My Rare son, my light my moon my life.

The story of Samantha

When my son was born,  they toom him away from me and my husband and sent him to the special children hospital nicu ward as he needed allot of help.  

While there we found out he was born with 9q34 Duplication syndrome and 10q24 deletion syndrome,  at that moment out hearts broke when the drs told us the news of his delayments,  intellectual dissabilities,  and handed us a printed of booklet to read,… Our hearts broke more and more everytime we read it.

All I wanted was my son to be healthy, my son to be happy I would yell in despair in my room at no one, 

Then one day we met a NICU nurse we hadn’t seen before she was A temp, she told me that she reaf up on his syndromes this morning before her shift so she knew who he was,  and she said to us, 

“how lucky Thomas is to have you as his mum and you as his Dad, to have you two to guide him in life to fulfill him to be who he will be, to achieve greatness”. 

I realised then my boy is a rare disease or a syndrome he is my son,  he will have the best in life that any child has,  

And as we walked out at the end of the day she said to us “you can teach him all you know,  but in the end it he will be teaching you”. 

Thomas is now 7 months old.. I have learnt by him not to look at people ailments look at the person, smile at the smallest things like a zipper going up,  and most of all,  just because the doctors say you wont ever do this or that doesnt mean you dont try.

They said he wont roll untill 2 they dont learn to eat solids untill 2. I tell you know,  you wouldnt be able to tell a difference between him and the next baby, 

My boy,  my light, my stars,  my world..  you keep prooving those doctors wrong, you keep meeting your milestones they said you wont meet,  Thomas you have given your fathet and I a strength we didnt know we had,  we are so proud everyday.