Little penguin that never knew

The story of Tabitha

Fibrous dysplasia is a chronic issue where scar-like tissue grows in place of normal bone. Which then can result to Bone deformity, Brittle bones, gate, fractures and severe pain. When I was 12 years old I walked for 6 months with limp and pain. Then once my mother took me to the doctor it was discovered that I could possibly have cancer… They wouldn’t know until the surgery was complete. They did a biopsy of the tumor and we found out that I had Fibrous Dysplasia. A tumor broke my left hip socket which needed two pins to hold everything in place. Every day seems to be a challenge no matter how many surgeries you have it never goes away. Now I understand why I was always called a penguin in school. Walking with one leg shorter than the other. Now I walk with pride knowing that I am strong and can face anything and so can you!