Hosted by Indo US Organization for Rare Diseases (IndoUSrare)

28 February 2021


IndoUSrare presents ART4RARE 2021, our first Annual Kids Art Contest.

Calling on kids everywhere to show off their artistic talents to raise awareness about Rare Diseases, and a chance to win attractive prizes.

Age Categories: 6 years and under, 7 to 10 years, 11 to 15 years

Theme: All Things Rare (e.g: Rare Plants, Animals, Diseases, Events, Abstract)

This year’s theme is “All Things Rare”. Artwork submitted should represent something rare – it could be a rare or exotic flower, plant or animal, a rare event like a comet, a rare geological formation, or an abstract artwork representing “RARE”.


About IndoUSrare:

IndoUSrare is a non-profit 501(C)(3) public charity organization on a mission to accelerate affordable orphan therapies for rare diseases by catalyzing cross-border collaborations between stakeholders of rare disease in the USA and India.

Event details

28 February 2021