The story of Rachel

I have EDS. I found out when I was 30 in 2016 and it changed my life forever. Finally the pain I feel, the infertility issues, sublaxations, digestive issues, allergies, bruising, skin tears, on and on and on all have a core. I finally have answers. Regardless of the fact that none of these things have actually changed and I still feel the way I always have my whole life, just knowing why I feel this way and being able to tell Doctors what I have instead of them telling me it’s in my head is so so empowering. I wait for the day that they find a cure. In the mean time I will fight for understanding and to get up everyday even though it takes me 30 minutes to get out of bed some mornings and live my life and love my life and be grateful for all of the good around me. 


*Find others with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases.