Mal de Debarqument Syndrome

The story of Diane

l have MdDs as its know, there is no cure and mostly women get
In 2012 l went on a crusie to Norway to see if l liked crusing before doing a long haul, l had a wonderful time and when l arrived home l was fine, two days later l felt a rocking feeling and swaying, went to my GP who told me l had cystals in my ear, l was sent to ENT and had a eply manuver done to make the cystals go back, this never worked, then l was told l had MdDS, this is when the brain still thinks that you are unbalanced and tries to right it, its just like being on the waves 24hours a day, you also get the feeling of walking on a trampoline , your eyes can get effected with light and myself l have found loud noise makes me worst. you look normal and people find it hard to understand what you have. family and friends try and understand but relationships get very hard. l belong to a foundation and they are very helpful.www. MdDS foundation, life has changed so much l cant balance very well so housework is very hard, cutting bread of meat l can no longer do. going to shows l have to wear sunglasses and also an ear plug. l love dancing and wearing heels but are unable to do this any longer. Also l must say sorry for spelling have brain fog a lot also.