Painting my journey with SMA

The story of Brandon

Spinal Muscular atrophy- There is HOPE

Branden was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of 1.SMA is a progressive neuromuscular disease that takes away the ability to walk, eat or breathe without assistance. “Walking to a portal” captures Branden’s wish to walk as he has never crawled or walked before. He painted it with his fingers imagining himself walking to a portal that will bring him to another dimension, where he can walk and play without a wheelchair. The bright colors reflect his happy and hopeful view in life. He started painting when he was 2 years old as a form of therapy and has since used art to help other children with SMA and rare disease. His favourite words are ” best day ever” and “never give up”. Living with SMA is full of challenges but Branden’s happy and cheerful attitude has shown many that “ we should not count the days but make the days count”.

The artwork “Walking to a portal” has received an award for the EveryLife Foundation’s 2020 Rare Artist in the children’s category.


*Find others with SMA on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases