PRP Alliance

United States United States

About PRP Alliance

The PRP (Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris) Alliance is a nonprofit patient advocacy organization. Since November 2013, the PRP Alliance has served the global PRP community and supported the ever-expanding membership of the PRP Facebook Support Group. During the past decade membership has grown from less than 120 to 2,117 members.

The mission of the PRP Alliance is to advocate for the timely and accurate diagnosis of pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP), the implementation of more effective and accessible treatment options, and an increase in PRP-specific research.

The PRP Alliance maintains 1,875 patient profiles in the PRP global Database, supports the PRP Survival Guide and will publish the 265-page 60-Second PRP Roadmap as part of Rare Disease Day 2024.

Partner details

Bill McCue
United States
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