Ashlynn 6 years old, to young to have a short life.

The story of Donnie

Our Ashlynn is 6, she should have the funnest childhood, play outside and run around like anyone else. Ash she is getting into 1st grade teachers had informed us that she was getting a little behind and it seems like she was having a difficulty seeing.

We thought that she may just need glasses or something to help correct her vision. However we found out soon after that Ashlynn has Battens Disease (CNL3). This disease will change her life forever, it causes her sight to rapidly degrade until she completely looses her vision. Once her vision is lost she will begin to have nervous system issues that untimely will impair and claim her life.

We just found out this month that she has this, Its still so hard to believe that her life is forever going to be changed, and that she wont out last her parents.

We are all deeply saddened by this news.

Check out her sites: