niagara Falls , Canada

Niagara Falls Canada will be illuminated on Thursday February 29, 2024 in recognition of Rare Disease Day. It will be...

Niagara sign Rare Disease Day lights

29 Feb 2024 Thorold, Canada

Lit in blue, pink, and green on February 29.

Join us over the lunch period (with your food!) for a 60- minute session for Rare Disease Day highlighting rare...

North South Rare Disease Day Celebration On behalf of Rare Diseases Ireland (RDI) and Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership (NIRDP),...

Nos pintamos de cultura

25 Feb 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Mesa e enfermedades raras para Antioquia y Red Técnica por las Enfermedades Huérfanas de Antioquia.

 Shining in blue on February 29.

Ohrid will shine for 28 days to support rare diseases

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Ohrid, North Macedonia

Samuil’s Fortress, Ohrid Gymnasium OSU “St. Kliment Ohrid OEMUC “St. Naum Ohridski” SOSU “St. Cyril and Methodius” all elementary schools,...

Please join us for a Global Group Sound Therapy Session in Honor of Rare Disease Day. Sound Therapy with Heart...

P4A's Race for Rare

29 Feb 2024 London, United Kingdom

The P4A team will be taking part in ‘Race for Rare’ across London on 29th Feb 2024. We will be...


28 Feb 2023 Padova, Italy

In occasione della giornata mondiale delle Malattie Rare Padova si illumina. In occasion of Rare Disease Day Padua lights up.

Illumination of the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão – Porto in honor of Rare Disease Day in Portugal.

Palliative approach in orphan disease

28 Feb 2023 Bogota, Colombia

Conference aimed at health workers and the community. Palliative approach in orphan disease: panoramic in Colombia, comprehensive approach, home care

Panfleteada por las epof

27 Feb 2023 Quilmes, Argentina

El día 27 de febrero a las 17:30 estaremos en la puerta de la casa de la cultura de Quilmes...


In recognition of Rare Disease Day 2023, we’re hosting a Facebook Live to talk about the critical role of genetic...

Patient Information Day for People living with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy

3 Mar 2023 to 3 Feb 2023 Newcastle Upon Tyne , United Kingdom

“Patient Information Day for People living with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy” is an Event organised by the John Walton Muscular...

Peace bridge will be Illuminated in blue, pink, purple, and green on February 28, starting the awareness campaign a day...

In this webinar, our panel of experts will examine how to navigate pricing and reimbursement challenges for rare disease technologies....

Pescara Event RDD Campaign 2023

3 Feb 2023 Pescara, Italy

Oggi pomeriggio presso il nostro liceo si è tenuto un interessante momento formativo per i nostri alunni, rivolto particolarmente agli...

Tbilisi Medical Academy uses this opportunity to bring healthcare students a special event dedicated to raising awareness about rare diseases....

The Rare Diseases Alliance of Latvia (LRSA) is an independent non-governmental organization founded on October 3, 2014, uniting organizations representing various interests of...

Join us for the Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre’s 2024 Rare Disease Day webinar. February 28 2024, 10:00AM – 11:00AM EST...

PIP-UK Poland Syndrome Support at Buxton Swimming Pool

28 Feb 2023 Buxton in the Peak District, United Kingdom

Join PIP-UK for an afternoon snack, donated by local businesses and find out about rare disease day, Poland Syndrome and...

Pledge4Rare Campaign

20 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Accra, Ghana

This is a social media campaign where persons with interest in rare disease pledge their support to persons living with...

On February 29, 2024, the Tarczyński Arena Municipal Stadium in Wrocław will be illuminated to show solidarity with people suffering...

Polish Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 Warszawa, Poland

Krajowe Forum na Rzecz Terapii Chorób Rzadkich ORPHAN w imieniu organizacji członkowskich oraz własnym zaprasza Państwa na wspólne obchody Światowego...

A hybrid educational symposium aimed at integrating medical genetics into everyday medical practice in Pakistan. The target audience includes practicing...

Prader-Willi Malaysia, Family Fun Day.

18 Feb 2023 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Family Fun Day, Talk and Forum on Mental Health, People with Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Programa de abordaje integral de las Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario El 29 de febrero se conmemora el...


28 Feb 2023 MARGHITA, Romania

Evenimentul va avea loc la clasa pregatitoare D a Colegiului National “Octavian Goga”, Marghita, clasa in care se afla un...

Progrma radial ¿Te suena rara?

23 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Buenaventura, Quibdó y Tumaco, Colombia

#UnaLuzPorLasRaras💡 es el nombre con el cual la organización del Día Mundial de Enfermedades Raras 2023 🖐️🏾 Rare Disease Day...

The logo of the World Rare Disease Day and the logo of “95” Rare Alliance Greece will be projected on...

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des maladies rares 2023, la Maison de l’Italie vous propose une soirée projection suivie...

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras

25 Feb 2023 Barranquilla, Colombia

Partido de fútbol Junior FC vs. La Equidad

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras

27 Feb 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras en partido de fútbol Atlético Nacional vs. Atlético Huila

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras

5 Mar 2023 Bogotá D.C, Colombia

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras en partido de fútbol Millonarios vs. Cali presencial

Promoción Campaña #UnidosPorLasRaras en paratido de futbol América vs. Junior en el Estadio Pacual Guerrero, Cali


28 Feb 2024 online, Germany

Q&A session about cardiological and psychosocial topics for ARVC patients with ARVC expert Prof. Daniela Husser-Bollmann and psychocardiologist Dr. Hilka...

Raise a Toastie

26 Feb 2023 Nationwide, Ireland

On Sunday, February 26 Raise a Toastie and raise awareness for Rare Disease Day. Join with the 300,000 people living...

Raras Sem Vergonha

28 Feb 2023 São Paulo , Brazil

Lançmento de video: Raras sem vergonha, quebrano o tabu Painel de mulheres raras sobre criar inclusão na sociedade: 4 mulheres...

Rare Abilità

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Fasano , Italy

Mostra di sensibilizzazione “Rare Abilità” , accendiamo le luci sulle malattie rare. Shooting fotografico di sensibilizzazione

RARE AT MATILDA (Chicago Rare Disease Day 2024)

29 Feb 2024 Chicago, United States

WHAT: Chicago Rare Disease Day 2024. We will have an hour for introductions, conversation and fellowship, then screen the film...

In 2021, GLI successfully launched the caregiver summit and the A3 symposium that allowed patients, families, and caregivers to discuss...

The Rare Aware Campaign is launching its third roundtable, with a focus on the challenges faced by patient advocacy organizations...

Rare Beer 2024

8 Mar 2024 Wellington, New Zealand

We are super excited for the return of the Rare Beer Challenge for 2024! On 8 March some of the...

Digital lunch seminar across the Northern Region focusing on networks for rare diseases, in honour of Rare Disease Day in...

Rare Day Information Evening - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Uppsala, Sweden

Information evening arranged by the Centre for Rare Diseases in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Patient representatives talk at Kalmar County Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Patient representatives talk at Karolinska Huddinge Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day Linköping - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Linköping, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at Linköping University Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day Lund Hospital - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Lund, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at Lund Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day Malmö - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Malmö, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at Malmö University Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day New Karolinska Solna - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at New Karolinska Solna University Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day Ryhov County Hospital - 2024 - Sweden

29 Feb 2024 Jönköping, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at Ryhov County Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Day Växjö - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Växjö, Sweden

Patient representatives talk at Växjö Health Library in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Derm Education Programme

29 Feb 2024 Galle, Sri Lanka

Project Title: Empowering Communities through Rare Disease Education Objective: To educate and raise awareness about rare diseases within the Sri...

A day full of announcements and surprises regarding the launch of ‘Recognise ME’, a memoir about medical gaslighting.

Rare Disease Awareness Day

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A public awareness campaign including a talk on Expanded New Born Screening with complimentary 100 NBS from Yayasan Luth

Rare Disease Awareness Month Initiative

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Cape Town, South Africa

#28DaysOfRare awareness campaign online on social media @RareGenomicsRSA, @Su_MBHG, @Suhealthsci

Rare Disease awareness through Social Media

29 Feb 2024 Pokhara, Nepal

Rare Disease awareness through social media, and discussion in school, especially. A child living with OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta), a rare...

Webinar: This webinar brings together patients and caregivers with the rare diseases HoFH and FCS who will talk about how...

Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 London , United Kingdom

We were glad to have been invited to participate in the Rare Disease choir to record the song #ThisIsMe at...

Rare Disease Day

2 Mar 2023 Minneapolis, United States

Diversity in the Rare Disease Community: Challenges for Newborn Screening and Early-life Genetic Testing Equity Thursday, March 2, 2023 9-10...

Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Penang, Malaysia

Our event highlight of “Rare Disease Day 2024 – Share Your Colours” was at 1-2pm on 29th Feb. The event...

Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 London, United Kingdom

Rare Disease Centre at GSST, is having a Rare Disease Day event in St Thomas’ Hospital. This will be with...


29 Feb 2024 York Region, Ontario Canada, Canada

YORK REGION EARLY ON CHILD AND FAMILY PROGRAMS will be supporting RARE DISEASE DAY 2024 by displaying RDD posters in...


29 Feb 2024 TORONTO , Canada

The Toronto CN Tower will be illuminated in the Rare Disease colors of pink, green, blue and purple in recognition...


29 Feb 2024 TORONTO, Canada

The Toronto City Hall will be illuminated in the Rare Disease Colors of pink, green, blue and purple in recognition...


29 Feb 2024 TORONTO , Canada

The Toronto Sign at Nathan Pillips Square will be illuminated in the colors pink, green, blue and purple in recognition...

Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 Akron, United States

Join Akron Children’s Hospital’s Genetic Center for its inaugural Rare Disease Day event to raise awareness and support for patients...

Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 Nairobi, Kenya

Will be having a meet up event just to catch up have fun and share our stories ,will also have...

Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Tripoli, Libya

Rare Disease Day is a scientific, educational activity to allow health care workers to share rare cases they have diagnosed,...

Rare Disease Day

29 Feb 2024 Tripoli, Libya

Rare Disease Day is a scientific, educational activity where health care workers share their patients rare cases , the ones...

Art Campaign held across hospitals in Finland as part of the #ColourUp4Rare postcard campaign, in honour of Rare Disease Day...

Rare Disease Day - 2024 - Japan

1 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan

Talk held at the House of Councillors Hall in honour of Rare Disease Day in Japan.

An initiative by medical students concentrating on rare diseases on the rarest day of them all. The Student Scientific Circle...

Rare Disease Day - Morning Tea

26 Feb 2023 Albury /Wodongaa, Australia

meet for morning tea

Rare Disease Day - Patient Centred Research Webinar

29 Feb 2024 Online, United Kingdom

This year, Rare Disease Day is on that rarest of days, 29th February, and to mark the occasion NIHR Cambridge BRC...

Rare Disease Day - Primary lymphoedema

29 Feb 2024 Digital, Sweden

A Webinar will be organized. A lymph therapist will describe the diagnoses and how to handle primary lymphoedema and show...

Rare Disease Day - Stellenbosch University

28 Feb 2023 Cape Town, South Africa

Rare Disease Day 2023 #Jeans4Genes – wear your favorite jeans and support our #RareBearFund by buying delicious cupcakes. There’s a...

We invite you to gather together with SRNA’s founders, partners, fellow community members, and leading medical professionals together for a...

Rare Disease Day 2023

28 Feb 2023 Rose Hill, Mauritius

Lupus Alert is marking Rare Disease Day (Tuesday, February 28) with an appeal for people to donate their blood. Patients...

Rare disease day 2023

28 Feb 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

Meeting with healthcare professionals, patients and parents organizations. The main objective is to raise awareness about rare diseases and support...

Rare Disease Day 2023

9 May 2023 to 5 Sep 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

Hematologists, rheumatologists and immunology-allergology specialists will share their practical and theoretical knowledge about rare diseases.

Rare Disease Day 2023 - Ghana

20 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Accra, Ghana

1. Pledge4Rare Campaign: This is a social media campaign to solicit support from the general public to increase the voice...

National Skills University Islamabad organized an event related to “Rare Disease Day 2023” in order to highlight the rare diseases...

Rare Disease Day 2023 - Sac Hoa

28 Feb 2023 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

People living with rare diseases facing with lots of challenges and one of them is not understand what they will...

We are excited to announce a charitable exposition and event to raise awareness and support for individuals and families affected...

Listen live to the legend who started the #RARE Revolution with the US Orphan Drug Act of 1983 – Now...

Rare Disease Day 2023 Breakfast Reception at Queen's Park

28 Feb 2023 to 28 Jan 2023 Toronto, Canada

The Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders is hosting Breakfast Reception at Queen’s Park in celebration of International Rare Disease Day....

Illumination of the 3D Toronto Sign at Nathan Phillips Square in #RareDiseaseDay colours #LightUpForRare

Illumination of the Calgary Tower in #RareDiseaseDay colours #LightUpForRare

Illumination of the CN Tower in #RareDiseaseDay colours #LightUpForRare

Illumination of the Niagara Falls in #RareDiseaseDay colours #LightUpForRare

Illumination of the Victoria, BC Parliament Building’s (Ceremonial Entrance, front Centre Fountain, and the back Library Fountain at the Parliament...

Rare disease day 2023 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

28 Feb 2023 Villeurbanne, France

The platform of rare diseaeses expertise, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes région is waiting for you in ViIlleurbanne- Gratte Ciel to learn more about...

Rare Disease Day on 28 February — and the events surrounding it — offer many exciting opportunities to raise awareness...

Rare Disease Day 2023. Hungary

25 Feb 2023 Budapest, Hungary

We organise a scientific conference with standsection, entertainment programmes, photocontest, art exhibition, arts and crafts, playground for babies, “Show your...

Convegno ibrido (realizzazione in presenza con diretta streaming associata sul canale @universityoftrento), pubblico e gratuito. Abstract: Partendo dalla trasformazione del...

Rare Disease Day 2024

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Warsaw, Poland

Polish celebration of the Rare Disease Day 2024, organised annually by National Forum Orphan – Polish patients umbrella federation, in...

Presentation and sharing experiences of living with a rare disease in honour of Rare Disease Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Rare Disease Day 2024 - Banja Luka Medical School

29 Feb 2024 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Talk held at Banja Luka Medical School in honour of Rare Disease Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Rare Disease Day 2024 - Bulgaria

29 Feb 2024 Sofia, Bulgaria

A call to action for people living with rare diseases. Rare Diseases Bulgaria send an open letter to the Prime...

Rare Disease Day is an international day celebrated in over 100 countries to raise awareness amongst the general public, the...

Talk held at Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Botswana.

Celebrate Rare Disease Day 2024 in an unforgettable way with a live discussion hosted by Medidata visionaries and a special...

Rare Disease Day 2024 in Georgia

29 Feb 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

At the Rare Disease Day Event there will be discussed Georgian Rare Disease NP/NS 2024-2030

Rare Disease Day 2024 Kenya

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Nairobi, Kenya

Radio interview with Capital FM #DriveOut

Rare Disease Day 2024 Kenya

2 Mar 2024 Nairobi, Kenya

Members Meeting for Rare Disease Kenya

The Medical Genetics Dept. and Egyptian society of human genetics is inviting you to 2024 rare disease day. Our aim...

Round table, reserved only for professionals (from the world of associations, health, university, private enterprises and education), and dedicated to:...

Rare Disease Day Art Exhibition

29 Feb 2024 Harare, Zimbabwe

An art exhibition showcasing a collection of powerful and diverse art pieces done by students from different schools to raise...

We will be holding our second annual Rare Disease Day on February 29th, 2024 (yes, it’s truly a rare day!)...

Rare disease day at Emory

29 Feb 2024 Atlanta , United States

Table event to raise awareness for rare diseases and promote equity.

Rare Disease Day at Great Ormond Street Hospital

29 Feb 2024 to 29 Nov 2023 London, United Kingdom

Hands on activities and meet the scientist

Rare Disease Day at Great Ormond Street Hospital

29 Feb 2024 London, United Kingdom

Hands on activities and meet the scientist

We are excited to invite you to Rare Disease Day at the Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG) – an...

Rare Disease Day at Nationwide Children's Hospital

28 Feb 2023 Columbus, Ohio, United States

Join us to raise awareness about rare diseases and its impact on patients and families. This event is free and...

Rare Disease Day at NIH 2023

28 Feb 2023 Bethesda, MD, United States

Since 2011, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and the NIH Clinical Center have sponsored Rare Disease Day at...

Rare Disease Day at NIH 2024

29 Feb 2024 Bethesda, United States

On Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and the NIH Clinical Center will sponsor Rare...

Rare Disease Day at RCWMCH

29 Feb 2024 Cape Town, South Africa

Come and join us outside A11 for some Rare Disease Day Fun and to raise awareness about Rare Diseases. On...

Rare Disease Day at the IA Capitol

2 Mar 2023 Des Moines, United States

In honor of those who have lost their battle with rare diseases like cystinosis and in honor of Rare Disease...

Rare Disease Day at the University of Minnesota

7 Mar 2024 Minneapolis, United States

Orphan Products for Rare Diseases: Availability and Accessibility – They’re Not The Same Thing The program will feature two keynote...

Dr. Manda Hosen, medical science liaison with the Department of Pediatrics Division of Medical Genetics and School of Medicine Genetics...

Rare Disease Day Bay Area 2023

26 Feb 2023 San Jose, United States

Please join us for our 5th Annual Rare Disease Day Bay Area 2023 event. This years event will be located...

Rare Disease Day Bay Area 2024

2 Mar 2024 San Jose, United States

Rare Disease Day Bay Area 2024 is back celebrating our 6th year of supporting the Rare Disease Community. Our small...

Rare Disease Day Beer Release and Celebration

28 Feb 2023 Milwaukee, United States

We brewed a beer using modern brewing products and techniques. This is to signify modern technology moving forward to find...

Rare Disease Day campaign

15 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 Brussel, Belgium

The Belgian Rare Disease Day campaigns, invites all to share their colours and share the infographics developed in Flemish and...

Rare Disease Day Campaign in Belgium

1 Feb 2024 to 4 Mar 2024 Bruxelles, Belgium

RaDiOrg, the Belgian alliance for rare diseases, is putting together an awareness campaign in French and Dutch. We invited all...

Rare Disease Day Campaign Launch 2023

31 Jan 2023 Valletta, Malta

The National Alliance for Rare Diseases Support Malta will launch the nationwide Rare Diseases Campaign 2022 on 31 January 2023....

Rare Disease Day Campus Event

1 Mar 2024 San Luis Obispo, United States

Cal Poly Polytechnic State University lawn boothing to talk to students and bring awareness for individuals with rare diseases and...

Rare Disease Day Campus Event

28 Feb 2023 San Luis Obispo, United States

From 11 am to 1 pm, our Genetic Counseling SIG club will be joined with other prehealth clubs and the...

Rare Disease Day Conference

28 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Chisinau, Moldova. Republic of

The Conference of Rare Diseases Day became a traditional one in Moldova. This year the Conference of Rare Disease Day...

Rare Disease Day Conference 2024

12 Mar 2024 Ramat Hasharon, Israel

A conference to mark the International Rare Disease Day in which doctors, researchers, professionals in the field and the patients’...

Rare Disease Day Conference and Cocktail Reception Delivering on Canada’s Rare Disease Investment Virtual option is available For more information:...

