Bladder Exstrophy and me

The story of Kian

When I was born my mum said the midwives panicked. They hadn’t seen anything like it before. There was my tiny bladder sitting on my tummy instead of inside of me. My mum found out I was born with the congenital birth defect called Bladder Exstrophy. This is where my muscles haven’t closed properly during myself forming in the womb so my bladder sat outside my tummy. Flown to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London for surgery by the best. Fast forward 13years and my bladder is inside, I have a man made belly button and my tiny bladder has been enlarged using my bowel during bladder augmentation and mitrofanoff surgery. I pass urine through a special opening on my tummy using a catheter. My mum says I am very rare and very special and wouldn’t change me for the world.