Being Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidneys Disease lead to changing my Lifestyle completely

The story of Carmen

I‘m Carmen from Germany.
2018 I surprisingly was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Cysts in both kidneys begin to develop in young age. They keep getting bigger and even more until the kidneys don’t function anymore. At this point you either on dialysis or you need transplant. There is no cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease.
With the change of my lifestyle I choose to support my kidneys.
Every day I’m doing my best to protect my kidneys by eating kidney healthy food. Doing a lot of different sports to keep me fit and healthy. And keeping up my positive thoughts. I also try to minimize my stress throughout the days. Because kidneys don’t do good with stress. I hope my kidneys will last for the next 20 years.
Thank you for sharing my story.
Greetings from Germany, Carmen.