Rare Disease Day Empower Hour - Zoom Chat

29 Feb 2024 Conshohocken, United States

Rare Disease Day Empower Hour. On the Rare Disease Day, let’s gather together and shine a light on the many...

Rare Disease Day Exhibit

24 Feb 2023 to 2 Mar 2023 Mount Pleasant, Australia

This exhibit uses the medium of photography and videography to highlight some of the conditions affecting those within the sector....

Rare Disease Day Exhibition - 2024 - Japan

17 Feb 2024 to 17 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan

Photo contest exhibition at the Tokyo Tower in honour of Rare Disease day in Japan.

Rare Disease Day Fun Run & Walk

26 Feb 2023 Cairns, Australia

Rare Friends is a community of supporters for Far North Queenslanders affected by rare conditions. Once a year, on the...

Rare Disease Day Fun Run & Walk

3 Mar 2024 Cairns, Australia

Rare Friends is a community of supporters for Far North Queenslanders affected by rare conditions. Once a year, we walk,...

Rare Disease Day High Tea

3 Mar 2024 Adelaide, Australia

High Tea to raise awareness for Rare Disease Day and funds for Rare Voices Australia

Rare Disease Day in Lille

11 Mar 2023 to 11 Feb 2023 Lille, France

Pour la JIMR, PLEMaRa, avec le soutien des Filières Maladies Rares FIMATHO, FAI²R, MHEMO, du CHU de Lille et de...

Rare Disease Day Jeans4genes

29 Feb 2024 Anchorage, United States

Raise awareness for rare diseases day and support the ZMYND-11 Treatment Foundation by making a contribution and wearing jeans to...

Rare Disease Day Kenya

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Nairobi, Kenya

Lighting up of Old Mutual Tower

Rare Disease Day Kenya 2024

6 Mar 2024 Nairobi, Kenya

Presentation of Rare Disease Day at Rotary Club of Karen

Rare Disease Day lunch

24 Feb 2023 Gerringong , Australia

Jacks Grill By Smiths Street Foods Cronin’s Hotel. Time: 12.30pm Lunch is pay yourself. Numbers are limited.

Rare Disease Day Lunch

24 Feb 2023 BERRY, Australia

Lunch to celebrate Rare Diseases Day for those living in the Wollongong and Shoalhaven areas. Contact Anita Chalmers on 0421314138...

Rare Disease Day Lunch and Learn

29 Feb 2024 Paterson, United States

Join the worldwide campaign to raise awareness, learn, and recognize the rare disease community. Hear patients discuss their diagnostic odyssey...

Rare Disease Day Mansoura 2024

27 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Mansoura, Egypt

We organized this event to improve overall knowledge about the rare diseases highlighting spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Egypt. Our...

Rare Disease Day Public Awareness Campaign

24 Feb 2023 to 25 Feb 2023 manama, Bahrain

The public awareness campaign on 24-25 of Feb 2023, Bahrain Seef mall, has as goal to interact with the society...

Rare Disease Day Quiz Night

21 Feb 2024 Cape Town, South Africa

We are hosting a Quiz Night at our local community centre to spread awareness for Rare Disease Day this year.

Rare Disease Day Rhode Island

29 Feb 2024 Providence, United States

The RI Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness and Support group will have two tables set up with free up to date...

Rare Disease Day Storytime

20 Feb 2024 Cottage Grove, United States

Program Alert: Rare Disease Month StoryTime on February 20, 6:00 p.m. in the Taylor Prairie School Library. February is Disease...

Rare Disease Day Symposium

28 Feb 2023 Hannover, Germany

das Zentrum für Seltene Erkrankungen (ZSE) Hannover möchte Sie anlässlich des “Rare Disease Day 2023″ am Dienstag, den 28.02.2023 zu...

Rare Disease Day Symposium

29 Feb 2024 Hannover, Germany

Liebe Betroffene, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen und Erkrankte ohne Diagnose benötigen...

Rare Disease Day Tucson

4 Mar 2023 Tucson, United States

Provide advocacy, community, and support for those affected by a rare disease across Southern Arizona. FREE admission to the museum...

This amazing virtual music festival was organized by DJs who have come together to spread awareness for the Rare Disease...

ADSSL1 myopathy is a recently identified ultra-rare disease affecting the muscular system that is thought to impact only a few...

Rare Disease Day WebRADIO Show

28 Feb 2023 Athens, Greece

With great pleasure I am organizing, for second year, a webradio show dedicated to Rare Disease Day on Many...

Rare Disease Day Workshop

28 Feb 2024 Limassol, Cyprus

Cyprus Alliance for Rare Disorders and the Cyprus University of Technology co-organise a workshop addressed to patients, nurses, nursing students...

This Rare Disease Day, join Oncology Data Advisor live on YouTube on Thursday, February 29, at 2:00 pm EST. OncData’s...

Rare Disease Forum 2024

29 Feb 2024 Riga, Latvia

A one-day educational and inspirational event for medical practitioners and people living with rare diseases. The topics and lectures are...

A virtual global summit, free registration organised to mark Rare Disease Day. A professional summit for rare disease therapies development...

Rare Disease Video Challenge 2024 - Break the Stare, Say Hello!

15 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Open to everyone who wants to take action to create public awareness on Rare Diseases! (RD individual, a caregiver, siblings,...

Rare disease webinar

21 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Yaounde , Cameroon

Two webinars to commemorate the celebration of the rare disease day on the theme: “Make rare visible, shine the light...

Rare disease week: New Therapies for Old Diseases

14 Jan 2023 to 19 Jan 2023 Cairo, Egypt

The Egyptian society of human genetics and the Medical Genetics Department, Ain Shams University are inviting you to our fourth...

Rare diseases awareness day

24 Feb 2023 Tunis, Tunisia

A children’ party will be hosted at the Department of Child Neurology at the National Institute Mongi Ben Hmida of...

An event organized by medical students, led by Miss Lama Almaqbali under the supervision of Dr Hussain Alsaffar, pediatric endocrinologist....


18 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kigali, Rwanda

On 29th February 2024, also in Rwanda as it’s done internationally, we celebrate “Rare Diseases Day” for the 5th time...

We organize an advocacy event tot informs and raise awareness about rare diseases and thus improve the visibility of people...

Rare diseases Day Bahrain public campaign

7 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 manama, Bahrain

This year campaign is continuing our activities initiated in 2013 and will make more visible the AGU and AJC contribution...

The Rare Diseases Day Event, which will be held on Thursday, March 2nd, 2023, will take place online between 16.00-17.30.

Rare diseases Day public campaign

7 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 manama, Bahrain

This year campaign is continuing our activities initiated in 2013 and will make more visible the AGU and AJC contribution...

In the United States, a disease is considered “rare” if it affects fewer than 200,000 individuals. More than 7,000 rare...

Rare Diseases Information campaign in schools and kindergardens

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Zalau, Romania

NoRo team and patients will meet children and teachers in schools and kindergardens and speak about the needs of patients...

Rare Diseases Kaleidoscope

29 Feb 2024 Bucharest, Romania

Romanian Academy of Neuromuscular Diseases will organize a scientific session, located at National Clinical Hospital for Children Neurorehabilitation “Dr. Nicolae...


1 Mar 2023 Kaunas, Lithuania

The aim of the conference is to introduce doctors, nurses, and geneticists to the latest developments in the diagnosis and...

Rare Diseases Run 2023 - Run for Rare!

28 Feb 2023 to 5 Mar 2023

The 2nd Rare Diseases Run, organized by SYNGAP Elternhilfe e.V and Laufen macht glücklich GbR, will take place from 28th...

Rare Diseases Run 2024 - Run for Rare!

26 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024

The 3rd Rare Diseases Run, will take place from 26th February – 3rd March 2024. It is a virtual and...

Rare Diseases Summit '24

2 Mar 2024 Istanbul, Turkey

You are invited to the Rare Diseases Summit ’24’! The rare diseases ecosystem is transforming with the speed of technology...

RARE DISEASES- from clinical to genetic diagnosis and counseling Seminar Date 15 February 2023 TARGETED AUDIECE: Specialists and consultants from...

In celebration of the upcoming rare disease day, the Glycoimmunology Lab from UCIBIO NOVA is organizing an open event entitled...


28 Feb 2023 Kaunas, Lithuania

The conference “Rare Diseases: tomorrow is now!” is dedicated to rare disease day. It is intended to share the latest...

Education event for college students to raise awareness for rare disorders and the importance of premarital testing

Rare in the City 2023

31 Jan 2023 to 3 Feb 2023 Valletta, Malta

The National Alliance for Rare Diseases Support Malta will be raising rare disease awareness through its annual Rare in the...

Rare inherited cancers

27 Feb 2024 Kuwait, Kuwait

Community Awareness about Hereditary Cancers through Online Awareness Messages.

The opening of the photographs exhibition. Stories of EB patients and Debra, patient organization, will be presented on ten panels....

Rare Picture Exhibition - 2024 - Sweden

9 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 GothenburgJönköping, Sweden

Picture Exhibition in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare Showcase

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Accra, Ghana

This is the 7th Rare Disease Day to be observed in Ghana since 2018. Various activities have been planned which...

RARE Skydive 2023

27 Feb 2023 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Don’t miss RARE Skydive 2023! Mark your calendars for 27 February 2023. Through this unique awareness initiative, we hope to...

Rare Voices Forum

28 Feb 2023 Virtual, Germany

Rare Voices Forum Topic: Overcoming stumbling blocks together – Ways and opportunities for more resilience in rare diseases On Feb....

Rare Week Digital Lectures - 2024 - Sweden

26 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024

A week of digital lunch lectures to raise awareness in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Rare-I-Tea Party

18 Feb 2023 Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CamRARE) invite you to join us for tea and cakes to celebrate this year’s Rare Disease...

Rare, but not alone

29 Feb 2024 Milan, Italy

An hybrid meeting with scientific session with expert in the field.

“Rare, but not alone: Together, we can find a cure” – Rare Disease Day Event at iXCells Light up, stripe...

Rarediseaseday (arab rhizokids)

2 Mar 2023 الرياض, Saudi Arabia

We participated in the Rare Disease Day event with Treatment Plans Center and ,we shared some rhizokids children’s stories translated...

RaReflections photo exhibition 2023

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Luxembourg city, Luxembourg

ALAN closes the “RaReflections” traveling photo exhibition with a ceremony at the “19 Liberté” building of the Spuerkeess, who is...

RareMed Solutions - See Rare Move

20 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Pittsburgh, United States

RareMed Solutions is coming together to celebrate Rare Disease Day by hosting a week-long exercise challenge. Employees will band together...

Join us as we celebrate RAREsies with a Rare Disease Day Flag raising ceremony. Meet our Deputy Mayor, Biba Tinga...

Ever wondered about the role of genetics in your child’s rheumatic disease? Have questions you’ve been wanting to ask an...

RARExham - Bilboard Exhibition

21 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Wrexham, United Kingdom

Same but Different has created a Bilboard exhibition that will be shown throughout the week. Look up and see some...

RARExham - Exhibition Wrexham Glyndwr University

28 Feb 2023 Wrexham, United Kingdom

At Same but Different, we strive to continually create innovative and unique campaigns that capture people’s attention and encourage dialogue....

RARExham - Exhibition Xplore Science

21 Feb 2023 Wrexham, United Kingdom

As part of our RARExham initiative we are delighted to be exhibiting at Xplore Science Discovery Centre tomorrow. You can...

Rare Diseases Open Chess Championship 2023 (U2000 FIDE Rated Rapid – 20 mins) Tarikh: 19 Feb 2023 (Ahad) Masa: 8.30...

RDD 2023 Conference

3 Feb 2023 Zalau, Romania

Conference will be focused on social inclusion, home care and monitoring patients with rare diseases.

RDD 2024 - AZ Vesalius - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Het AZ Vesalius gaat aandacht vragen via hun sociale kanalen en naar de zorgverleners toe.

RDD 2024 - Charleroi - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Charleroi, Belgium

🌍 Ce 29 février, c’est la journée des maladies rares à l’échelle mondiale ! 🖤 La Ville de Charleroi a...

RDD 2024 - Ciné-débat - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Mouscron, Belgium

On the occasion of the international “Rare Disease Day” 2024, our non-profit organisation Chiara will organise its film-debate at the...

Informatieve avondsessie voor huisartsen en alumni geneeskunde. Lezingen: Dr. Nika Schuermans: \’Genetica en zeldzame ziekten: een update\’ Prof. Dr. Bruce...

RDD 2024 - Filmvoorstelling - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 Hoeselt, Belgium

deuren openen om 17u, voor de film Red Sandra, een wargebeurd vehaal over de strijd van een vader voor zijn...

RDD 2024 - Gemeentehuis Wellen - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Wellen, Belgium

De ramen van het Gemeentehuis worden met gekleurd zijdepapier behangen.

RDD 2024 - GGS Butgenbach - Belgium

22 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Vensters versieren en de kinderen vertellen aan andere kinderen over zeldzame ziekten.

RDD 2024 - Hanswijkstraat - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Boortmeerbeek, Belgium

Alle kindjes van de school hun nagels worden in verschillende kleuren gelakt.

RDD 2024 - Hayeffes School - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium

The Hayeffes school is mobilizing to raise awareness of rare diseases and their management in Belgium! The week of February...

RDD 2024 - Hope Campagne - Belgium

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Essen, Belgium

Take a picture of yourself, familiy, friends.. support our digitale campagne. Share it on your social media and tag Boks...

RDD 2024 - IPSEN BELUX - Belgium

13 Feb 2024 Merelbeke, Belgium

Internal share our colours activity among colleagues (painting and nail polishing) and information sharing on rare diseases.

RDD 2024 - Ipsen Roundtable Webinar - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Merelbeke, Belgium

Insightful 30-minute roundtable discussion, featuring Ipsen colleagues in discussion with Jennifer Seidman from Courageous Parents Network (CPN) to discuss the...

RDD 2024 - Kapenbergstraat - Belgium

28 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Mortsel, Belgium

In de Kapenbergstraat wonen minstens 3 mensen met een zeldzame ziekte in hun gezin. De buren tonen hun steun voor...

RDD 2024 - Lampionnentocht - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Hoeselt, Belgium

Lampionnentocht van ongeveer 5km door de straten van Hoeselt, vertrek aan Cafe Den Engel, bij terugkomst, gratis een tas soep...

RDD 2024 - Liège University Hospital - Belgium

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Liège, Belgium

Every Thursday in February, a series of medical presentations on rare tumours will take place at the Liège University Hospital....

RDD 2024 - Live Debate - Belgium

28 Feb 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Let’s talk about Rare Diseases – Live debate georganiseerd door Artsenkrant – Live debate organised by Le Journal du Médecin....

RDD 2024 - Maria Assumpta High School - Belgium

23 Feb 2024 Brussels, Belgium

At Maria Assumpta High School, a navy blue uniform is the order of the day. But this Friday, February 23rd,...

RDD 2024 - MSD - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium

Internal employee event at MSD Belgium with bright colors, nail polishing and colorful snacks to raise awareness and show our...

RDD 2024 - Nagellak-dag - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Aalst, Belgium

Nagels lakken via leerlingengroepen, collega’s en passanten.

RDD 2024 - Nagellaknamiddag - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 Hoeselt, Belgium

We houden een leuke nagellaknamiddag in T\’Siebelke te Romershoven… hier kan je je nagels gratis in veel kleurtjes laten lakken

RDD 2024 - Nagellaknamiddag - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Hoeselt, Belgium

fijne nagellaknamiddag in een het centrum van Hoeselt, iedereen is welkom

RDD 2024 - Novartis - Belgium

22 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Vilvoorde, Belgium

Rare Disease Fact sharing through digital channels, call out to share our colours activities among colleagues, and organisation of a...

RDD 2024 - Pop-up Weekend - Belgium

2 Mar 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 Antwerp, Belgium

Op 2 & 3 maart deel ik nogmaals mijn kleuren & organiseren we een pop-up weekend \’FRAMED\’. \’FRAMED\’ om het...

RDD 2024 - Postercampagne - Belgium

25 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Veurne, Belgium

Campagne met poster en verhalen van patiënten. Deze hangen verspreid over het ziekenhuis. De verhalen zijn te lezen op:

RDD 2024 - Rare Disease Awareness - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Namur, Belgium

Awareness-raising booth organized by the LUSS, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Deel je kleuren op Sociale Media.

Presentation of 8 success stories in the field of rare diseases – from different departments and specialties of our clinics,...

RDD 2024 - Sciensano - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Anderlecht, Belgium

Running an information stand on the subject of rare diseases, and various fun activities (nail polish workshop, etc.) for Sciensano...

RDD 2024 - Table Ronde - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Brussels, Belgium

À l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale des maladies rares, nous vous proposons une table ronde sur le thème du travail...

RDD 2024 - Takeda Lantern walk - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Lessines, Belgium

Lantern walk to celebrate this day and raise awareness around our site.

RDD 2024 - Teile Deine Farben - Belgium

25 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Eupen, Belgium

Zusammen mit der Sarkoidose Austauschgruppe möchten wir auf den Tag der seltenen Krankheiten aufmerksam machen. Durch Beiträgen in den sozialen...

RDD 2024 - UZ Antwerpen - Belgium

25 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Edegem, Belgium

UZ Antwerpen kleurt digitaal het ziekenhuis met de campagnekleuren met een screensaver en aankondiging op intranet die het thema zeldzame...

RDD 2024 - UZ Brussels - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Samen met Revalidatieziekenhuis Inkendaal organiseert het UZ Brussel verschillende activiteiten op Rare Disease Day 2024. De ziekenhuisschool van Inkendaal en...

RDD 2024 - UZ Leuven Vlog - Belgium

29 Feb 2024 Essen, Belgium

Fleur (21) leeft al van kleins af aan met het syndroom van Alport, een zeldzame nierziekte die ook het gehoor...

RDD 2024 - Zaventem Lantern walk - Belgium

26 Feb 2024 Zaventem, Belgium

A Rare Disease Lantern Walk will take place on Monday, 26th February, in Zaventem organized by the Rare Disease Diagnosis...

RDD 2024 Panel Exhibition and Photo Contest

17 Feb 2024 to 17 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan


10 Mar 2023 Nagoya, Japan

Panel exhibition and others

RDD Aichi

5 Mar 2024 Aichi, Japan

RDD Aozora Republic(YAMANASHI)

11 Mar 2023 to 12 Mar 2023 Hokuto, Japan

– lecture – RDD Exhibition – Kids Doodle Party – Star gazing party – Planetarium

RDD Aozora Republic(YAMANASHI)

9 Mar 2024 Yamanashi, Japan


9 Mar 2024 to 10 Mar 2024 Osaka, Japan

RDD Chiba

25 Nov 2023 Chiba, Japan

RDD Ehime

16 Mar 2024 Matsuyama, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Matsuyama, Japan

– Singing of short words (poems) of the participants – Presentation of experiences with intractable diseases – Exchange of opinions

RDD Familia-Yamaguchi(Yamaguchi)

3 Mar 2024 Shunan, Japan

RDD Fukui

27 Feb 2024 to 8 Mar 2024 Fukui, Japan

RDD Fukuoka

27 Jan 2024 to 16 Mar 2024 Fukuoka, Japan

RDD Fukushima

27 Apr 2024 to 29 Apr 2024 Fukushima, Japan

RDD GBS(Guillain-Barré syndrome)

19 Feb 2023 Japan, Japan

Report on Participation in the American Patients Association Symposium

RDD Gifu

10 Dec 2023 to 20 Apr 2024 Gifu, Japan

RDD Guillain-Barré syndrome

29 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Hamamatsucho Building(TOKYO)

14 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Harappa(Chiba)

3 Mar 2024 Katori, Japan

RDD Help card・Help mark・SDGs

8 Mar 2023 Tokyo, Japan

– Help Card/Help Mark Video Screening – Materials and Panel Exhibit

RDD Himawari (kanagawa)

13 Apr 2024 Hadano, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Hiroshima, Japan

– Messages from Patients with Rare and Intractable Diseases – Opinion exchange and social gathering

RDD Hiroshima

24 Feb 2024 Hiroshima, Japan

RDD Hokkaido

22 Feb 2024 Sapporo, Japan

RDD Honancho

10 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan


29 Jan 2023 to 11 Feb 2023 Japan , Japan

Online social networking

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Sopron, Hungary

HUFERDIS took care about art as well with the Rare Beauties Collection exhibition, which is part of the program since...

