My name is Leah Haynes and I am the co-founder of a Canadian-based registered charity called Endometriosis Events.
Endometriosis Events raises awareness for the disease endometriosis by facilitating school programs, support groups and events across the Greater Toronto Area.
Endometriosis (also known as endo) is a chronic, debilitating disease where tissue that is similar (not identical) to the uterine lining forms lesions, adhesions, and nodules outside the uterine cavity, and on different organs. It affects 1 in 10 people assigned female at birth. Currently, there is no cure nor a definitive cause. Endo may cause pain, fatigue, bowel and bladder issues, heavy bleeding and infertility.
We will be hosting an event on March 4, 2023 for Endometriosis Awareness Month, during which time we will be screening a film called Below the Belt. This documentary chronicles the journey of individuals with this disease.
Here are the event details for your reference:
I am wondering if RDD would be willing to share our event on this website. In doing so, we can help countless people and bring awareness to endometriosis.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my request; I look forward to hearing from you.
Leah Haynes
Registered Charity Number: 787669704 RR 0001
416.890.2306 (cell)