SIOPE: The European Society for Paediatric Oncology

Belgium Belgium

About SIOPE: The European Society for Paediatric Oncology

Through the integration of research, care and education, SIOPE and the European community of health professionals address the two goals of the next decade: to increase the cure rate and the quality of cure of children with cancer. This will be achieved through:

  • Strong and integrated research programmes from basic science to clinical research;
  • Improved access to standard care and expertise across Europe;
  • Training and education of all health professionals taking care of children and adolescents with cancer.

SIOPE Mission & Activities in a nutshell

Supports and facilitates education and training for health professionals in Europe

Integrates patients and parents across Europe, bridging the gap between family groups, professionals and policymakers

Optimises the availability of information on childhood cancers and promotes international collaborative clinical trials

Promotes and advocates better policies for children with cancer and paediatric oncology professionals to European Union policymakers

Elevates standards and develops pan-European guidelines for training and care in paediatric oncology


The mission of SIOPE is to ensure the best possible care and outcome for all children and young people with cancer in Europe: to achieve this goal, our Society addresses the main challenges faced by European paediatric oncology professionals through a multidisciplinary and pan-European perspective.

Partner details

Giulia Petrarulo
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