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Sopron, Hungary

HUFERDIS took care about art as well with the Rare Beauties Collection exhibition, which is part of the program since...

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Budapest, Hungary

We joined the Global Chain of Lights and organized the illumination of Duna Aréna.

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Budapest, Hungary

We joined the Global Chain of Lights and organized the illumination of Fisherman’s Bastion.

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Sopron, Hungary

We joined the Global Chain of Lights and organised the illumination of Fire Tower in Sopron.

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024

We joined the Global Chain of Lights and organised the illumination of Megyeri Bridge.

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Budapest, Hungary

We joined the Global Chain of Lights and organised the illumination of the National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy.

RDD in Hungary

24 Feb 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Pécs, Hungary

Satellite program of Rare Disease Day organised by HUFERDIS with the University of Pécs.

RDD in Ostfriesland

29 Feb 2024 Emden, Germany

Im Emden wird der Rare Disease Day auch am 29. Februar begangen. In der Zeit von 10 bis 18 Uhr...

RDD Ishigakijima

1 Feb 2024 to 13 Mar 2024 Ishigaki, Japan

RDD Ishikawa

28 Apr 2024 Ishikawa, Japan

RDD Iwate

24 Feb 2024 Morioka, Japan

RDD Japan (Panel/Photo exhibition) @Tokyo Tower

18 Feb 2023 to 21 Mar 2023 Tokyo, Japan

Panel/Photo Exhibition

RDD Japan Patients Association(Tokyo)

1 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Japan secretariat Kickoff YouTube live

“Healthcare Professionals Hosting RDD” “Children’s Feelings, Families’ Feelings 2023 ”

RDD Jichi Children’s Medical Center Tochigi(TOCHIGI)

26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Tochigi, Japan

RDD Kagawa

29 Feb 2024 Kagawa, Japan

RDD Kagoshima

26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kagoshima, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Kagoshima, Japan

Street campaign

RDD Kids

4 Feb 2024 Osaka, Japan


4 Feb 2023 Osaka, Japan

– Introduction: Introduction of each family and student staff member. Determination of student staff responsibilities. – First contact between the...

RDD Kitakyushu city Nanbyo Consultation Support Center

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Kitakyushu, Japan

RDD Kitakyushu city NANBYO Consultation Support Center (FUKUOKA)

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Kitakyushu, Japan

Banner display


18 Feb 2023 Kobe, Japan

Cafe-style panel exhibition

RDD Kobe Kaisei Girl’s School(HYOGO)

20 Feb 2023 to 25 Feb 2023 Kobe, Japan

– Slide presentation of activities and explanation of RDD to all students – Creation of a book newsletter introducing books...

RDD Kobe(Hyogo)

23 Mar 2024 Kobe, Japan

RDD Kochi

25 Feb 2024 Kochi, Japan


26 Feb 2023 Kochi, Japan

– ALS Patient Stories – Social gathering – Chronic Pediaric Disease Peer Support Counseling

RDD Kumamoto

5 Feb 2024 to 24 Mar 2024 Kumamoto, Japan


13 Jan 2023 to 26 Feb 2023 Kumamoto, Japan

– Panel display @ Kumamoto City Hall – Display of books related to intractable and chronic diseases, the array of...

RDD Kyoto

25 Feb 2024 Kyoto, Japan

RDD medU-net

19 Mar 2023 Tokyo, Japan

Online Lecture + Panel Discussion

RDD medUnet

10 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan


29 Feb 2024 Mie, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Mitaka, Japan

– RDD panel exhibition – Toy Corner at Toy Museum – Online medical seminar – Workshop for children

RDD Mitaka

25 Feb 2024 Mitaka, Japan

RDD Miyagi

9 Mar 2024 Sendai, Japan

RDD Miyazaki

4 Feb 2024 Miyazaki, Japan


26 Feb 2023 Nagasaki, Japan

Remotely discuss issues and challenges regarding the future management of the patient group

RDD Nara

25 Feb 2024 Nara, Japan

RDD National Institute of Technology, Tsuruoka College

19 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Tsuruoka, Japan


27 Feb 2023 to 4 Apr 2023 Niigata, Japan

– Panel display at the library – Clarinet Concert – RDD video screening – NANBYO café

RDD Niigata

14 Mar 2024 Niigata, Japan


29 Apr 2023 Tokyo, Japan

– Rehabilitation + Eurhythmics – Lego Play Games

RDD Okinawa

2 Mar 2024 Naha, Japan

RDD Osaka

25 Feb 2024 to 2 Mar 2024 Osaka, Japan

RDD Osaka Meisei Gakuen(OSAKA)

21 Mar 2023 Osaka, Japan

The 2nd RDD High School Summit

RDD Osaka Meisei Gakuen(OSAKA)

23 Mar 2024 Osaka, Japan

RDD Oshigoto(Job Fit)

13 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Oshigoto(Job Fit)

4 Mar 2023 Japan, Japan

– Online Lectures on Employment – Roundtable Discussions

RDD Poster exhibition

20 Feb 2023 to 5 Mar 2023 Osaka, Japan

RDD JAPAN Advertisement Exhibition at Hankyu Osaka Umeda Station.


9 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan


22 Feb 2023 Tokyo, Japan

– Online PPeCC cafe


28 Mar 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Purple Day

24 Mar 2024 Osaka, Japan

RDD Rare Cancer

1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan


15 Jan 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Japan, Japan

– Soliciting opinions on rare cancers – Rare Cancer Community Raccoon Towel distribution and collection of supportive photos (educational activities)...

RDD Ryoiku World

25 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Saga

17 Feb 2024 Saga, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Saga, Japan

– Online Occupational Therapist Lecture – Patient’s testimonial

RDD Saitama Medical University Hospital (Saitama)

13 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Iruma, Japan

Exhibition of panels and posters on intractable epilepsy and rare/intractable diseases

RDD Saitama Seibu(Saitama)

17 Feb 2024 to 18 Feb 2024 Hanno, Japan

RDD Saitama-Medical-University-Hospital(Saitama)

13 Feb 2024 to 28 Feb 2024 Saitama, Japan

RDD Sakata-Nishi High School(Yamagata)

10 Feb 2024 Sakata, Japan

RDD Satsuma(Kagoshima)

9 Mar 2024 Kagoshima, Japan

RDD Satsuma(Kagoshima)

5 Mar 2023 Kagoshima, Japan

Lecture Meeting


18 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan


26 Feb 2023 Otsu, Japan

– Create a message board – Exchange meeting

RDD Shiga

25 Feb 2024 Shiga, Japan


3 Feb 2023 to 4 Mar 2023 Matsue, Japan

– RDD Panel Exhibit – Marche

RDD Shimane

23 Feb 2024 Matsue, Japan

RDD Shizuoka

26 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 Shizuoka, Japan

RDD Special Kids Square

16 Mar 2024 Osaka, Japan

RDD Telomere Japan

24 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Tenbin(Hyogo)

23 Mar 2024 Kobe, Japan

RDD Tohoku University(MIYAGI)

5 Feb 2023 Sendai, Japan

– Lectures by University Researchers – Lecture by RDD Secretariat – Lectures by companies – QA session


1 Feb 2023 to 26 Feb 2023 Tokushima, Japan

RDD Panel Exhibition

RDD Tokyo Tower lit up

28 Feb 2023 Tokyo, Japan

RDD color Lit up Tokyo tower

RDD Tottori

6 Mar 2024 Tottori, Japan


25 Feb 2023 Toyama, Japan

– Exchange of opinions between patients and listeners (medical students) – Patient’s testimonial – Question and answer session – Exchange...

RDD Toyama

25 Feb 2024 Toyama, Japan

RDD Tsunagari

24 Feb 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD Tsuruoka

25 Feb 2024 Tsuruoka, Japan

RDD Type 2 collagenopathy

14 Apr 2024 Tokyo, Japan

RDD U-60

24 Mar 2024 Sakai, Japan

RDD Wakayama

9 Mar 2024 Wakayama, Japan

RDD x WheeLog! Special event

25 Feb 2023 Tokyo, Japan

The event was a hands-on experience where everyone walked the streets together while experiencing a wheelchair and white cane/eye mask.

RDD Yamagata

24 Feb 2024 Yamagata, Japan


26 Feb 2023 Yamagata, Japan

– Panel exhibition of intractable disease patient groups and related organizations – RDD fundraising activity to connect patients and society...


25 Feb 2023 Shimonoseki, Japan

– NANBYO cafe – Orchestral live performance

RDD Yamaguchi

26 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Shimonoseki, Japan


26 Feb 2023 Nara, Japan

Medical Lecture

Reality & Hope: Malaysia RD Poster Series

1 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

In commemoration of Rare Disease Day 2023, MRDS and GCSM (Genetic Counseling Society Malaysia) have joined forces to publish a...

