Egyptian society of medical genetics

Egypt Egypt

About Egyptian society of medical genetics

ยท Increased awareness about human genetics & genetic diseases among the public & professionals
to support and participate in research on genetic diseases in Egypt and to attract international
attention of specialized scientists.

ยท Holding of conferences, workshops, symposia and training courses in the specialized field of
human genetics to increase public and professional knowledge about the different genetic diseases
and methods for containing them in the society and exchange of scientific knowledge.

ยท Enhancement of research projects on genetic diseases, publication of results in a specialized
journal to be published by the society.

ยท Increase of public awareness about the prevention and management of genetic diseases through the
mass media and communications through newspapers, television& radio programs.

ยท Increase public knowledge about care & rehabilitation of genetically disabled through leaflets to be
distributed to the public.

ยท Encouragement of students and recent graduated to join the activities of the society.

Partner details

Solaf Elsayed
E-mail partner Visit Partner website