DG-GT e.V.

Germany Germany

About DG-GT e.V.

The German Society for Gene Therapy e.V. (DG-GT e.V.) is a national non-profit organisation founded in 1995 – uniting basic scientists and clinicians who deal with a wide variety of areas of vector development, gene transfer techniques, gene therapy treatment strategies and their implementation in the clinic.

We aim to provide a network that promotes scientific exchange at all levels and, in close collaboration with other national specialist societies, actively participates in the translation of gene therapy approaches from experimental research into clinical application.

The DG-GT e.V. acts as an information platform and discussion forum on questions in the areas of gene therapy, molecular medicine, stem cell biology, and new molecular techniques.
The advisory board of DG-GT e.V. has well-known experts available as contacts for specialist questions and discussions.

Partner details

Prof. Dr. Axel Schambach
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