Reconocimiento a nuestros campeones

7 Mar 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Reconocimiento a nuestros campeones, Mesa de enfermedades raras para antioquia y red tecnica por las enfermedades huérfanas de Antioquia.

Reconocimiento al Dr. Antonio Velázquez Arellano

28 Feb 2023 Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

La Asociación Mexicana de Amigos Metabólicos, A. C., la Asociación Mexicana de Angioedema Hereditario, A. C. Creadores del Premio Dr....

Reflexiones acerca de las enfermedades raras en México

16 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023 En línea, Mexico

Reflexiones de hombres y mujeres que atienden en México al universo de pacientes que viven con enfermedades raras.


29 Feb 2024 San Giovanni di Fassa / Sèn Jan (TN) - 38036, Italy

Intervengono: • Mirella Florian, Conseiera de Procura alle attività sociali del Comun General de Fascia; • Monica Mazzucato (online), medico...

Rise for Rare Online Yoga Class

29 Feb 2024 Kamloops, Canada

Join lululemon ambassador Kasha Mitton for a free all-levels online yoga class in honour of Rare Disease Day! Roll out...

We were delighted to announce that would will be running our annual Rare Disease Day event on the 27th February...

Run with ATAC and friends

3 Mar 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Meeting Point: Sloterpark around 4.45/ 5 pm where the IAMSTERDAM letters are. We take a picture together, and from there...

Saint Peter's University Hospital Supports Rare Disease Day

27 Feb 2023 to 1 Mar 2023 New Brunswick, United States

Saint Peter’s joins the chain of lights across the globe raising awareness of rare diseases this #RareDiseaseDay by illuminating it’s...

På sällsynta dagen bjuder Centrum för sällsynta diagnoser Väst tillsammans med medarrangörerna, Ågrenska, Mun-H-Center och Riksförbundet sällsynta diagnoser in till...

Sambutan Hari Penyakit Jarang Jumpa 2024

29 Feb 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sambutan Hari Penyakit Jarang Jumpa 2024 (Rare Disease Day 2024) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai terhadap penyakit jarang...

Missa em Ação de Graças a conscientização sobre o Dia das Doenças Raras, às 19 horas, Paróquia Sagrado Coração de...

Missa de intenção de Ação de Graças, as pessoas com Doenças Raras em reflexão ao Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras....


26 Feb 2023 Ceilândia, Brazil

Missa em ação de graças pelos Raros no dia 26 de fevereiro às 08h. Todos estão convidados.


26 Feb 2023 Águas Claras DF, Brazil

Santa Missa em ação de graças pelos raros. dia 26 de fevereiro de 2023 às 19h Todos estão convidados


26 Feb 2023 Aparecida do Norte, Brazil

Santa Missa em ação de graças pelos Raros. Dia 26 de fevereiro, às 08h. Com transmissão ao vivo pela TV...

Sarkoidose - selten, aber du bist nicht allein

28 Feb 2023 virtuell, Germany

Alle Menschen mit Sarkoidose sind herzlich eingeladen zu sehen, dass sie nicht alleine sind. In einem virtuellen Café wollen wir...

Saudi Rare Disease Summit

16 Mar 2023 to 17 Mar 2023 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

There is clear evidence that the rare diseases are one of the biggest challenges in medical practice, with several gaps...

School Campaign 'Wear that you care' 2023

28 Feb 2023 to 7 Mar 2023 Pancyprian, Cyprus

With the slogan “I am rare alone, together we are strong”, we invite all schools on this day to join...

School Information Campaign 2023

3 Feb 2023 to 3 Mar 2023 Zalau, Romania

Patients from NoRo Center and NoRo staff will organize raising awareness activities with children in schools and kindergartens, including a...

Science4Rare 2023 – Worldwide Science Contest IndoUSrare, announces Worldwide Science contest – Science4Rare – 2023. Registration: Calling on all...

VII konferencja naukowa z okazji Dnia Chorób Rzadkich współorganizowana przez Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN

Scleroderma Queensland picnic in the park

28 Feb 2023 Toowoomba Queensland , Australia

Join us for a BYO picnic at Queens Park Toowoomba to help us acknowledge Rare Diseases Day by raising awareness...

Diffusion sur notre page Facebook de la séance d’information virtuelle avec Laura Frégeau, ergothérapeute spécialisée

Dirijido a profesional Pacientes Cuidadores y sociedad civil para orientación de Enfermedades Raras y sus tratamientos.


28 Feb 2023 Valencia Edo Carabobo , Venezuela

Simposio con ponentes Profesionales de la salud dirigidos a:Médicos generales, residentes, especialista, profesionales de la Salud, Pacientes, familiares.

Seltene Krankheiten in Ostfriesland

29 Feb 2024 Emden, Germany

Im Emden wird der Rare Disease Day auch am 29. Februar begangen. In der Zeit von 10 bis 18 Uhr...

Semana de difusión por el Día Internacional de las Enfermedades Raras de la AAEEDGH

26 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Our Association is formed by students and graduates from PhD. in Human Genetics by the Universidad de Guadalajara, a lot...

Semana de las Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes

4 Mar 2023 Santiago del Estero, Argentina

El Ministerio de Salud de Santiago del Estero, la Alianza Argentina de Pacientes (ALAPA), la Asociación Mucopolisacaridosis Argentina (AMA) y...

We invited you to the seminar about rare diseases centres in Brno and about cooperation with patients organizations. Centres specialized...

Seminar at the Czech Parliament

28 Feb 2023 Prague, Czech Republic

This seminar, which is planned to be organized with the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, under the auspices...

𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮 𝟮𝟲 𝗳𝗲𝗯𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗼, 𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝟭𝟬.𝟯𝟬 𝘼𝙙𝙤𝙯𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚 : 𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙩𝙖 𝙙’𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 Abbiamo deciso di organizzare un evento in cui parlare dell’esperienza...

Shades of rare diseases

28 Feb 2023 Bucharest, Romania

28 January is rare disease day, a special day for over 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease....

Share your colors - Romania

28 Feb 2023 Bucharest, Romania

We will be organizing a charitable auction for patients with rare diseases from Dr Victor Gomoiu Center of Expertise in...

Share Your Colour

1 Feb 2024 to 31 Mar 2024 Sarawak, Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Pahang, , Malaysia

Sharing by ten caregivers from the rare disease community of Sarawak, Pulau Pinang, Pahang, Johor and Kuala Lumpur on caring...

Share your colours vernissage Made by Loortje

26 Feb 2023 Vremde, Belgium

Art gallery ‘share your colours’ & bar

28/2/2023 /8:30 am/ Savion Center The Sheba Medical Center annual congress for the rare disease international day is a unique...

Shining a Light on Silver-Russell Syndrome (SRS)

28 Feb 2023 Online, United Kingdom

We’re really pleased to share the upcoming event ‘Shining a Light on Silver-Russell Syndrome’. Taking place on Rare Disease Day...

Tues 28 Feb, 18:00-19:30 ONLINE Shining a Light on Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) on Rare Disease Day. Join us for this...

Show Your Colours

29 Feb 2024 Edinburgh, United Kingdom

To raise awareness of Rare Disease Day our pupils will come to school in colourful clothing to ‘Show Their Colours’....

The Jackson Laboratory is an independent, nonprofit biomedical research institution with nearly 3,000 employees in locations across the United States...

Simposio de Enfermedades Raras COLEMDNL 2024

2 Mar 2024 Monterrey, Nuevo León , Mexico

El Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos del Estado de Nuevo León, A.C. Organiza el Primer Simposio de Enfermedades Raras, dirigido a...

Simposio que busca fomentar entre los profesionales de la salud, especialmente aquellos en el nivel de primer contacto, la importancia...


6 Mar 2023 to 7 Mar 2023 SÃO PAULO, Brazil

Encontro de pacientes, associações, gestores, profissionais da Saúde para debaterem temas importante dentro das demandas das doenças raras no Brasil...

El Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín y la Unidad Técnica de Pediatría en conjunto con la Unidad Técnica de Genética, han...


21 Feb 2024 Leon, Mexico

SESIÓN GENERAL DE CASO CLÍNICO. En conmemoración a canalopatías


29 Feb 2024 Oslo, Norway

A central focus of this year’s Rare Disease Day conference in Norway will be the follow-up on the national strategy...

Skate Under the Stars: A Rare Disease Celebration

7 Mar 2023 St. Louis, United States

Join us for a celebration of Rare Disease Day with an opportunity for Rare Disease Warriors to Skate Under the...

Soft Bones 2023 National Patient Meeting

17 Feb 2023 to 18 Feb 2023 Phoenix, AZ, United States

Soft Bones, Inc. will be hosting their 2023 National Patient Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. We will be celebrating and highlighting...

À l’occasion de la 16e édition de la Journée mondiale des maladies rares, la Plateforme régionale d’information et d’orientation pour...

SpectacuRARE Fest 2023

3 Dec 2022 to 11 Mar 2023 Virtual, Jabodetabek, Indonesia

SpectacuRARE Fest 2023 diselenggarakan oleh Indonesia CARE for RARE Diseases (IC4RD). Terdiri dari rangkaian acara virtual. Acara puncak akan dilaksanakan...

SpectacuRARE Fest 2024

25 Jan 2024 to 9 Mar 2024 Virtual, Tangerang, Indonesia

Indonesia CARE for RARE Diseases proudly present SpectacuRARE Fest 2024, an annual event since 2021. We make a virtual and...

Spinning Non-Stop 6 horas

29 Feb 2024 MADRID, Spain

Pedalear en una bicicleta de spinning durante 6 horas sin parar.

