MSK-what a pain!!

The story of Diane

Hi there, my name is Diane and I suffer from Medullary Sponge Kidney Disease. Both of my kidneys are like sponges and basically produce kidney stones on a daily basis. Some say it’s a Congenital Abnormality, whatever caused it or where it came from isn’t the point. I’ve had 35 kidney surgeries so far, over 500 stones and counting, 10 renal stents and re-occurring UTI’s constantly. I live with pain everyday and sometimes I can barely get out of bed. I’ve been passed up for promotions at work, denied disability, and suffer from depression, insomnia, anxiety and anger. I never know when a stone will become stuck and surgery will be required. My ureters have so much scar tissue that I can barely pass any stones anymore. The ER doctors treat me like I’m a drug addict because they’ve never heard of it. It’s horrible. But, saying all of this, I keep getting up and marching on. Eventually I’ll need kidney dialysis or transplants but until then I have to stay positive and be thankful that I have a great support group with God, my husband and people I have met suffering from the same disease.