An image of Sam sitting on a rock as a child.

My experience living with EPP

The story of Sam

I am Sam, a 21 year old film student living in the UK. I have recently created a short documentary for my course about living with EPP that includes stories with the condition from me and my parents as well as Natassja (a mother of 2 younger EPP sufferers) and Dr. Sarkany of Guy’s Hospital London (one of the countries’ leading experts in EPP).

The short documentary provides an insight into what EPP is, as well as what living with such a rare condition is like and how severely it can affect an individual and those around them.
I hope that through the documentary being seen and shared around that I may be able to help raise awareness for the condition, because (as detailed in the film) awareness is possibly the best thing that can happen for any rare disease. Please give it a watch and feel free to share it around. I have spent months making it and the whole thing has been an intensely emotional experience for me as it has forced me to reconsider my relationship with the condition, as well as reflect on how severely it has changed my life.

Flares - A short documentary about EPP (2024)