Sponsored Swim/Dip for RARE Ireland Family Support Network to celebrate Rare Disease Day 2023. Date: Saturday February 26th Location: Portmarnock...

Lyndsey & Aisling have chosen to fundraise for Rare Ireland Family Support Network as both their daughters are living with...

SRNA Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023

Join us on February 28 as we recognize and celebrate Rare Disease Day. Sit with us at the #Rare Roundtable...

Stand d'information Maladies Rares - Strasbourg

1 Mar 2023 Strasbourg, France

Mercredi 1er mars, la filière SENSGENE et ses partenaires tiendront un stand de sensibilisation aux maladies rares dans le centre...

Stand informativo

28 Feb 2023 Mestre , Italy

Stand informativi promosso dall’associazione rete malattie rare.

Stand Malattie Rare presso SPORT EXPO (Napoli)

24 Feb 2023 to 25 Feb 2023 Napoli, Italy

Stand informativo sulle Malattie Rare


23 Feb 2023 to 24 Feb 2023 Padova, Italy

Sul tema Malattie Rare (MR), dato il rapido evolvere dello scenario legislativo, organizzativo-gestionale e tecnico-scientifico, vi è il bisogno a...

Stokes Early College Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023 Walnut Cove, NC , United States

The Fellowship of Christian Students at Stokes Early College High School will be hosting “Rare Disease Day” on February 28,...

Story Telling Photography

28 Jan 2024 to 4 Feb 2024 Jakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia Rare Disorders collaborates with Lensa Anak Terminal (Bus Station Children’s Lens Community) to hold photo storytelling workshops for people...

SWAN Rare Disease Day Event - Brisbane

28 Feb 2023 Brisbane, Australia

SWAN Australia is the only not-for-profit charity supporting families caring for children with undiagnosed and rare genetic conditions, all of...

SWAN Rare Disease Day Event - Sydney

24 Feb 2023 Sydney, Australia

Rare Disease Day is an international day that takes place on the last day of February each year. The day...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Adelaide

25 Feb 2023 Adelaide, Australia

Please join SWAN families in Adelaide for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Canberra

26 Feb 2023 Canberra, Australia

Please join SWAN families in Canberra for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Gold Coast

25 Feb 2023 Gold Coast, Australia

Please join SWAN families in the Gold Coast for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Hobart

25 Feb 2023 Hobart, Australia

Please join SWAN families in Hobart for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Launceston

26 Feb 2023 Launceston, Australia

Please join SWAN families in Launceston for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Day Morning Tea - Melbourne

26 Feb 2023 Melbourne, Australia

Please join SWAN families in VIC for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Day morning tea - Perth

26 Feb 2023 Perth, Australia

Please join SWAN families in WA for a relaxed morning tea in the park. Share laughs, information and stories with...

SWAN Rare Disease Dinner - Sydney

23 Feb 2023 Sydney, Australia

Please join SWAN members (parents and full time carers only) for dinner at PappaRich in Parramatta. Date: Thursday, 23 February...

Symposium on Rare Diseases

29 Feb 2024 Prague, Czech Republic

Quality of life of patients with rare diseases System of comprehensive shared social health care for patients with rare diseases...

Am Tag der Seltenen Erkrankung und zum 14. Jahrestag unseres Vereins laden wir ein: 29.2.2024 um 20 Uhr Zoom-Meeting Das...

Tag der Seltenen Erkrankungen

3 Mar 2023 Mainz, 55116, Germany

Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Herrn Sozialdezernent Dr. Eckert Lensch, der Landeshauptstadt Mainz wird in diesem Jahr zum 11. Mal der...

Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen - Aurich

28 Feb 2023 26603 Aurich, Germany

15.30 Uhr | Begrüßungsrede durch Landrat Olaf Meinen, er hat die Schirmherrschaft übernommen ——————+—————————————————————————————————– 16.00 Uhr | Rote Luftballon-Aktion zum...

Unter dem Motto: „Teilt eure Farben und lasst uns Aufmerksamkeit schaffen”, organisiert die Selbsthilfe Salzburg den jährlichen Tag der Seltenen...

Diese beiden Anlässe verwandeln den EUROPARK Salzburg, am Samstag, 18. März 2023 in einen ganz besonderen Veranstaltungsort. Denn unter dem...

De vorbă cu ChatGPT Cum poate AI să susțină campania de conștientizare a bolilor rare? Boala Gaucher este o boală...

Fundación de Familias con Amiloidosis en México te invita a participar en el taller virtual para pacientes: El cuidado multidisciplinario...

El Colectivo Los Pacientes Importan –integrado por 32 organizaciones de pacientes con enfermedades raras, huérfanas, crónicas, autoinmunes y cáncer –...

El Grupo de Trabajo Derechos, Discapacidad y Enfermedades Raras de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología organiza, en el marco de...

Presentamos una charla en Youtube con testimonios de tres familias con niños afectados por el Síndrome de Phelan-McDermid. De esta...

The 10th International Rare Diseases Day Conference : Learning the Rare in Medicine

The 10th International Rare Diseases Day Conference : Learning the Rare in Medicine

28 Feb 2024 Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel , Israel

The 10th International Rare Diseases Day Conference : Learning the Rare in Medicine

The 13th Rare Disease Day Thailand

26 Feb 2023 Bangkok, Thailand

The 13th Rare Disease Day Thailand Event will be held on Sunday, February 26th, 2023 under the theme, “Show Your...

the 14th Rare Disease Day Thailand

3 Mar 2024 Bangkok, Thailand

Thai Rare Disease Foundation Organized Event To campaign for sustainable development in caring for patients with rare diseases The 14th...

Get to know each other, each other’s problems among health care within Europe. To make collaborations

We are happy to announce the opening of the Pulmonary Hypertension Center for Pediatric patients in Lviv city on Rare...

Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring researchers from Simons Searchlight and the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)....


Join us live on rare disease day!!! Find out more about the #EDIRA conference and how it can help Poland...

The Story of my Skin - 2024 Art Contest

29 Feb 2024 to 29 Apr 2024

Since 2015, the Fondation René Touraine’s Rare Skin Diseases Network has been running an art contest to raise public awareness...

Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des maladies rares ce 29 février 2024, le centre de référence des pathologies...

MSP (Minneapolis St Paul), MN – In honor of Rare Disease Day, which happens every year at the end of...

Together We Can!

24 Feb 2024 LaGrange, United States

We are co-sponsoring a Rare Disease Day Event with other community partners who support individuals with rare diseases. For example,...


Trabajamos unidos por las raras / huérfanas

28 Feb 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Mesa de enfermedades raras paa Antioquia y red técnica por las enfermedades huérfanas de Antioquia

Trëppelen um Dag vun de seelene Krankheeten

29 Feb 2024 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

This year, Rare Disease Day is a very special day because it is a leap year. On the 29th of...

Triff die anderen - Sarkoidose ist nicht so selten

29 Feb 2024 Neumünster, Germany

Mit einer Runde Lachyoga starten wir zu einem fröhlichen Austausch unter Betroffenen. Wir freuen uns über Betroffene und Angehörige und...

Une série de webinaires pour sensibiliser aux maladies rares / A series of webinars to raise awareness of rare diseases

Twitter Chat on Rare Diseases

22 Feb 2023 Online, United States

We’re hosting a Twitter chat on Feb. 22, 1–3 p.m. EST. Rare disease experts will be available to answer your...

UCLA California Center for Rare Diseases

29 Feb 2024 Los Angeles, United States

Screening of Do Something, the Jeffrey Modell Story, to the UCLA Medical School and LA Rare disease community

UCLA Rare Disease Day

28 Feb 2023

Join us for a rare disease day event. This will be a webinar format. This is a community focused event,...

Ulysses Neuroscience Rare Disease Day Event

28 Feb 2023 Dublin, Ireland

We are hoping to use this event to host a variety of presentations from all stakeholders in the rare disease...

UMD PGCC Rare Disease Day

27 Feb 2024 Duluth, MN , United States

7-8pm We will be bringing awareness to Fragile X syndrome and having a guest speaker, Genetic Counselor Alexandra Mohner present...


25 Feb 2024 CERVINARA, Italy


Un cielo per tutti

1 Mar 2024

With reference to the International Day dedicated to Rare Diseases on 29 February, the StarLight association of Perugia is organizing...


2 Mar 2024 CAPUA, Italy

Concerto straordinario del Coro DNA GOSPEL diretto dal Maestro Angelo Abate nella bellissima Chiesa Santi Filippo e Giacomo di Capua...

Un tè con te per le malattie rare

2 Mar 2024 30832 Canazei (TN), Italy

ore 15.00 “Un tè con te per le malattie rare” Intervengono: Doris Fosco, assessora alle politiche sociali del Comune di...

In occasione della Giornata mondiale delle Malattie Rare 2023, la Conferenza Territoriale Socio Sanitaria Metropolitana in accordo con il Comune...

A talk by Prof Zulf Mughal pediatric endocrinologist consultant in bone diseases. Hosted by the Pediatric Endocrine and Diabetes Unit...

University of New Mexico Rare Disease Day Meet and Greet

29 Feb 2024 Albuquerque, United States

The RDD meet and greet will be held at The University of New Mexico, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology...

UTS Morning Tea - Meet the Researchers

28 Feb 2023 Sydney, Australia

Morning Tea to meet the researchers working on Rare Diseases at UTS

The Vaughan City Hall will be illuminated in the colors pink, green, blue and purple in honor of Rare Disease...


29 Feb 2024 City Of Vaughan , Canada

Vaughan City Hall will be illuminated on Thurs. Feb. 29, 2024 in recognition of RARE DISEASE DAY in the official...


29 Feb 2024 Vaughan Ontario,CANADA , Canada

Illumination of the Vaughan City Hall in RARE DISEASE DAY COLORS.

