XI Jornada CIBERER Investigar es avanzad: Inteligencia Artifical aplicada a la investigación en enfermedades raras

Hosted by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER)

25 February 2022


The 11th “Investigar es avanzar” Conference, organized by CIBERER on February 25, will deal with the potential, risks and benefits of applying artificial intelligence to research on rare diseases.

The experts participating will be: Carme Artigas (Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence), David Carmona (Head of Artificial Intelligence and Innovation at Microsoft), César de la Fuente (Professor and Head of of the Machine Biology group at the University of Pennsylvania), Julián Isla (President of Foundation 29) and Pablo Lapunzina (Scientific Director of CIBERER), moderated by Joaquín Dopazo (director of the Bioinformatics Area of ​​Fundación Progreso y Salud-CIBERER).

The meeting will conclude with the award ceremony of the II CIBERER Photography Contest on research into rare diseases

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