Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome

The story of Susana

I’m 28 years old and have recently been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis also known as painful bladder syndrome. I spent 4 years in pain and constantly and always looking for the nearest loo before I got diagnosed. I am now on medication and also an extremely strict diet and haven’t experienced much relief. I still haven’t fully accepted that I will have this for life, I have an extremely supportive fiancé which helps me cope with this autoimmune desease. I struggle to work full time and also with travelling leaving me feeling extremely limited. Sadly there is not enough awareness about these sort of deseases and also little research, this means that there is currently no cure only different treatments to try. I am trying to stay positive which at times is extremely difficult and people don’t always understand what you deal with on a daily basis. I hope that with time more research and funding are put towards IC/PBS and better treatments creates or even better a cure… can only keep going and wait.