Diversity of Rare Diseases

23 February 2022
Blv Lacul Tei 120, Bucharest, Romania


Colors have a strong symbolism for people around the world. This year the theme of the global campaign dedicated to Rare Diseases Day is the use of colors to communicate messages in an attempt to express the diversity of rare diseases. Color is a major factor in visual communication. We are surrounded by a lot of colors.
Have you ever wondered what the world would look like without some colors? Or without all colors? But let’s not forget that there are people who do not see the colors. Diseases can be expressed in colors, but colors can also suggest diseases. There are many signs based on color in both common and rare diseases: the color of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes, urine and stool, etc. could suggest a medical problem. But the colors also heal us.
We invite you to enter today through the world of rare diseases through colors and to decipher their secrets with the help of experts. The symposium entitled “Diversity of Rare Diseases” will provide participants with a unique experience in the world of rare diseases, an opportunity to disseminate information and raise awareness of rare diseases. In Romania live over 1,000,000 patients with rare diseases, most of them undiagnosed, patients waiting for their specialists and the discovery of the diagnosis.
The scientific program of this 2022 virtual edition (the 14th edition organized locally since the start of the global campaign) of the symposium brings together numerous specialists who have been involved in the diagnosis of rare patients and who can offer further their expertise in recognizing rare pathology. Thus, we can slowly hope that rare diseases will no longer be unknown in the medical world.


Event details

23 February 2022
Blv Lacul Tei 120, Bucharest, Romania
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