Dermatographic New Yorker

The story of Daisy

Hello, my name is Daisy Juarez and I’m a patient of Dermatographia. Two and a half years ago, I would get a simple scratch on my arm from the simplest of objects like a notebook or a table corner and it used to just be ash on my arm, but fast forwarding to present day, a simple scratch from those simple objects lads to wheals on my skin. i pushed the idea of it being a skin condition to the side, but the condition kept becoming more noticeable. Pulling my books out of my bag because a daily obstacle and having to wear sweaters became a normal thing for me for people to stop asking me what happened to my arms. If it wasn’t for a re-blog that popped up on my Tumblr dashboard, I would’ve never found out the name of my skin condition: dermatographia.