Palatal Myoclonus and Occipital Neuralgia

The story of Danielle

Mid 2011, I was pregnant with my first child, and suffered from hyperemeis Gravidirum. I was sick up to twenty times a day. About halfway through my pregnancy, I began hearing popping noises in both ears all day, and pain from the base of my neck to my eyes. I was being seen by an ENT and a Neurologist. It took about a year for a diagnosis of Palatal Myoclonus which is essentially a muscle spasm in the soft palate. It is continuous and has no known cure. Then in 2015, I was diagnosed with Occipital Neuralgia, which is chronic nerve pain in the Occipital Nerves. It’s been a long road full of trails and errors where medications and treatments are concerned. I’m very lucky to have an awesome support system.