Overcoming Disease with Diet

The story of Coral

I am a recovering acromegalic – my tumor grew very slowly, over 35 0r 40 years and I believe this was because I became a vegetarian as a child and consumed very little animal protein. I have been completely vegan for 4 years now. My tumor was removed in 2017 and has not returned. To anyone with any disease I recommend a plant-based vegan diet – it works for me and I am convinced it will work for many others. Humans have evolved to eat plants, not animals. We don’t have large canine teeth or claws and our intestinal tract is 12 times our body length, whereas a carnivore’s intestines are only 3 times body length; we cool our bodies by sweating through our skin, carnivores pant; humans obtain vitamin C from food, whereas carnivores produce their own and most noticeable to me is that carnivores lap liquids with their tongues and herbivores or vegans sip with their lips when they drink. So, try a vegan diet. It can’t hurt and it may have considerable benefits. As well as helping your body, you will help to direct humanity towards ending the unspeakable cruelty of animal farming and you will help the planet by reducing deforestation and production of methane. BTW – I’m 77.


*Find others with Acromegaly on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases