The story of Christine

It’s not bad enough that at 52 I was diagnosed with Uveal Melanoma that completely shook my world, but near the same time, my husband was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, another rare disease. His is an auto immune disease meaning Grave Muscle Weakness.  His primary issue is double vision, so I have to do all the driving. I have Uveal Melanoma on my left eye.  I had plaque radiation where they sew a radioactive disc to the tumor for a week, then remove it.  I now have a huge void in vision in that eye, double vision, waves, stars and floaters. We make quite a pair.  In addition to the Uveal Melanoma, I have Fibromyalgia, IBS, Peripheral Neuropathy, Thoracic Outlet syndrome, a previous cervical cancer and had a radical hysterectomy, and many nerve entrapments and other issues that go along with Fibromyalgia.  My husband volunteers as a fire man despite his MG.  I am an artist struggling with my vision and issues.  In spite of this, we do what we can for who we can.  We both help others first. It’s difficult not to let our diseases run our lives. We have learned that you have to be your own advocate. You need to push for your care.  Never assume someone will take care of something for you. I’ve had to fight for my husbands care. Every day is a fight. Every day you get up and make the decision to go on. It’s not easy, but we are not quitters.