Venado Tuerto se ilumina

29 Feb 2024 Venado Tuerto , Argentina

El grupo epof.vt formado por pacientes con enfermedades raras o poco frecuentes, sus familiares y profesionales, nos reunimos para visibilizar...


28 Feb 2023 ANTWERP, Belgium


VII Ed. "Rare Abilità"

29 Feb 2024 to 1 Mar 2024 Fasano, Italy

Mostra fotografica “Rare Abilità” e shooting di sensibilizzazione

Virtuelle Patiententage: Seltene Erkrankungen bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen

24 Feb 2024 to 25 Feb 2024, Austria

Bei den virtuellen Patiententagen am 24. & 25. Februar 2024 (jeweils ab 10 Uhr) werden von Expert:innen aus Österreich und...

Vita In Te Ci Credo

2 Mar 2024 Budrio (Bologna), Italy

On the occasion of World Rare Disease Day, PKS Italia APS, the Italian Association for Pallister-Killian Syndrome, and the Fondazione...

Voci rare

29 Feb 2024 AROSIO (CO), Italy

Un viaggio nella vita delle persone affette da patologia rara attraverso il racconto dei protagonisti.

Walk 1000 Miles for APS Type 1

13 Feb 2023 to 28 Feb 2023

This is a virtual walk to raise awareness and fundraise for APS Type 1 research and education in association with...

Walk for Rare

2 Mar 2024 Cascais, Portugal

WALK FOR RARE is a solidarity walk to raise awareness about rare diseases in Portugal. The main theme of this...

Walk for Rare Portugal

25 Feb 2023 Cascais, Portugal

WALK FOR RARE aims to raise awareness about rare diseases in Portugal. Join us and show how rare you are!...

We are all Unique: A Frank Conversation about Rare Diseases

28 Feb 2023 New York, NY, United States

Join us on the iconic rooftop of Cure for Rare Disease Day when we launch CureX’s inaugural event series, where...

We Are All Unique: A Frank Discussion about Rare Diseases

28 Feb 2023 New York, NY, United States

Join us for a special Cure experience to discuss the current state of affairs for the 30 million Americans afflicted...

We have a Voice - are you listening? Conference

29 Feb 2024 Reykjavik, Iceland

Forum on the status of rare diseases and the experience of patients and their families. Presentation of the draft national...

We shine for rare diseases

29 Feb 2024 Szczecin / Bytów / Borzytuchom, Poland


Wear Your Rare with TAAF

19 Feb 2023 Zoom, United States

Part Craft Class, Part Storytelling, Wear Your Rare is a virtual meeting for those diagnosed with AVM or any rare...

Pour la 4e année consécutive, la Plateforme d’expertise maladies rares Paris Nord a le plaisir de vous proposer un webinaire...

Pour la 3ème année consécutive, la Plateforme d’expertise maladies rares Paris Nord a le plaisir de vous proposer un webinaire...

A l’occasion de la Journée Internationale des Maladies Rares, le groupe hospitalier AP-HP.Sorbonne Université (Hôpitaux Pitié-Salpêtrière, Saint-Antoine, Tenon, Trousseau, Rothschild,...

Webinar "Rare Diseases in Ukraine"

28 Feb 2023 Lviv, Ukraine

28.02 on Rare Disease Day CF Sister Dalila and PHURDA joined a global initiative to raise awareness of rare diseases...

Webinar "Rare Diseases in Ukraine"

28 Feb 2023 Lviv, Ukraine

Online webinar for family doctors & pediatricians regarding rare diseases in general including the condition in Ukraine in particular

This webinar delves into rare liver and kidney diseases, exploring their diagnosis and treatment through the lens of genetics. It...

Anlässlich des 17. Internationalen Aktionstages der Seltenen Erkrankungen (Rare Disease Day 2024) möchten wir Sie recht herzlich am 29.02.2024 von...

Webinar Sarkoidose Studien

29 Feb 2024 Kiel, Germany

Arzt-Patienten Seminar zu den aktuellen Zulassungsstudien für Sarkoidosemedikamente. Ärzte erklären, Patienten/Ärzte fragen Als Gäste sind anwesend Dr. Björn Frye, Freiburg;...

Kom til webinar om den diagnostiske rejse På selve Sjældne-dagen holder vi et åbent webinar – det er d. 28....

Webinar: Mapping Rare

1 Mar 2024 Online

To mark Rare Disease Day 2024, join us for a webinar to launch Mapping Rare: an interactive resource highlighting the...

We have produced a 5-part web series about couples and rare diseases. Episode 3 (in 2 parts already published) and...


28 Feb 2023 Bochum, Germany

Pink, Blau, Grün und Lila sind die Farben des Rare Disease Day. Wir beteiligen uns am 28.02.2023 an der Aktion...

Wenn das Blut verrückt spielt

29 Feb 2024 Duesseldorf, Germany

Symposium des Zentrum für Seltene Erkrankungen am Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (ZSED) anlässlich des Rare Disease Day 2024

West Region Hospital Tour - Mölndal - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Mölndal, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Mölndal Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

West Region Hospital Tour - Norra Älvsborg County - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Trollhättan, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Norra Älvsborg County Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

West Region Hospital Tour - Östra - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Gothenburg, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Östra Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

Patient representatives visit Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

West Region Hospital Tour - Sahlgrenska - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Gothenburg, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Sahlgrenska Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

West Region Hospital Tour - Skaraborg - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Skövde, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Skaraborg Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

West Region Hospital Tour - Södra Älvsborg - 2024 - Sweden

5 Feb 2024 to 11 Mar 2024 Borås, Sweden

Patient representatives visit Södra Älvsborg Hospital in honour of Rare Disease Day in Sweden.

With Lelek we share about rare

29 Feb 2024 Bartoszyce , Poland

17.00 rare disease day theme posters exhibition will takę place at foundation Office. Pieces of art comes from families,schools ,scouts...

World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference 2024 (EDCC24)

9 Mar 2024 to 10 Mar 2024 Bangkok, Thailand

Episirus Scientifica regards each one of the individuals to go to the World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference 2024 (EDCC24)...

WORLDSymposium 2023

21 Feb 2023 to 26 Feb 2023 Orlando, United States

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 7:25 PM, concluding the Be the Catalyst Group Photo opportunities everyone will join in...

Diverses entitats representants d’aquestes malalties, juntament amb l’Ajuntament de sant Feliu de Llobregat volem participar dels actes i activitats organitzats...

XII Encontro Paraense de Doenças Raras

8 Mar 2024 Belém , Brazil


La XII Jornada CIBERER “Investigar es avanzar” tendrá lugar el 28 de febrero de 16 a 19 horas en el...

La XIII Jornada CIBERER “Investigar es avanzar” tendrá lugar el 29 de febrero de 15:30 a 19:30 horas en el...

XXIII National Cystic Fibrosis Week in Poland

26 Feb 2024 to 3 Mar 2024 all country, Poland

From February 26 to March 3, 2024, the MATIO Foundation is organizing for the twenty-third time a social campaign called...

Yoga solidario

3 Mar 2024 Arenys de Munt, Spain

Ioga solidario para financiar la investigación de la enfermedad rara IRF2BPL

Zeldzameziektendag 2024 National Event

29 Feb 2024 Baarn, Netherlands

The Dutch Genetic Alliance (VSOP) organizes a national event/ conference, titled ‘Patient and Innovation’. An independent jury announces the nominees...

Ziua bolilor rare!

28 Feb 2023 Bucharest , Romania

28 februarie este ziua constientizării bolilor rare, iar Asociația Rebeca Faith-Hope-Love marchează acestă zi printr-un eveniment, ca în fiecare an!...

It will be our second chat, so we will be get to know each other, I hope a specialist will...

Réunion zoom avec un docteur sur le thème ” le conseil génétique dans les maladies mitochondriales

Цветные ладошки (Сolored palms)

26 Feb 2024 Челябинск, Russian Federation

Цветные ладошки 🖐🏾💜✨ 💥мастер-класс 💥 Уже много лет цветные ладошки являются символом Дня редких заболеваний 🧬🌏 Люди раскрашивают краской ладони,...


28 Feb 2023 الرياض, Saudi Arabia

لقاء حواري الأمراض الوراثيه طرق التشخيص والوقايه مع د. عزيزه مفرح مشيبه

فعاليات توعوية واركان تفاعليه للاطفال والكبار لزيادة التوعيه بالأمراض النادرة

فعالية تضم استشارات مجانيه لعدة تخصصات ورشة نفسية للأمهات فعاليات ترفيهيه ومفاجأآت للاطفال

This year the awareness will focus on the value of helping those rare suffering kids and their families to reach...


28 Feb 2023 All over China, China

2.28国际罕见病日 为了促进了社会公众对罕见病的认识,上海市慈善基金会-蓝鲸罕见病专项基金,携手国际罕见病组织Rare Disease Day、EURODIS等,发起了“亮起色彩,照耀罕见”的主题活动。 以下海报为参与支持此次活动的专家、机构组织、患者及社会各界爱心人士等。(专家排名不分先后,以姓名首字母为序) 在此特别感谢楷泽广告传媒(上海)有限公司的公益支持,在杭州湖滨银泰IN77电子广告屏亮灯。   6.1国际儿童节 6月1日国际儿童节到来之际,我们延续了“Share your colours”这一主题,把缤纷的色彩继续带到罕见病儿童的世界,为他们可能因罕见病而黯淡的童年注入一道明媚的光彩,让罕见病孩子的童年由此而绽放色彩!为此我们特举办“关爱‘罕见’儿童,绽放生命色彩”的主题活动,诚挚邀请各位罕见病儿童和家长朋友们,以及社会各界的参与,用画笔为他们“罕见”的人生,涂上缤纷的色彩。我们希望每一张罕见的脸庞,都能因为我们的爱与行动,绽放纯真的笑颜。

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