Spreading awareness about Trigeminal Neuralgia

The story of Tatiana

My name is Tatiana, I’m 46 years old and I’ve been dealing with TN over the past 12 years. I leave in Brazil where I was born, and here TN is really disregard. I tried to find out what was happening with me during 18 months without any answer, but since I found out, I had everything that was possible to try to get a better condition and quality of life. I NEVER give up! I live to spread awareness about TN in this country. Of course the disease changed my life, but I decide to fight by myself to bring awareness in Brazil. I created two mascots, a channel on YouTube and since February 1st, every single day I post some informations about TN on my Instagram, during the whole rare disease month. I also have a group in Whatsapp with almost 300 brazilian people with TN. I’d like to work a little more hard yet! I won’t NEVER stop!!!!!