The story of Erica

I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in my right shoulder/arm about 3 yrs ago. This disease involves a dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system (neurological disorder) that causes chronic nerve pain, inflammation, skin changes, muscle spasms, loss of muscle amongst other sysmptoms. Over the years my specialists & physios tried to treat my condition with heavy opioids, physical therapy and medical procedures. The condition began to spread to my left arm, torso and then finally migrated down my spine to my legs and feet. I now am ‘widespread’. This condition affects my ability to function. It has taken my career, friends and threatened my independence. I have to take heavy opioids to get through the day, but I refuse to live in misery. There is the potential for some medical procedures in the future to give me more function, and less pain but there is no cure. The woman I was is gone, but I have a new body with new limitations and I am learning to live with it.