Not Defined by My Disease

The story of Hope

Life is very funny sometimes isn’t it? I found out that I had a tumor in the back of my eye by getting hit on the forehead with a cookie sheet — I really think my Mom, who had died just 6 months prior, tossed that thing at me! After treatment and biopsy I found out that I had class 2 OM, not a great diagnosis. But thankfully I felt great and focused hard on my health. 

I decided, with Dr. Sato’s (Philly) recommendation to take Sutent, an oral chemotherapy. This was supposed to stop metastesis but it did not. I was diagnosed with mets in my liver in November 2015. Yes, I am STILL HERE and STILL VERY HEALTHY. They see spots on the scans but nothing is growing, probably due to the year of Opdivo that I had injected into my arm twice a month.

Honestly this cancer is not on my mind any longer. I focus on my health: I have completed 5 sprint Triathlon’s since diagnosis, I do hot yoga 3x a week, I run, I bike, I walk…plus I am vegan (mostly, I do eat wild caught fish occasionally and cheese occaisionally), don’t and will never drink alcohol again (gotta keep liver happy), and on-and-on-and-on…think you’ll need to contact me for my entire regimine. 

I will not ever let this cancer diagnosis (I still say they are all wrong) define me and I will write again about my progress when I am 80 years young!Â