If you can help your child you can help others

The story of Naila

When my son was diagnosed as thalassaemia patient, doctors told me that he will not live for more than 10 years, and there was no proper treatment for such patients at the time in our country. I was really surprised and happy when I met young thalassaemia patients in Turkey where I traveled with my son to get a thorough treatment. I realized that thalassaemia patients could live a better life if granted an access to healthcare, and I promised myself to change their lives in my country. I became a patient advocate in 2004 and was able to bring the problem to the First Lady of Azerbaijan, Her Highness Mehriban Aliyeva. A State Program that covers all treatment for thalassaemia patients in the country was established in 2006, and the Thalahssaaemia Center privides care to our patients from all regions since 2009. Today we have more than 1500 patients under permanent treatment including born marrow transplantation at the Thalassaemia Center. We still need improvements in our healthcare but I believe that if you can help your child you can help others! Always speak up! Be an advocate for your child and for many other children!