Importance and transcendence of the several areas of health in the diagnosis and management of low-prevalence diseases: Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

Hosted by Isaura Araceli González Ramos

28 February 2022
Guadalajara, Mexico


The objective of the event is to disseminate, among the community of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara and its students from the different programs, the importance and transcendence of the various areas of health in the diagnosis and management of low-prevalence diseases. It will be done through the presentation of posters with the theme:
* Rare diseases in Nutrition
* Rare diseases in Nursing
* Rare diseases in physical therapy
* Rare diseases in odontology
* Rare diseases in Medicine
* Rare diseases in Occupational Health
* Impact of COVID-19 on patients with rare diseases

Event details

28 February 2022
Guadalajara, Mexico
Contact host