My Little Angel

The story of Raechel

Hi I’m Raechel , I have a daughter who battles Schizencephaly and Seizures, among my 3 children, my youngest got this rare disease, though it’s heartbreaking seeing her crying out loud and I even don’t know what she feels I always support her, last July 2017 she sufferred Broncho pneumonia she almost died because her body is so toxic abd heart beat ang pulse rate are very low, but she is a fighter after 2weeks in the ICU she was moved in a private room for more than 2weeks because she was still monitored, then after a month she was already discharged and she gain weight again, then we took her CT Scan and EEG test and it resulted in having seizures and Schizencephaly, though her brain is dilatated of fluid her Doctor told us that she doesnt have a hydrocephalus, it came that her ventricles are as big as a loaf bread but doesnt have excess water in the head thats why she told us that it can’t be hydrocephalus, but this fluids made a way through her brain that damages it, now she still like a baby that need to be supported when she sits and she cannot still stand on her own and cannot put her head up yet and she still have therapy for her muscles not to be stiffen. And she stills a happy baby though she cried alot