Living with adulter Morbus Still

The story of Jessica


Today is the day of the rare disease. My name is Morbus Still. The frequency of those affected is estimated at a 1-5 of 10,000 people. An invisible and unpredictable disease affecting the entire body.

Symptoms are:

Fever bouts up to 40 ° Celsius and that for up to weeks.

Joint and muscle pain.

In some patients pericardial effusions (pericarditis)

High levels of inflammation in the blood.

Lymph node swelling in the whole area.

Severe sore throat or pharyngitis.

Liver enlargement and spleen enlargement.

Amyloidosis (protein deposition in the kidneys).

Complications can lead to HLH or MAS. This means that the entire immune system runs amok and it comes to a sepsis. Which was also the case with me. Very high inflammatory values ​​and 3 weeks KH stay. But you did not know there that I have Still’s disease …

Therapy are:

Interleukins 1 such as kineret or tocilzumab. The latest is Ilaris. These are medicines which weaken the immune system and unfortunately make us more susceptible to infections. In relapses, there is sometimes high-dose cortisone which is both curse and blessing at the same time.