Happy for sight every morning

The story of Dennis

My story started in June 2014. My wife and I always take vacation around our anniversary and this year was no different. I had scheduled a routine eye exam with my optometrist because I was out of contacts. Luckily for me my optometrist checks your blood pressure and it just so happened that it was very high that day. He wanted to diolate my eyes and at first I didnt want him to because I didnt want to spend a day of my vacation with diolated eyes, but he pushed me because of my blood pressure and I finally gave in. Well while he was looking in my left eye, he noticed something pushing on my retna. He had no idea what it was and referred me to a retina specialist. 2 days later on my vacation I went to the retina specialist and found out that I had eye cancer. At the time I was a 6 foot 2 inch 250 lb 45 year old man who was now in tears. With all this happening I do believe someone was watching over me because luckily I only live about 1 hour from the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute where I met Dr. Singh. My first day there Dr. Singh and his entire staff made me feel so relaxed that I now realized thast my life wasnt over yet. Dr. Singh performed the radiation plaque on my left eye on June 20, 2014 and took a biopsy of my tumor. The good news is the cancer is class 1 and at this point in time I still have my sight in my left eye and the tumor is shrunken. Every morning I wake up and look at my alarm clock and can see it with my left eye, I already know that my day is starting off good. All I can tell anyone out there is just because you get the big C, it doesnt mean it is the end of the world. You have to keep your hopes up and fight every day. I know that there is still a chance that I could loose my sight in my left eye someday, but that is why I live everday with great hope when I can see another day in my life. One last thing, the biggest factor in me getting thru all this wasnt just the doctors, it was my wonderful wife Marilyn who I love dearly. Just remember to fight as hard as you can.