I tumori rari: sfide ed opportunità

23 February 2023
Viale Orazio Flacco, 65, Bari, Italy


Rare cancers are a mixed group of more than 200 kinds of neoplasia, and globally considered they are about 20% of all solid cancers. Moreover, rare cancers are often associated to non-oncological rare diseases due to genetic alterations that underline both conditions.
Rare cancers are characterized by a worst prognosis than less frequent cancers, due to a later diagnosis, shortage of therapeutic options and treatments fragmentation.
Due to their complexity, treatment of rare cancers requires specific professional skills in specialized centers able to ensure a prompt, multidisciplinary and high profile clinical management, besides a cooperation at national and international level.
Patients with rare cancer and their families do not often find the suitable answers to their health needs in Apulia Region, therefore they are forced to migrate in other Italian regions. In occasion of the Rare Disease Day, Associazione Bottega del Sorriso, Istituto Tumori IRCSS and Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus promote the meeting “I tumori rari: sfide ed opportunità”, an occasion to meet and to discuss among all the actors involved in rare cancers and diseases: doctors, researchers, patients and their families, institutions, companies.
The meeting is then aimed at underlining the value of cooperation, improving the health assistance organisation and boosting scientific research.


Event details

23 February 2023
Viale Orazio Flacco, 65, Bari, Italy
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