To young for this ? So I thought

The story of Celine

Well they say 3s a lucky number not for me I’m 47 yr old f had this disease around 2 half to 3yr isherwood since I stopped smoking 20 a day after having problems got sent to see a few professionals regarding my health and finally a rumathologist who said stop smoking or ultimate get lupus I did took me around 12 week of smoking since I was about 13 so in that respect I did OK and yeah I am tempted because I had trouble and more trouble since I stopped but my aunt had lupus and I seen how it affected her anyway I’d been for the lung function tests the xrays the high resolution scans the function tests the bloods the brontiscopy and the specialist confirmed it was well what I said but to be sure a lung biopsy was needed and my results came back the same as I already knew so now I wait a few more week to go see a specialist about my treatment if any I’ve been told I probably get put on immunosuppressants hope they work but when I went back for my results I seen my self the xrays wasn’t as bad as the previous time but I also heard I could go into a remission stage but afterwards I’d probably have a bad flare up has anyone else having the same kinda problems ..take care